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Everything posted by Leo1983

  1. Hello, Yes the defendant has acknowledged the claim and submitted a defence (part of which was that the claim cut off towards the end actually). The reason I didn't think much of it at the time was because of what someone on the MCOL helpline had told me, and a second time I rang, another helper told me I'd have a chance to submit documents when/if I was instructed to do so by the courts. The claim has now been transferred to a county court hearing centre for allocation, where a procedural judge will allocate the claim to track and make further directions. It's not a consumer claim as such, it's against an ex-landlord, but there are very few forums that discuss claims of this kind, and even less people who use them. A landlord offered me a room at a discount if I paid in advance. However, in our contract it stated that either party could give one months notice to leave. Unfortunately things turned sour and I asked to leave. He agreed to pay me back the remaining money I'd given, and has only paid half back (after repeated badgering), and payments stopped after a few months. I have all our correspondence over email and I'm sure that once it's seen by the courts (which I've been waiting to do), I have a good case to get my money back. However, now I'm worried it may not even get to that.
  2. I filed a small claims case online, where there is a character limit to explain the particulars of the case (1080 characters to be exact) I was dismayed to find that when I had finally finished, part of my claim had been cut off. I rang the MCOL helpline asking if this was a problem that would affect future court action, and the man on the other end of the phone told me not to worry, this was for the benefit only of the defendant, so that they would know what exactly I was claiming for, and that if the case went to court, I would have the chance to send in additional documents explaining my case fully then. However I've now found out that there was a chance to send in particulars of claim, but it was 14 days after initially beginning the claim, which I am now past. Is this something I need to worry about? Will my case automatically be dismissed because the court cannot fathom what has happened from my initial document? What should I do?
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