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wednesdays child

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  1. Thank you for the advice, we've spoken to our solicitor and that discussion along with the points you raised have given us fresh impetus to continue so thank you once again, i'm pleased we stumbled upon this site, incredibly helpful.
  2. wednesdays child

    What now?

    Hi, I'll keep this as brief as I can. My wife is a type 1 diabetic and during her pregnancy with our son started seeing "floaters" in her vision. Her diabetic midwife booked her in for an appointment with the eye specialist at our local hospital but in the meantime complications with her pregnancy meant she had to be admitted into another hospital 30 miles away for the remainder of her pregnancy. She told them about her eyesight and appointments but they told her to cancel the appointments and they would deal with it there. She was sent down to retinopathy a short time into her stay but the machine wasn't working and she was returned to the ward. Unfortunately another appointment was not made for her and a few weeks later she was rushed down for an emergency C-Section and after initial complications mother and baby were eventually ok. A couple of months later my wife attended another retinopathy screening and it was discovered that she had massive bleeding in her eye and after a couple of operations to save her vision unfortunately her retina detached leaving her blind in one eye. After the traumatic events surrounding our sons birth and subsequent partial loss of sight she became depressed. We sought the advice of a solicitor who obtained her medical records and passed them on to a specialist who wrote a report saying the second hospital was negligent as they didn't honour the eye retinopathy screening which would have picked up the bleeding and treated with laser surgery before it got too bad. This was put to the hospital who passed it to their litigation team who have just reported back the level of care my wife received was "reasonable". My question is this - Do we proceed? Is this just the hospitals way of trying to scare us away? My wife is despondent as she believes she deserves an apology for the failure to pick up on the issue earlier. What do you think? Thanks
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