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Everything posted by lifesux

  1. Nice one! Let me share my story: I recently moved supplier, i came home from work, found a card from my new supplier asking for a meter reading. I called them up and provided this to them, with no issue. The NEXT day, I had one from my old supplier, which I ignored. The day after, the Meter Operator (MOp) banged on my door. I answered it: Me: "Yes?" MOp: "I'm here to read your meter" Me: I gave my supplier the reading 2 days ago Mop: Let me in to read your meter Me No. You do not work for my supplier. My meter is none of your business Mop: OK, I'll go down the road to (Network Operator) and they'll disconnect you for having an illegal supply Me: No they wont. My payments are up to date. My supplier has an up to date reading. What makes you so sure that my supply is illegal? Mop: Because you won't let me in Me: That doesn't count, (Network Operator) won't disconnect me Mop: What makes you so sure? Me: Because I work for them. Goodbye Mop: *goes away with his tail between his legs" Moral - just like bailiffs, they think they can scare people into submission
  2. No idea why they're insisting. This is despite both sides asking for it to be local and us asking due to ill health. Thanks for the heads up though. Forewarned is forearmed!
  3. Hi All, It's been a while! I have a question for those who have been through this process. Long story short, I'm involved in a case that's going to the above tribunal. Both sides have asked for it to be held locally, but the Tribunal have said that it will be held in London. We have asked them to reconsider as someone on our side suffers bad health. We haven't heard from them yet, but that's by the by. My question is, if it does go to London, is it held in a court-type setup, or is it more like a conference room (all sitting round a table)? I appreciate that if it is to be held locally, it depends on what's available. Its happening at the end of the month.. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated Cheers Luke
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