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  1. I paid in cash and got a receipt, somehow the vehicle was taxed when I went on 3rd October. I checked with the online database
  2. I have some new info on andy long. He is trading from point car sales, molesworth street, rochdale. He also gave me the name andy lofthouse. 3 weeks ago I purchased a car from andy long at a used car lot in rochdale. Paid £895 in full for vehicle which should have been ready a day later(he promised 12 months MOT , tax and warranty) He kept the vehicle for 1 week and it still wasn't roadworthy with MOT etc. when He sold me the car he did not state that there was any mechanical issues. then all of a sudden it needed a new power steering system, trackrod end, drop links, aircon pump . he gave me an unroadworthy 'courtesy car' that had the speedo and odometer disconnected. he later demanded this back or threatened to report it stolen and cancel the insurance. 8 days after purchasing the car he said it was ready for collection. When i arrived The car was still being worked on by a mechanic, who was trying to rectify a power steering issue. I gave andy a rejection letter stating I wanted a full refund within 14 days. He accepted these terms and stated so on the original invoice along with a signature. He failed to make payment within 14 days. I contacted him and gave him one last opportunity to pay before I applied for county court judgement. I did this recorded delivery as instructed by my solicitor. The night before the deadline he appeared outside my parents house, where I was staying for the weekend. The time was approx 12.30am. His reason for this was to post a letter accepting my new terms. This was days ago and no such letter has been received. I think it was more like intimidation than a personal postal service! He failed to make payment as agreed via email and text. today I arranged to visit his car lot to select a suitable vehicle in which to take in exchange for the rejected car. he failed to appear at the arranged time. the moment I left car point sales he sent me a message claiming he can pay me £200 within a week. it has been 26 days since I paid in full, I have been waiting for a refund for 18 days. he claims he has no money , nor does the guy he shares the car lot with. this man (ian) changes from being the boss to just a friend regularly. they say I have to take the original car or lose my money. he keeps threatening to deliver the rejected car to my address. tomorrow I will commence court proceedings. I have also been in contact with mark dawson of trading standards and pc slaughter of Blackburn police. if anyone has any other information please add to this thread to stop the rogue trader .
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