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  1. i'm currently having the same problem with BAUV BUT they are trying to get the police involved (or should i say was lol) by saying that i obtained the goods by way of fraud, the lad that came to my door was saying he was from dunraven finance but yet his id was just his name age and a photo (strike one) he then got irritated when i tould him his id dint tell me jack s#$t and to come back with some real ID or just dont come back (as you are legally allowed to refuse entry or to shere any info about yourself to 3rd parties without the right id, he then tried calling the police however as he was on the phone to them so was i. and here my advice to anyone in this same situation, CALL THE POLICE YOURSELF if they are not there already and explane to the person ALL the facts. now because i did this a police officer did turn up but not to help him nope not a chance they told him to politely go away lol and if you call the police before they show up (BAUV that is) the police will instruct you that it is indeed a civil matter and as such the police have no outline jurisdiction in the matter even if they are on scene, And if you make any complaints about the police if you can make them thew a solicitor as i have gone down this road before when i got arrested because i apparently stole my own car. admittedly i didn't receive comp for the loss of a days work but i did get a full written apology back to the reason for this post lol if bauv turn up at your door with the police inform the officer there thew a locked door that you wish to see his id (warrant card) as you plan to take legal advice from a solicitor over the phone before opening the door as you were made to balive that this was a civil matter and no criminal activity has been lodged any law obaying officer will tender there id up to your window for you to see and waite for you to make the call abiding to your civil rights. long winded but i hope it helps anyone in need due to bauv........
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