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Everything posted by bennymc123

  1. Ok so I now have my Notice to Keeper.. Now what? It's quite comedy too. It's very badly laid out, it almost looks like a Year 7 Word Processing exam piece - 'Word Art' has definitely been used somewhere! It's from a company rather aptly called 'Parking Debt Collectors'. Excuse me while I wet my pants in fear.
  2. Ok, I'll sit it out until NTK arrives Thanks for your help, I'll keep you posted
  3. Hi all I'm aware this has been talked about a lot here but just need some confirmation. I got a PCN on Saturday (6th December) in the Staples/Maplin car park in Leicester. Didn't see any signs telling me about rules etc but they were probably there. The reasons for my PCN states reasons '1' and '6': 1 - "Unauthorised Parking" and 6 - "Did not use Car Park Providers Premises and went elsewhere at the time of issue of the parking charge notice" I did actually go into Maplins and have a receipt to prove it. the time of my receipt says 13:06 but the PCN was issued at 14:30 so I guess I must have parked too long. Am I right in thinking that the reason that says "Did not use Car Park Providers Premises and went elsewhere at the time of issue of the parking charge notice" is actually invalid since I did actually use the store and can prove so? There is an option '7' that says: "USED Car Park Providers Premises and went elsewhere at the time of issue of the parking charge notice", which would have been accurate but this isn't the reason they gave ... invalidating the ticket.. right? Do I have decent grounds for appeal? Should I just wait for the NTK like is often advised on these forums? Thanks
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