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  1. I got stung having visited Harrow (I live in Shropshire) after dark last May (2014) - drove west along GAYTON ROAD and saw a nice big right trun arrow into STATION ROAD so did that manouevre to meet wife coming from Harrow Station. Got a PCN some 4 weeks later. Checked on Google Streetview images - there is indeed a right hand turn white arrow but also, some 10 ft above the ground, small notices saying right turn is for taxis, buses, cycles only. Of course in the dark it's easy to miss the signs, just see the arrow. Fortunately the PCN was dated 29 days after the alleged offence - did some digging on the Web, the time limit for this sort of PCN is 28 DAYS. So just sent it back to Harrow, with the issue date clearly being 29 days after the event, they cancelled it. Phew, lucky...... (its 14 days for speeding tickets). Must be some divine justice after all, as this junction, especially after dark, is VERY misleading, and there's a nice CCTV camera pointed down from a tall pole, where drivers don't see it, onto this junction (you can see that on Google too). I bet Harrow have raked in £ thousands from this camera.
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