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Everything posted by roksee

  1. 3 go look, ? these post's are making me laugh, if my intial complaint was a complaint about miss-selling, how can number 2 be miss-selling. It appears that some of you, have misunderstood the concept of miss-selling, which is the following:- "The ethically questionable practice of a salesperson misrepresenting or misleading an investor about the characteristics of a product or service" Since i was not misrepresented by a salesperson or mislead, there is no miss-selling, the whole concept of the banking industries practise to solve their own doing has mislead you guys into a false sense of justice. Anyway dx please explain to me how someone simply placing onto an account without consent or ever speaking to the customer can ever be considered for miss-selling. Please look at the definition of theft, then re-evaluate what you know. I have been claiming back money for myself and others for some 10 years now, my success rate is 100 percent. I know i am going to get flack, but before you do, please tell me how that salesperson can have miss-sold me a product without telling me about it. I am waiting. also consider unsolicited items. But like i said this example will not have occured with everyone, its a teaser i know, but i am right. Don't forget a court of law deals with matters of law, where as a tribunal or regulatory body deals with erroneous procedures. If any wrong doing occures then those findings are refered to the national fraid squad for criminal procedures.
  2. MM69, i can prove it, i do know what i am speaking about, anyway just a little quiz for you guys, i was speaking to a Barclaycard person this evening who was making me aware of one or two things when she said in passing "we are only concerned with miss-selling", bingo, my mind went into overdrive, so here is the quizz (Q1)my account long standing created approximately 2003, in 2007 i made a complaint of miss-selling to liverpool victoria who then run the card, this complaint was looked into and i was awarded approximately £1500 in total. PPI was then removed from my card. was this an act of miss-selling yes or no (Q2) in 2008 PPI appeared on my statements.....There was no consent given nor was consent sought.(the clue is I didn't request it, i have cancelled a previous PPI) There is not in existance any contract, recorded conversation or any other implied contractual consent of any manner( i can prove that) is Q1 or Q2 miss-selling I know that this sounds too far, but i have used my working skills to research this I stopped paying my card in protect in 2008, i have not paid off anything todate. I have had one telephone conversation with mercers debt collection agency in 2010(one letter received which i responded to), they have said once i explained that i would come after them if they were saying they are taking over the debt, they are having nothing to do with it, i explained who i was and told them that i considered it an act of theft, they accepted my story because they have refered it back to barclaycard. i have not been threatned with court action, because a court would find in my favour, i know this sound bizarre, but i have found a flaw, in the proceedure dealing with PPI. Now you know about the 15 months where my statements were being sent to a third party due to the wrong address, here is another question, if for that length of time, my address was on their system even with this incorrect postcode, question. (Q3) would that address(house number correct, street name correct, area correct but with an incorrect postcode) be placed on my credit file.
  3. who what when where why, is the key, it maybe cryptic, but anywhere, thank you all for your replies, i have read and digested them all, you are all a font of knowledge, keep up the good work.
  4. mm69 Thank you for your comments, it is a rather interesting arguement, but(you knew this was coming), the deduction of monies started some time after i had cancelled the PPi, there was never any concern that a mistake like what you have mentioned occured, so any policy or direction would never had been carried over. Now to complicate matters, for a total of 15 months, my statements were sent to the wrong address, same road name, same house number but a different postcode, Barclaycard have acknowledged this but have never given me a complete answer, this as you know is a breach of the Data protection Act. I didn't want to mention it initially because this would have caused confusion, but along with my intial complaint of theft, which i can prove in a court of law, the fact of the matter and the crooks of it, there has never been any consent, Barclaycard do not have any written signature from me nor have i spoken to any member of the bank.(ignorance of the law is no excuse) Don't forget i was paid out, My Initial question was this, who placed that particular PPI onto my account, whether the arguement is "no one really knows how that PPI came about", well it came about unlawfully, thats my arguement, i can prove that. We have a operator that accessed my account, viewed my details, realised that there was no PPI present at the time(probably totally unaware that i personally had cancelled the PPI some time previously) so to generate more cash for their bank, placed onto my account a request to obtain a sum of money, commonly refered to as PPI, knowing far to well that at the time of this operation, they(the employer) did not have a consent that they were refering from and simply under the impression that should it be discovered they could use the arguement of miss-selling. The problem with my circumstances is that i was well aware of the history of this account and when it happened, i knew something was a miss. This is my concern, how many people have had PPI placed onto their account without their knowledge and are now being told oh its simply miss-selling. Like i have said surely miss-selling can only happen, when there has been some dialogue at least between the account holder and the card supplier, if there has been no dialogue, then the action carried out by the bank is unlawful, a criminal activity. I see it all the time, thats why i know. Now what i have just said may not pertain to everyone. I know its theft because of what i do(like my intial post), i am not at liberty to discuss my employement, but no one has told me i cannot talk about it.
  5. Dx100uk, Sorry, i have just re-read my post and can see the point where you misunderstood what i am saying. Let me put this another way. Tell me, if a bank places onto your account PPI without any consent from you, nor has it spoken to you, is this miss-selling or is it a case of theft. For your information i have made changes to my original post so that you can better understand what i am saying. I do apologise for not making my post clearer, but if i opened your account and took money from it(lets not talk about the safeguards in place, hyperthetically, if i took money without you giving me consent, would not that be theft) try not to use the word PPI, i have only used it because thats what is on the statement. This is why banks are ripping people off, because of the miss-understanding concerning their actions, dishonestly appropriates property with the intention of permanently depriving someone of it, is theft dishonestly(no authority,consent, didn't speak to me)just did it appropriates(took a sum from my service account) intention of permenantly depriving(placed it into their operating account, with the knowledge that i was not getting it back) Where is the miss-selling, it just appeared.
  6. Hello everyone, I would like to ask, all you out there, who are claiming back PPI on the grounds of miss-selling, this question. Did this premium(PPI) just appear on your statements, maybe it did, maybe it didn't. This story is for those of you who's PPI just one day suddenly appear on your statements, without having spoken to any one from the bank or credit card company about wanting PPI on the account. My story goes like this, long before PPI became generally known for what it's worth, back in 2007 i complained about my PPI on my credit card concerning the previous years. The company at the time(LV), investigated, found in my favour and paid me out in full and final settlement, a happy ending. The PPI was cancelled and REMOVED from the account. Like everything nowadays, my credit card was later taken over(GOLDFISH), Goldfish without any authority from me added PPI for a second time after i had cancelled my first PPI, this time without seeking any consent from me. In the meantime, Barclaycard took over my credit card. Now here's where it gets technical, because of who i am(cannot disclose my previous or present employer), i knew straight away that this was fraud, theft to be honest, my complaint to the bank was that payments of an unlawful nature had been taken from my service account. It's straight forward, because i had already cancelled and received a payout on the PPi, I noticed these deductions being made under the disguise of PPI, i knew straight away that something unlawful had happened. In conversation with a bank employer, they admitted that Goldfish was renowned for attaching PPI without permission. However the complication for me is that Barclaycard can not comprehend what i am telling them, for so many years they are under the impression or should i say, they like to think, they are dealing with a miss-selling complaint. This is not the case with me. I just wonder how many people are out there who could swear on oath, that they too never requested PPI yet PPI is on their statements. After all, how can you miss-sell something when you do not speak(write/request) to anybody, isn't that what miss-selling is, advising the customer wrongly(misleading) on the policy. Anyway, let me know, if your one of those customers who didn't speak to anyone about PPI or request it or indeed cancelled a PPI just to have another just pop up.
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