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  1. Hi Dx, thanks for replying with the link... It seems the main advice on that thread is this from Cardiff Devil : If anything does arrive from them, all you need to do is just respond to them stating that the POFA does not apply in this case, and that you are not liable as the vehicle's registered keeper. End the letter by politely suggesting that they need to take the matter up with the driver concerned, and leave it at that. My concern is that I'm slightly different from that poster as I have already sent an appeal to VCS and they now wont accept any further correspondence, my only option is to appeal to IAS. I apologise if I'm being slow on the uptake with all of this, just that when it comes to IAS I'm not sure what my best option is.
  2. Hi everyone, new to all this so hoping to get some advice, hopefully I'm not just repeating old threads... Long story short I got a PCN from VCS for dropping off on a red zone at Liverpool Airport. I appealed using the standard template and no surprises was rejected by VCS. I was expecting to be given a POPLA code but was instead told to appeal to IAS. I'm assuming VCS has recently moved from POPLA to IAS as all the information I've read up on this, people have always been told to appeal to POPLA. From what I can gather, appealing to IAS is nowhere near as successful as appealing to POPLA. What should I do? I stand to be corrected but I'm under the impression that the roads around Liverpool Airport are governed by byelaws and as such VCS should not have been allowed to obtain my details through DVLA (I intend to submit a complaint to DVLA regarding this) Is it worth submitting this legislation as part of my appeal to IAS? I've not admitted to being the driver. Should I just ignore any future correspondence etc? Very confused as to what my next step is so any help would be greatly appreciated thanks!
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