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Everything posted by fay.levit

  1. Why even bother with the fca when its obvious after months & years on a decision they do nothing?
  2. So what is the point in claiming OSC & DLC if it gets us nowhere. seems to me as if the fos doesn't care hence Brighthouse and others like them can get away with this type of thing again & again. are these regulators etc scared to fight these company's? Brighthouse wins again!
  3. Sorry for butting in but the sly way Brighthouse do it now with there 5 star service which really does hike the price up and includes insurance regardless of what they say to disguise it there is no way out for the customer to reduce what they pay per week
  4. Hi, Can someone explain on the spreadsheets what all these different amounts are as its got me confused.? the annual statement of payments I received says opening bal £1,012.80 then a little way down it has loan capital £837.51. then on my agreement it has total amount payable £657.80. Tomorrow I'm refusing to pay for the phone but I'm even more confused is to whether I have paid the off in full or not.
  5. Just sent my email of complaint to Perfect Homes head office so will see what happens from there.
  6. I'm gonna do it and not pay for the phone even though they tell me I still have to pay it cos of the cover plus on. that was meant to be took off in first place.
  7. So should I pay next week again or not? they said if I didn't pay the remainder and it still having cover plus on we'll get late payment fees though everything was meant to come off months ago. shall I just continue paying till I get the sar sent or what. Don't know whats the best way.
  8. Hi, thanks for that. manager stated regardless of the insurance/dlc taken off you still have to pay the £1,012.80 as that also has the apr added. even though my agreement states £657.60 when everything was taken off. they won't take the cover plus off unless we do a new agreement with them which I don't want to do. they still saying we owe £200+ and if not paid charges will be added and a doorstep collector will call. we've paid well over £800
  9. So I def should be finished paying for that phone shouldn't I? will just have to pay it until I sort the spreadsheet out and a letter. where do I send it to? should I also do a sar request for the other agreement as sure they still charging me more on that also.
  10. Hi, I really need a bit more advice please. today I took the two contracts and annual statement in to show I have paid. I spoke to the manager who said to me Ah I can see what happened. the insurance was taken off but the cover plus wasn't. we asked for everything months ago to be taken off and even signed a form for it to happen when we got our own. now according to him we never asked for it to be taken off and they can't find the form we signed. He also said that the £1,012.80 owed is the full amount you pay back even after an new agreement was started saying full amount £657.90. I argued that its not the case as once insurance etc was taken off I should only pay £657.90. he said I can remove the cover plus now but you'll have to sign a new contract, I refused to sign another as I wasn't sure whether to or not. I then said but that phone is paid for in full and he still argued that it wasn't and we still owe £290 balance because we're still obliged to pay the cover plus and even when its removed we still have to finish paying the £290. surely that's wrong. We ended up having to pay the £12.66 weekly payment or they'd apply charges to the account putting us in arrears. I told him I'll be reclaiming the lot back plus interest and he point blankly said in all the years hes been in that industry not one person has been able to reclaim anything as its not possible and can't be done. Advice greatly appreciated please as to whether I should sign another contract to get this cover plus removed.
  11. Can you reclaim on older agreements before the changes?
  12. This 5 star service has the osc and dlc hidden in the cost I now have to pay. I have my own insurance so why are you now forcing customers to take the 5 star service? all its done is added more to the price of the product. once I pay it off I certainly won't be buying from Brighthouse again. I'm also going to try and reclaim this hidden osc surely this is not allowed.
  13. Does this mean a hoover I had no other choice to buy from them in November with this so called 5star package at £6 per wk and a total of £436 payable I could do something about it? they told me I no longer need my insurance be shown at time.
  14. Sorry to jump in but does this now mean if you have bought anything after the 2nd September 2013 you can't get this optional/dlc took off?
  15. How can Brighthouse get away with making the insurance compulsory? surely there is some way around it if people have bought from them and are paying a bigger amount than what they would of done before the compulsory insurance. sly company that's for sure.
  16. Thought they could if they take you to court. Forgot to ask do I do the SAR first
  17. dx100uk I sent you a pm as I'm no good at math etc to reclaim, honestly I wouldn't have a clue.
  18. the insurance cover like PPI is ALL reclaimable I wonder what they'd say if I went into shop and said that phone agreement should be paid off now as my agreement states to pay back £657.60 and Ive paid over £700 so I'm not paying anything else towards it. they'd prob say if I don't pay they'll take it away.
  19. So the total amount payable is £657.60 surely this phone should be paid off as my reckoning is we've paid well over £700 so far and we're still paying £12.66 a wk as they're stating we still owe £260 which would end up us paying over £1000 for it. its like another agreement I have with them which was made up before I got my home insurance they charged us cover etc over 140 wks. now when I took my insurance letter in they rectified the payment as it was lower and a new agreement written out it was dropped to 80wks to pay. when I rang wks later to ask how many weeks I had left on the agreement I was stated 140 wks. just doesn't seem as if they are reducing or rectifying the weeks on the computer so really even though the cover etc was took off we're are still paying the highest amount unbeknown to us.
  20. Hi I started an agreement with perfect homes 17 Sep 2013 for a Samsung mobile. now my agreement states total amount payable £657.60 over 80weeks. today I receive an annual statement from them through the post which says opening balance £1,012.80 and remaining balance £290.90 Now I know when I first started I had to take all insurance etc. I did get my own insurance which I showed them. what I can't understand is how does my agreement show £657.90 and they are saying that huge amount on a statement. advice really needed please.
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