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  1. Yes, I am. Minus the cost of the sale. Would they be likely to inform me where the vehicle is being sold? They said sometime in January. Thanks.
  2. No, I haven't had A DN or notice of termination. Understand I had missed some payments, which was because my bank account had beeen frozen unbeknownst to myself. Still ultimately my fault granted.
  3. By can do I mean, I was informed the vehicle will be held until a sale in January. Ideally I'd rather not lose the car, albeit already in their possession. I had offered numerous payment proposals such as clearing the outstanding arrears and then increasing the monthly repayments. I had offered to pay future payments up front for a number of months . And my partner even offered to be included on the repayment contract if need be. I was basically offering anything within reason.
  4. I'm not really sure where I stand with this and really could do with some advice having read some of the many posts on advantage fifinance nothing is precisely like my situation. I took out finance with Advantage in July. A week later with the car I received a welcome call and confirmed with the advisor that I wished to have the 2nd of every month as my billing date. This was never put in place. When the next payment defaulted as there was no funds in my account on 16th July Advantage were quite hasty in texting me saying the vehicle May be repossessed. I contacted them to make a payment and then requested the billing date changed to the second of every month again, they had no recollection of the initial request ever being made. During this time I hastily had to move from my address due to falling out with aggressive situation there. I had updated the v5 but in all honesty didn't think on the finance company. I had to move to a privately rented accommodation and incurred bond and first rent payments which made finances tight. Consequently I had missed September and October's payments. While working away I had an email from their accounts manager stating I needed to contact urgently. I emailed back directly stating I was currently away with work but could I be emailed the outstanding arrears to resolve my account. Then had an email back the following day saying thank you for your email and a number. I was at the time unable to call. The following day from that I was at my work address when security came and said there was a gentleman outside to speak to me, a rare occurrence, this turned out to be a repo man collecting the car on behalf of advantage. I declined to speak to him at work, 1 not knowing who he was and because I hadn't heard from advantage. The repo man had barricaded my car in and was refusing to leave, when speaking to him again I said I was finishing work shortly and would be open to meeting him at home following conversation with Advantage. He handed me a phone with someone from advantage on the other end who informed me my account had be terminated and the car would be repossessed there and then. I remained on the phone to advantage for nearly an hour explaining my recent situation and email and he advised that nothing could be done the account was terminated and the car was being repossessed. Now I have to be honest, following this exchange relented, i was driven by the repo man in my car to where I was able to empty the vehicle and following an issue of a receipt which I didn't accept the vehicle was taken. I still have a key and the v5 document and there is a possession still in the vehicle of my partners. I ring advantage feeling I had been compliant only to be told the same thing that the vehicle will not be returned and I will shortly receive a bill for outstanding credit. That's the outlay of my situation, wanted to post it up for any advice. Sorry if my description is a bit unstructured, I just needed to get it out. Is there anything I can do?
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