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Everything posted by MW35

  1. Thank you it's a bloody nightmare with them, like I said I just won my ESA appeal that was stressful enough and now this, if I'm unsuccessful they obviously are not going to pay me pip up until May of 2018, so why they give people dates I don't know.
  2. Thank you for the reply but why the assessment so early, like I said it's in two weeks time. Surely if I'm not successful they will stop it before may 2018.
  3. Can someone please advise I was awarded PIP in 2015 only the basic rate, and was told it would be until May 2018, I have now been sent for another assessment in two weeks, I have only just won an appeal two weeks ago from my ESA Scoring 27 points when I was awarded zero points at my assessment, I have severe depression and anxiety, it seems as though the DWP has something in for me at the moment,,, is this normal for them to do this, because like I said I should have been ok until May 2018, as this has caused me nothing but stress and anxiety, its making me seriously consider whether to turn up or not as I can't handle this all the time. Thank you.
  4. I don't exactly know how much is in the bank account I think about £700 and £500 in a post office account, she was £800+ in credit with gas and electric, and also in credit with the phone bill and water which are all being refunded to me without any problems or going through probate, all I needed to do was send copie of the death certificate.
  5. Right I don't know how many times I've got to keep repeating this as people obviously don't read the full thread, I am her only living relative. My Nan and grandfather had 3 children, my father was the only one to have a child that's me. My auntie never married or had children, neither did my uncle, both are now deceased including my father, so nobody is going to come out of any woodwork! It's only me left.
  6. Just done that survey.. the Crown can **** right off!!! I've still got access to the bank cards and pin numbers... So **** the Crown, I'm her nephew my father was her brother, im the only surviving relative she had, if I have got to take ownership of my uncle's grave for my auntie to be buried with him then it's good enough for me to take ownership of any money she left. ****ing government!!!!
  7. No no will, I'm the only surviving relative. So at the time.. big mistake didn't think it was necessary.
  8. a friend and i have just cleared the flat, but I still don't see why I should be responsible for doing it, but anyway it's done now end of story. thanks all for your advice. I know if she as been over paid after she passed away it needs to be returned, but what if she had money in an account before, is that legally mine?
  9. Yes luckily I found out her funeral was prepaid so no worries there thankfully, her carer has the keys.
  10. I agree I would rather a charity take what they could rather than go to landfill, but what about any remaining items as I can't afford any clearance fees
  11. My auntie notified the hospital I was next-of-kin, I didn't know until the weekend i was i certainly didn't agree, but as being the only living relative she had I can see why she did it, I can't see there being any value to the estate as she struggled and was on benefits she was an old-age pensioner. Also there was no will, I have not taken anything from the flat as I don't need anything from their. But do need to read the gas and electric meter, I will see what citizens advice says tomorrow thanks all for the advice
  12. I've already looked at that but didn't find it very helpful or clear, I certainly won't be paying for removals I will see citizens advice, people die every day without anyone left, who covers the cleanout of they are property
  13. Am I liable for emptying a deceased's relative's flat of unwanted furniture? My auntie recently passed away I very rarely seen her and was shocked that I had a phone call on the weekend saying she passed away in hospital, as I'm her only living relative, I contacted the housing association about giving her flat up, they told me I would need to clear the flat I told them I can't due to other commitments and living too far away, they told me I would be liable to pay then so much for 3 items, can they do this? Am I liable for any costs?
  14. Thanks I will do, I've got an appointment with my citizens advice on Wednesday I will mention it to them also.
  15. I was kicked off ESA the end of 2014, successfully won my appeal March 2015, scoring 27 points from the original 0 that ATOS gave me, the letter I received from the appeal court, states review after 2016, but to my surprise the other day I received a letter with the ESA50 questionnaire that I need to send back by 5 February, This as seriously stressed me out, as I didn't think I would be called so soon especially after the appeal court letter stating review after 2016.
  16. I WON !!!.. Can't believe it I feel as though a weight has been lifted off my shoulders, I scored 27 points and after walking out I fought I blew it but clearly not, thank you all so so much for your help and advice, so glad I listened and went for the appeal. Thanks MW35
  17. That was the most stressful experience of my life and I'm not kidding, the doctor asked me questions for only about 5-10 minutes then the judge asked a lot more questions, he said I looked awful down then started asking my mother questions about my condition, I couldn't take anymore and walked out I was that stressed, they said to my mother they would let me know in the post, i probably blew it but I couldn't take it anymore.
  18. Thanks all for the support I let you know tomorrow fingers crossed, my problem is I don't know if I'll be able to follow the pile of paperwork I'm supposed to take, and if I do they will think I'm to mentally alert to be suffering from depression and anxiety, just gone over the paperwork with my mother, half of the stuff ATOS put down I was never asked, stressed at the moment is an understatement.
  19. Appeal tribunal tomorrow...(ESA). Absolutely bricking it, haven't been able to sleep in days with the stress, feel much more stressed than the actual ATOS exam, keep reading the forum and see people taking representatives with them, what's that all about as I was unaware I know it's too late but what do they mean by representative, as it's only myself and my mother going.
  20. That's not going to work she can't stand me..lol... I'll see citizens advice Wednesday as I shouldn't be paying for kids 18 and nearly 20 that I have paid for up until they were 16.
  21. They've already started taking money, even though I never had a letter from the CSA, only job centre plus, can't wait to see what citizens advice say on Wednesday. But this is the mental part that I just realised, deductions start 25/02/15 for the one child then 08/04/15 for the other child, deduction ends for the one child 07/04/15 but continues with the other child with no end date, also there is a slight different amount for either child.
  22. The letter came from job centre plus Wolverhampton, I'm from South Wales they told me they were instructed by the CSA to take money, and couldn't give me any more information that I would need to speak the CSA so I phoned CSA that's when I spoke to the arrogant P^^^K that basically said there was nothing I could do, I needed to pay something back, even though I've been paying but because they've got no record on it because we never went through the CSA, I've got an appointment Wednesday with my citizens advice I would love to make formal complaints as I can't see this being legal.
  23. Thanks for the reply, No unfortunately I didn't have chance to get his name he put the phone down on me, like I said I was paying for my kids up until they were 16, and my ex-partner as never claimed anything off the government she's always worked, so I can't see how they can do this especially the age my children are now.
  24. Need some advice big time, I received a letter from the job centre earlier stating they will be taking money out of my ESA for child support, I have never herd off the CSA, my two daughters are 18 and nearly 20 although I haven't seen them for a few years through no fault of mine I used to regularly give my ex money for my children she'd never got the CSA involved and she's always worked so never got the CSA involved, naturally I thought she had got them involved this time as I have not spoke to her in a few years either, I phoned job centre plus they told me I need to speak to the CSA as it was them who told job centre plus to take money from me, I phoned CSA add some right arrogant bloke on the other end telling me my ex had not contacted them and that it doesn't matter how old my children are as I have never paid through the CSA I must pay something back, surely this is not right due to the age of my children I told him I used to pay my ex money he told me it doesn't matter because it's not on their records! Please advise if they can do this or not, He also told me it doesn't matter if my children was working full-time when I told him I would take this further and see citizens advice he put the phone down on me.
  25. Thanks all for the advice, I will send it in, although not looking forward to the date, I'll let you know all the outcome, thanks so much for the support.
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