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  1. Sorry forgot to add, the letter they have sent says 'any arrears charges . ...will not be incurred... . however admin charges may still be incurrred...' which is on the back. This list includes 'Additional charges' at the bottom and gives no specific amount but says you will be notified in advance what this will be. it seeems to be they will charge for any they like for any amount they like. They clearly look for every loophole in the law. I wonder who is at the top of this company? that would be interesting....x
  2. Thank you DX. I understand completely what you are saying about this company. I have received the agreement in writing. However, they are asking for copies of letters from DWP re sickness which of course shows my national insurance number, date of birth etc. and all sorts of personal info which Im not sure I want to provide all my personal documents. Who knows how secure this would be? they have given me 30 days to provide this. No other company that I have dealings with has asked for any of this whatsoever. Just shows exactly what this company is like. I just cannot wait to be shot of them!!!x
  3. Hi All. I have read some of your posts regarding this company. I took out a loan with B F in 2009 which i really wish i could have avoided. Like some of you I was charged for home insurance, way way above general market rates even though I had home insurance. I complained to them and received a full refund. Recently I became unable to work through first being made redundant and decided to go to university. I then became sick so couldnt work part time to keep up payments. I kept BF up to date with everything. However they still continued to add interest and charges to my account. I put in a complaint to the company 3 days ago. They have only today rung to say they will agree a reduced payment based on my current income for 30 days, however the interest will still be applied which amounts to more approx 4 times my reduced payments. I have spoken to the FSA and there are regulations they must adhere to with respect to the treatment of customers. My next step is to contact the financial ombudsman. I will update this thread when I have further news. I hope this is useful.
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