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  1. Hi Andy, I had a look but was extremely confused, this is the first time I've ever used forums and didn't really understand what to do. Feeling a bit stupid...
  2. Yeah, I came on here to find out if there's anything I can do to avoid having to pay it. Whether Vodafone can still do anything about it or anything.
  3. No I've had them, now I've received one from the County Court... That's why I'm not pretty worried.
  4. In 2009 I took out a Vodafone contract for two Blackberry Storm mobiles, I was 17 but told them I was older, however they didn't check. The screens on these mobiles kept breaking and I kept having to send them off for repairs, they were at the repair centre more than I had them. In the end I stopped paying as I had been paying for a service that I wasn't receiving and wasn't fit for purpose. Since all of that, my debt was sold to Lowell who have got a County Court letter sent out to me. I'm worried that I'm going to have to pay back the money, despite the reasons behind the contract not being paid. I've been trying to contact Vodafone to see if they can do something which may invalidate the claim, but they're useless and aren't interested in helping at all. Is there anything I can do, I'm very unfamiliar to this and have no idea where I stand or what to do. I don't have the money to pay and I don't want something like this on my credit report, or to be taken through courts.
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