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Everything posted by Archie1963

  1. why did you feel the need to post my previous post totally unhelpful I have to say your response and what you did points to you making an assumption that is completely unwarranted There are people on here who support and guide people to do the right thing but you my friend do no appear to be one of them I will seek advice from elsewhere thank you to those people who were trying to be helpful
  2. Thanks for your help but I can see that sgt bush has other ideas for the reasoning behind the advice I sought by posting a previous post leading readers to assume that what I have posted is in some way warranted I posted on here as I have received great advice before, but has this site now become full of users wanting to cause people blame and upset for swirl issues they find themselves in I have to add that the meeting I had was a 121 and it was on this meeting I was told that this person acts like a victim and I treat her like one I was told that I cannot have my breaks with her I have asked for clarification on this as we are very close friends at work, she is also the CEOs daughter which doesn't mean anything to us I am really confused as to why sgt bush is reading more into the situation
  3. Wow I'm amazed as to what people are reading into this I have to say that I thought I would receive more information and support Why would my employer want to get rid of me? My colleague and I have a really great working relationship but she suffers with anxiety, and I have supported her with that as I would do any other colleague There is nothing that suggests that there has been any complaints , the manager who raised this is very new to the role. I'm shocked that people on this forum have not been more surprised about what I've said but I know myself that this isn't right I just thought someone else may agree Thanks though for the advice you have given
  4. Sorry I mean we do not have a union rep I was going to follow up with HR
  5. Thankyou I have a completed outcome meeting form and I will follow up with HR they do not have a work union rep unfortunately
  6. No that's not the case at all she is completely shocked as we both are the meeting I had was my 121 that was called last minutec
  7. she hasn't submitted a complaint at all we are good friends she is absolutely shocked to that they are trying to enforce this why would anyone think that I would be overpowering
  8. No they did not say what would happen but I'm still reeling from it I cannot understand how they could enforce it
  9. I have been working for my current employer for 14 months I work in a small team, one of my colleagues suffers really bad with anxiety and I have been very supportive to her Last week I was called into a meeting and advised that I treat my colleague as a victim and told that she acts like a victim, I was told I was not to take my lunch break with her. On Friday of last week we were told we were not allowed to speak to each other Can someone advise me if this is even allowed ?
  10. Thanks Helena I will do however the initial underestimation does not give EON the right to continue mismanaging the account and treat customers in this disgusting way. I work for an energy company myself thankfully they are not one of the big 6 and their customer service is amazing sadly i cannot switch to them or any other company because I am tied to EON because of this debt absolutely shocking
  11. Hi Helena Thanks for your reply it is a real muddle The deadlock letter was sent in 2015 but we then agreed with EON a £200 18 month payment plan because that is all they would agree going forward which is why it did not go to the ombudsman at that point, however after arranging the 18 month payment plan they decided to increase that payment to £280.00 which I refused their attitude and constant calling threatening letters ect ect, they then reset the payment up but in August went into my account and took £578.00 which they say is my new DD figure!!! I cancelled the DD got the £578.00 back and contacted EON they said they emailed me regarding the DD increase but they didnt and they cannot tell me who that email went too I complained they said I cannot complain as we have a deadlock letter (received in 2015) i said this has nothing to do with that this is about the mismanagement of my account from that day forward EON refuse to acknowledge complaints as the say it is connected to the deadlock letter I have never in my life come across such a load of rubbish and as I said rude ignorant people with zero customer service skills Last week i was receiving 6 automated messages a day asking me to call them If this was a case that i was refusing to pay I could understand, the debt was initially bought about by the underestimation, however I provide meter reads on line to expect any customer unless you are a commercial property to pay £578.00 is utterly madness I have cancelled my DD and have paid my last two payments to EON on line account they are still calling driving me insane I am waiting for appointment with CAB as I believe the next step is legal action
  12. Thanks I will do that There is a debt on the account as I explained which has come about after 15 months where we were paying 78.00 per month this was a fixed DD set by EON after 15 months they wanted us to increase our DD to 392.00 DD per month based on our actual consumption for that year of course we are now paying the outstanding debt and out ongoing consumption our actual usage for the last few months (although I appreciate its summer averages at about £36.00 gas and £52.00 electric
  13. Thank you I cancelled the DD when they took the 578.00 and am paying what I can towards the outstanding amount but they will not lodge any further complaint due to the deadlock letter despite making error after error The ombudsman are saying also as we received our deadlock letter over 9 months ago it is unlikely they will take it on We cannot change supplier as we have the outstanding debt caused by the year underestimated bill Yesterday I had six automated phone call messages from EON They are the most pig ignorant advisors that I have ever dealt with
  14. No they never wrote to say that when i was made aware I rung them and they said they sent an email but they never sent it to my email address I am still waiting for them to tell me where the email was sent now they are saying that they will not discuss this with me because we have had a deadlock letter but that was in 2014 it has nothing to do with how they have manged things since I only realised when i checked my on line banking
  15. From 2013 when the underestimation came about they refused any payment less than £390.00 per month which we couldn't afford its been awful i asked for a reduction in DD payment we go along for a short time then they want to increase this but the way we are treated every time we contact EON is shocking seriously They provided the deadlock letter and now EON refuse to talk to us following them taking 578.00 which they say is our new DD payment
  16. I know but what they are saying is that the period where we were paying 70.00 a month for 13 months was underestimated so they reviewed the account after a year and said our consumption was way higher than thought its been a constant battle about this
  17. I hope someone has some advice because I am at my wits end with Eon In 2012 I moved into a property contacted EON who set up a DD payment After 13 months we received a letter stating that our consumption had been underestimated and our DD would increase from £78.00 per month to £392.00 per month As you would do I contacted EON there are two adults in the property and there is no way we could afford this, the amount was to cover usage and ongoing consumption EON refused any offer of any payment less which went on for another few months and issued a deadlock letter Eventually we agreed to pay £250.00 per month which has gone along fine, the debt has never really gone down despite us consistently saying there must be a problem, a 18 month payment plan has been in place we are averaging 32.00 gas per month and 24.00 electric Fast forward to August 2016 EON took a DD payment of 578.00 from my account and claimed this was our new DD following an account review despite the payment plan being in place If we contact EON advisors are rude arrogant aggressive the list goes on Now each time we contact EON they refuse to raise a complaint despite ongoing mismanagement of the account, the reason for this is because we have a deadlock letter. The energy ombudsman say because the deadlock letter was issued over nine month ago they wont investigate Where do we go now
  18. I have been with the same company the last three years if there was a problem they would have highlighted this, the questions they were asking led me to believe they were going that way, they made me feel like that and never gave me specific details of the greviance raised which I assumed they had too. I have complained about the person who raised the greviance and assumed it would be dealt with by my manager but thanks for your thoughts
  19. The meeting was an investigatory meeting as a colleague had raised a greviance about alleged perceived behaviour, no specifics were given, at the end of the meeting they said I would hear from them about their recommendations. If I was stand offish or abrasive I would know Im not, the guy who has raised the greviance kicks doors ect and I have spoke to my manager about this at least three times no action or follow up has been done about that.
  20. Well I had my meeting yesterday there were no specifics given and no greviance details discussed, the meeting was centered around whether I had a problem with anyone in the workplace, I highlighted the problem with the young guy, they made the whole meeting sound like I have a problem with everyone. They also mentioned a alleged incident with a member of staff that was supposed to have occurred in April of this year again with no specifics and of which I had no idea about. The whole thing was bizarre and now I am waiting for recommendations from them, they really had no interest in the young guy and his anger issues in the workplace which is how this all came about.
  21. Thankyou for your encouraging words why do I feel sick to my stomach
  22. Thankyou But the letter I have received should it not give specifics to the alleged behaviour?? The person is very angry and as I say I have tried to address things at least since May. They have not named him either in my letter, but in order for me to defend myself surely I should have some information so that I can prepare slightly before the meeting
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