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Everything posted by George563

  1. Quite often, a person's tone of voice and their demand together seem to me like they are forcing me to do something. Forced could be a substitute word for bullied. I will consider calling AF again. When that man rang at 11.00 am, I told him to P-off. Haven't heard from him since, but it's early days. I will be moving house in the next couple of weeks and I might get a new telephone number which should end all of this.
  2. That Jennings man can't leave me alone. He's just rang me again just before 9.00 am and after 11.00 am. I am sick of his harassment.
  3. I have spoken to UKash and Action Fraud on the telephone, following on from the online form I filled in for AF. The £225 in UKash slips have been spent which means that I can't get them back again. It frustrates me so much. I will probably go to the bank later to talk about the fraud and the £100 deposit that I was forced to do. I have the AF crime number and the UKash incident number written down. I hope that it will get better from now. I hate being forced into situations that I often don't want to be in the first place. EDIT: That man has rung me again - but I put the phone down and unplugged it from the socket. ANOTHER EDIT: He has rung me again. I have put the phone down again, and unplugged it from the socket again.
  4. I am going to do that this morning. I have got the number written down.
  5. I just have landline telephone at the moment. How do I go about something like compensation? I have a credit card debt to pay, and now I have around £400 in costs thanks to this situation on top of that. They offered a loan, but they blackmailed me into sending money to them instead. I am with Lloyds Bank and I approached them first for a loan. If they had accepted me for it first, I wouldn't be in this mess. I have also contacted my local newspaper. I am sure that my plight would be interesting for readers, and they might even offer support for me. I don't know.
  6. Yes, that sounds like him. His name comes up a few times on similar pages online as well. I have just completed a Fraud Report form on the Action Fraud website. I know great detail about what happened which should help. I hope that this will get solved and at the very least, get all my money back.
  7. Thank you for the replies. Sorry I couldn't respond earlier but I was having a rest. I am not 100% certain what the company is called, but I believe that it is called Loans 4 U or Loans 4 UK or something like that. I did a Google online and things seemed to match. I have to say that they don't ring bells with myself. The man who I was speaking to said that he was called Peter Jennings (if I am allowed to mention his name). His name seems to match a few things online as well. Unfortunately, I am unable to record the call as I don't have any recording device attached to my telephone. I shall report this to Action Fraud and UKash (which I never heard of until this incident happened).
  8. Hello Not sure this in the right forum. I have a very difficult situation here that I want you to help me to solve as soon as possible. I have removed names, companies and numbers for now. I have difficulty paying my credit card, which I have for security reasons, what with a house move and Christmas coming along, it will be very difficult for me, financially. I was so desperate that I have contacted loan companies, one of them has contacted me, I feel very anxious about it. I wonder if you can help me with this. I felt that £2,500 would clear my card and have something left over in my bank account for my move and for Christmas. I selected 24 months to pay it off as I was optimistic that I could afford the repayments. Now I know why my bank and other companies turned me down for a loan. On Wednesday I had a telephone call from a loan company. The man on the phone said said that he could offer me a £2,500 loan but under certain conditions. First of all he said that I had to pay a £100 deposit into a bank account. He forced me to pay £100 into the account of someone who is supposed to be the Managing Director. This man then insisted that I purchased £225 in UKash receipts at 2.02 pm and 2.03 pm - one was for £115.00, and the other was for £110.00 at my local off-licence. He made me quote the numbers on the receipts over the phone. He then said that he still had problems with the loan and asked me for a further £350 for in UKash receipts, late saying that he would accept £250, and then he would deposit my loan into my bank account. I have never applied for a loan before, but I have to say that this feels so suspicious that I have had to depart with £325 of my money, and another £250 of it. He said that I would have to get this out of my bank account tomorrow morning as I don't any funds in until my money comes in tomorrow - when my benefit money comes in. I have asked if I could cancel this, but the man says that I can't. I was so distressed over the phone. I have looked up this man's name online and I found out that I wasn't the only one who had been duped by this. I feel sick and drained that my money has gone like that, and I feel that I am not going to get the loan deposited. It is disgusting because I trusted this man. Is there anything you can do to help me with this with the information I have given you? I don't want to get more money out of my bank tomorrow, and I have a gut feeling that I am not going to get this loan. I have been so badly affected by this that I want compensation as well as my money back so I can live normally. I live on my own and I have Asperger Syndrome, and I was already struggling as it was. I am going to move house soon. My family normally have money in supply for me, but because they have been buying furniture for the new flat, I doubt there would be much left at the moment. I only have £17 in my bank account. Tell me how can I pay £1,440, with £325 on top of that, Credit Card bill? I only have 1% of that money in my bank account, and it will take me years to clear it now. I only get just over £300 in benefits. I was clearing the card ready for the house move. Going back a couple of years, I could complete pay it off, but now I can't. I have bank account listing the payment as the UKash slips as evidence. I also have the details of the account number and sort code of this Managing Director as well. Please help me. I have learnt my lesson if one has to be learned.
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