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Everything posted by sa-ra

  1. I certainly don't want anybody to do the work for me. I've come here asking for advice as there are people on here more knowledgeable on the topic than I am. I'm not sure why you think it's fair to pass judgment on someone you don't know based on a post on a public forum. High standards?? No idea where that came from but you enjoy your day!
  2. I'm just going off when I first came on here for advice., That is when it happened and I had assistance to submit the paperwork to get it dealt with. It was January 2015. I just re-read my first post...I wrote "January of 2013 a suspended order for possession was granted" and they wanted to go for an eviction in January 2015.
  3. Sorry for not repponding before. I'm not actually sure about that, sorry. I remember getting a letter about a court date to repossess the house. I came on here and was advised to fill out some forms which I sent to the Santander/Evershed. This was more than 6 years ago and I was told that I was given a suspended possession order and I believe it would last for 5 years. Does that sound right?
  4. It was stopped before it went to court but I believe they had a suspended possession order.
  5. Hi, is there anybody that can offer any advice? Thank you
  6. Sorry I forgot to add there are 14yrs and 9 months left on the mortgage and including the arrears a total of £81,216.99 left to pay. If it helps
  7. Hi all, Im back for some help. I posted in 2015 and received help from the lovely Ell-enn who I’m so happy to see is still active on here. I’ve fallen into much larger arrears over the last 2 years due to work being slow and then having to shield during the lockdown. I’m self employed so don’t receive any income when I’m not trading. I did apply for a mortgage holiday but after it was over I couldn’t afford to make any payments. I did the irresponsible thing of not keeping in contact with Santander so fast forward to now they have passed my account onto their solicitors (Ascent) and this week I received a N5 Claim form for possession of property letter from the county court. The letter is a bit strange as it says “your claim will be” and then has the date crossed out with a black marker. Even stranger is the time of the hearing, 5am as according to Google the court doesn’t open until 8:30am. I’m so confused by this letter and when I contacted the court they have no record of the claim number, and were unable to find anything under my name or my address. Has anybody experienced this before? The date crossed out is Friday 3rd December which frightens the life out of me as it’s just round the corner. I’ve spoken to both Ascent and Santander and they are not aware of any court date. I’m the only one to receive a letter. As of today my current arrears stand at £13,451.32 (a lot, I know!) and my regular mortgage payment is £518.24 (about to go down to around £485 as I’m switching to a lower interest rate). I made the mortgage payment on October 5th and have been paying £250 each week since then. The interest on the arrears is about £46 a month. I’m believe it will take me just over 2yrs to pay it off if I stick with that schedule. In September I didn’t think it would show affordability so I chose not to complete an income and expenditure form with Santander. Not sure if that was a good idea or not but I didn’t want a deficit to make the situation worse. At the time I’m sure the lady I spoke to said that if I could make an arrangement with them it would stop any litigation but now I’m being told that is not the case. It will only “help me”. I’m now back to trading and expect to be able to pay off a large amount after the Christmas period. My sister also offered to help me in the meantime so I contacted Santander yesterday to see how much I could pay to stop it going to court and they said only the full arrears amount could do that. I received the letter from the court on Wednesday and I’ve had my cries and I’m ready to get this sorted. I saw some letter templates regarding on the sticky thread and wanted some advise on which would apply to me? I was intending to use the template on page 10 and enclose pages 11 and 12 and send this to Santander. Or does it need to go to the solicitors instead? I have been advised to speak to Santander on all matters but perhaps they need a copy as well? I was also going to complete the statement on the last page and send this into the court with my N11R Defence form. Is it ok to send this in without a court date? Any guidance on how I can resolve this and whether you think £250 a week would be enough considering the arrears would be helpful. That would mean I’m paying £518.24 on the mortgage and £481.60 towards the arrears each month. When the interest rate changes then it would be approx. £485 towards the mortgage and £515 towards the arrears. Is that a reasonable offer to a judge from someone with an unreliable payment history? I’m really stressed out about this, know its completely my doing but I wouldn’t know how to explain it to my mum (who paid the deposit) on the house or my 8yr old son. Also worse case scenario and I did lose the house, would I be able to get any money from the sale. I have always hoped to give my mum back her 100k if I ever sold. She doesn’t even have her own home anymore and the money would really benefit her. She is going through a stressful time with her current landlords. Thanks so much for reading and sorry it got so long. I just wanted to provide as much info as possible.
  8. Collections and compliance say the only thing I can do is email Collectica's head office explaining my situation. The only way they can intervene is if I have a medical condition (which I don't). Does anybody have any experience with this, and whether or not my email will result in some positive news? Thanks again
  9. Someone finally picked up, she is just talking to her manager to see what can be done. She said I need to speak to the compliance centre but their automated messages says that once it is with enforcement officers they cannot assist. Hopefully she comes back with good news. Ok - she said that there was an agreement made to pay £20 a month, which is completely reasonable, however I have no knowledge of that and had I known it is definitely somthing I would've stuck to. I'm going to call the collections and compliance people and see. Failing that looks like I'm screwed
  10. Is there anything else I can try? I'm worried about the time and I have to pick my son up from nursery soon. Once he gets home I won't be able to do much
  11. Still trying...getting really stressed out now. I have two numbers which either ring and then going dead or are busy
  12. Is that the magistrates court the case was heard at? How would I find out where that is and what their contact details are? Sorry so much has happened since then I cannot remember where it was. I didn't actually go to the hearing I just sent a letter in.
  13. Hello all, Hoping someone can give me some advice to let me know what my options are, and whether or not this company is being unreasonable. Thanks in advance. I received a notice of enforcement from Collectica for a outstanding fine for TV License. My own silly fault that I did not pay it but to be honest it wasn't something I could afford. It says I owe money to HM Courts and Tribunals service which I assume is serious. Is this the type of debt that allows the enforcement office to let themselves in to my home? It says I have until tomorrow to pay or make an arrangement, which I have tried to do but they want the whole amount (£415) in full today. I explained that, that was impossible. I'm a single mum with a 1yr old going through financial difficulties and was told the minimum I could pay is £25 a week. Again, that would be impossible in my current situation. I called back and asked for it to be put in writing that £25 a week was the only amount they were prepared to accept and was given a stern no. I asked him to repeat the offer so I could record him saying it after I was told I could get a recording but would have to pay for it. I'm not sure what I would do with the recording anyway but thought it wouldn't be any harm to have it. I have spoken to two people both rude and unhelpful and both stating paying in full or a minimum of £100 a month is my only option. He said it is not means tested so they cannot do an I&E with me and because the fine is so old (Dec 2014) that is the best offer I will get. If anyone has any advice, information I can take back to them to get a better offer in place, or something that can hold them off from coming round and kicking down the door that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
  14. Ok thanks ladies. Just got home so I think it's a bit late. I will call in the morning. Eversheds are meant to send confirmation of the cancelled warrant in the post. Should I be asking for something else?
  15. Really? Oh wow. Ok well I have the number for the bailiff so I will give her a call when I get in. Thanks for the heads - up!
  16. Hi, Just wanted to drop in and let you know I received some good news today. Santander accepted my offer and will send written confirmation that the eviction has been cancelled. I'm planning on going back to work to make sure this doesn't happen again and now that I've started saving I should have an emergency back up in case things go wrong. Just wanted to thank everybody who gave me advice and even those who posted their problem. I feel like I've learned a lot about the whole eviction process. Hopefully I won't have to ever apply any of it! Thanks again
  17. Hi Ell-een, No I haven't made any payment. The only reason I haven't is because I'm worried that they will reject my offer and if the worst comes to the worst I want to have as much money as possible to sort out alternative accommodation for my son and I. I now have £600 to pay off the arrears and hopefully come the day of the hearing I will have more. I'm STILL waiting to hear back re: my offer but I want to go to the court tomorrow as you advised with my N244 application. I'm just trying to sort out all the paperwork now, following your advice in the thread. You've been a God-send!
  18. Thanks for the advice Ell-een, I will give them a call now and let them know. I think I may actually do it earlier than that though...I'm getting really nervous about this. In these cases are you able to get a hearing quite quickly?
  19. Apologies for the radio silence....hope you didn't think I'd got your help and then just went away. Just had some family issues to deal with, it's been a crazy time. Just to give you an update - I'm still waiting to hear back from Eversheds/Santander wether or not my offer has been accepted. Quite annoying as the not knowing is killing me but I was told yesterday that they would chase it up again and get back to me.
  20. It's currently at £1780 with interest being added. I remember reading something about £40 extra a month but I'm not sure if that is the interest amount or late payment fee. Why do you ask? Is there something I can do about stopping that?
  21. Yes and I've wanted to give it them since Monday . By Friday I may have £600 so as long as they agree I should be on the right track to sorting this horrible situation out
  22. I really hope so. I can't lose our home. Yes I added some other categories so the surplus was £170, and I offered to pay £130 a month towards clearing the arrears. No rush on the N244? Ok I can breathe a little then. I figured I would have to wait a while for the hearing date so I was panicking to get it done asap.
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