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Everything posted by demward

  1. Hi HB I still have heard nothing from the forum guys, is there anything I should be doing Thanks David
  2. Hi HB I haven't heard anything yet, am I being too anxious? Thanks David
  3. Hello All Hoping someone can steer me in the right direction. This is my first foray into this so if I seem a little disjointed I aplogise. I had a business that started in 1999, we had some moderate success and took out a SFBL for £100 in 2002. The bank had us sign a PG and took a charge out on the business. Over the next 9 years the business started and stopped however we managed to keep the payments going. In October 2011 our 24K overdraft was renewed for 12 months. Great we had just started negotiations with a large client. In December 2011 received a phone call and an email from my "business relationship manager" saying there was a letter on the way but not to worry as it wasn't really serious. LLoyds had suspended my business account, I was still trading I was someone would be in touch with me shortly. I wrote top my BRM to enquire what to do as I could not open an account anywhere else and was told to trade out of my personal account. Meanwhile I was not getting anywhere with the contacts, no one responded to my emails or phone calls, the bank kept sending me COMPUTER generated statements and letters telling me of charges and penalties and interest but nothing of any note that would help resolve the situation. Eventually I wrote a letter to head office and was contacted by the commercial recovery department in Bristol in May 2012. By this time my debt had grown by £6,000 which was added to the outstanding OD and loan payments. We reached an agreement to pay off £1000 a month. They called in the PG but refused to take the charge off the account.Still could not open a business account. Wrote again to ask for the additional charges and interest to be refunded as I had been trying to resolve the situation since December but due to their lack of communication the charges had built up. I kept paying the £1000. Received a letter out right rejecting my request stating they had tried on many occasions by letter email and phone call to get in touch to recover the money - this was an outright lie, there was no communication except for the computer generated letters. I eventually went to a solicitor to see if we had a case. He said yes and said proceedings would be issued in the county court. Unfortunately the business hit a snag I had no means of funding a solution and I had to liquidate before proceedings were issued. The solicitor still has my file with all my documentation in it so I am a little fuzzy on dates etc. I have as yet been unable to retrieve the file. Wondering where to go and what to do. I am angry and confused and depressed. If anyone can help please do so
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