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Everything posted by Ftgab19

  1. BazzaS my partner doesn’t know if it was protected just that she paid £200 and she was told the deposit was transferred over to Let my homes from choice rentals about half way into her tenancy. the new letting agent has emailed back this morning saying the following. Im really sorry but we cannot proceed with such a large amount of arrears outstanding. Without a reasonable explanation I will have no choice but to fail the application. Have you spoken with your current agent?
  2. Sorry I’m not sure what you mean about our cause issues? I could add in the following if you think it will help. I’m sorry it’s took so long to get back to you we’ve just been trying to get to the bottom of what’s happened with the old letting agent. I’ve looked at all my paperwork and can’t understand how they think I owe them anything. My partner and I have looked at the deposit agreement and can see we’re very close to the deadline for signing an agreement and needing a decision from the landlord. Since my rent payment share would of been 0% and my partners 100% can we take my name off the application and have my partner as the only named tenant with whats happened? I’ll just be an appointed tenant and have my partner be liable for the full rent. Because we won’t be able to sort out what’s happened with the old letting agent in time for the deadline and we really don’t want to lose the perfect house for us. We was hoping to be here for a long time and we really need to start booking a moving van and be moved in before our new baby arrives. We feel like this house gives us everything we need and we want to raise a family there and turn it into are home for a long time. We are happy to do everything and anything we can to put the landlord at ease with us being tenants. We are more then happy having my partners parents as a guarantor on top of him being the only named tenant if necessary.
  3. Okay thank you xd So I can send that over to the letting agent and just deal with the old agent when we need to.
  4. Hell I’ll empty my saving and pay 6 months up front if I have to I just need this house and I need it ASAP. Before this baby arrives and makes everything 10x worse
  5. But like you said the old letting agent doesn’t matter anymore. All I want is to get the property. So since I now don’t want to keep my partners name on the tenancy can my partner email the following to the letting agent? I’m sorry it’s took so long to get back to you we’ve just been trying to get to the bottom of what’s happened with the old letting agent. I’ve looked at all my paperwork and can’t understand how they think I owe them anything. My partner and I have looked at the deposit agreement we signed and we can see we’re very close to the deadline for signing an agreement and needing a decision from the landlord. Since my rent payment share would of been 0% and my partners 100% can we take my name off the application and have my partner as the only named tenant with that’s happened? I’ll just be an appointed tenant and have my partner be liable for the full rent. Because we won’t be able to sort out what’s happened with the letting agent in time for the deadline and we really need to start booking a moving van and be moved in before our new baby arrives. If this isn’t possible we could always use my partners mum n dad as a guarantor to put everyone at ease if necessary.
  6. I’m not bothered about keeping her name on the tenancy anymore. If I could it would be nice but if not I can sort the rent payment. I just need help writing up an email explaining that because we won’t get to the bottom of the old letting agent issue before the deadline on the holding deposit. Can we just put it in my name only or use my mum n dad as a guarantor or even both if necessary. and I never agreed at any point with the new letting agent that it should only be in my name. I used of mis spoke before due to trying to sort this ASAP. They only ever said to me that since your partner is on Benefits her income won’t be taken and you’ll have full rent share to pay. The only thing my partner can come up with is this has happened before with other tenants in the building she rented. They paid any arrears then get told months down the line it’s not. It’s why I got my partner out of there why we looked for w house. My partner was only ever told verbally that the rent increased. No new rent agreement was ever made or any letters or correspondence saying the rent has increased.
  7. I haven’t moved into this place yet where doing checks with the new letting agent and have a holding deposit on the house until the 19/05/2020 I have not moved in yet. they said from the beginning I would have 100% of the rent share payment but they did application for us both even thou my partner wouldn’t be paying any rent but would be on the tenancy. I need help on writing an email to the new agent about taking my partner off the application so it’s just me so we can be approved. Is what I posted above okay to email them because the deadline for a decision is tomorrow and I need to email them before tomorrow I’m going to have to email them before 9 because I can’t lose this house
  8. Would this be okay to send to the new letting agent. I’m sorry for rushing but I’m panicking now because I can’t lose this house. Could someone just tell me if the above would be okay to send. I need to send them something and I can’t lose this house.
  9. I want to speak to my new letting agent I only wanted to contact the old agent because the new one said she should to sort it out and to let them know when we have. I don’t have a phone number for the new agent so I want to email and find out if I can have her taken off the application as it never made sense her bring on it with her not having a rent share to pay. But if I do that will she still be able to get housing payment because we was going to use that money to pay the rent. I don’t no how to bring the conversation about as they haven’t contacted me about the application because mine is going fine and they’ve only contacted my partner. They’ve messaged my partner again about 10min ago asking if she’s got hold of the old letting agent to sort this out. Could someone please let me know how I should ask about having me as the only named tenant because I can’t afford to lose this house and now they are letting people rent. I don’t want them trying to get rid of us and find a better tenant
  10. Okay what should I say on the phone about her old letting agent is saying as we’ve already told them that she has no idea why there saying she owes rent and that she cleared it before she left
  11. They never said they didn’t want to do an application for my partner just her income wouldn’t count because she only gets benefits What I’m trying to workout is if they say she has a 0% rent payment share and I have to pay all of it. Does it matter if she’s failed? Because the rent check people haven’t spoken to me about it and my application is still fine. So should I just tell them to take her off the agreement and just have me as a named tenant?
  12. Would it be okay to email the new letting agent this?
  13. Hi bankfodder I won’t use that language then but I need to send the rent check people something because they asked us to get in touch with the old letting agent and to let them know when I have. And we haven’t moved in yet as the new letting agent is waiting on the checks to be done. That’s why we have a holding deposit to have the property off the market why they do the checks. When we started the application they said I would be paying the whole rent because they don’t take her benefits as income. But when they sent the holding deposit agreement and the applications they had my partners name on it not just me. And yes sorry I meant that she’s paid and cleared the arrears before leaving. I just really want to get an email sent over to the rent people ASAP so we don’t run out of time and to explain that maybe the can take her off the application and she’ll just leave with me and I’ll be the only named tenant.
  14. I’m just worrying about the deadline because I’ve got a partner about to give birth and no other rent places to sign up to. I really need this property they surly can’t care if my partner fails if they’ve put on my application 100% of rent share payment
  15. I was thinking of emailing the rent check people this. Hi Chris Due to the false accusations the previous letting agent is making about rent arrears myself and my partner are currently seeking legal advice from the Community Action Group and Citizen Advice about how best to resolve this. They have already instructed us to send a subject access request to the letting agent to figure out what has happened. We’ve looked at the deposit agreement we signed on the 04/05/2020 and we have until the 19/05/2020 to sign a rent agreement. It also says the landlord needs to make a decision 5 days before the deadline which is tomorrow. Now since my rent payment share is 0% on my application and my partners is 100% and his application seems to be fine how will this affect the joint application? Will I need to be taken off the agreement and be made an appointed tenant if my application fails or will we need a guarantor as my partners mum n dad are more then happy to be one for the property.
  16. Hi Stu007 They haven’t said her application has failed yet.They asked my partner to contact the old letting agent about this and let them know when we have. They said this after we explained to the rent check people what had happened. I’m thinking the old letting agent doesn’t really have a case since they never made a new rent agreement with the updated figure. They never send any letters or any form of correspondence about the change. It was all done in home visit verbally. All they’ll have is the old rent agreement and bank statements of the original agreed amount being paid on time each month. So I know it would never stand up in count I just need to know what I can say to them to admit it’s at best an error or worse BULL**** We currently have a holding deposit on the property we want to move into and the agreement is up on the 19/05/2020. In the agreement it says the landlord has to give a decision 5 days before the deadline which is tomorrow. When we was filling out the applications it said I had 100% rent share and my partner had 0%. So I’m not even sure if it’s going to matter if her application fails since they said from the beginning due to her only having benefits as an income that they’ll go of my income for the rent only. Thanks Andrew
  17. Hi everyone I’m currently in the middle of rent checks for a property I’m hopefully moving into if all the checks come back positive. but I’ve just been informed by the rent people that my partners checks have failed due to her having rent arrears at her last property. This isn’t true because she cleaned them all before temporary moving in with me back in January. The reason she has any was because the new letting agent put the rent up 10 months ago. They put it up by £30 but with my partner being a bit naïve she didn’t care that they never changed the rental agreement to the new payment figure. So she fell behind a bit in the next few months but cleaned it all before leaving. they are now saying she owes over a £1000 in arrears and this is the first where hearing of this. They never told her when she was leaving that she owed rent and they never tried getting hold of her until now when we did the checks for a new property. the rent people doing the checks said we should get in contact and sort this out because it would result in a fail for her application if not sorted out. Any advice on what to say would be great thanks Andrew
  18. I only used email because Mail is crap at the moment and only had until the 27/04/2020 to file it. I’ve sent the email and had a confirmation email back saying they received it before the 27/04/2020
  19. What is the email for the court I send it to? And sorry for the questions it’s been ages since I’ve filled one of these out. Thanks ‘Andrew
  20. I received this on the 11/04/2020 and completed forgot about it until today. Should I agree to mediation or not? Thanks Andrew 75431F2D-7F58-445A-AE09-ADAB3F546CD6.pdf
  21. Still haven’t been able to speak to the company since they offered the vouchers. Is there anything I could send them to get them to listen? Even if I dm them on twitter or something. Thanks Andrew
  22. Hi everyone I’ve had flights booked with Ryanair cancelled due to covid-19. I’ve requested a full refund for both flights and had the refund confirmed by customer support. The money was due to be paid by the 27/04/2020 but today I received an email offering us vouchers instead. I don’t want vouchers due to not knowing when my friends or myself can travel again. Is there anyway of not excepting the vouchers and demanding the original refund instead? Thanks Andrew
  23. Hi I’ve submitted my defence today and took the pictures of the signs. I couldn’t get though to Salford but will try again tomorrow. The signs have changed since this parking ticket happened. They use to give 90 minutes and the sign for the McDonald’s and Sevills is new too. Thanks Andrew jpg2pdf_2.pdf
  24. Thank you dx100uk I know I dropped the ball on this one and there’s no excuses for it. I should of done my research well before now and not leave all this to the last minute. I’ll try and get on the website but if I can’t I’ll email this defense over today and keep this form updated. Once again thank you all for helping me Andrew
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