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  1. chill out man, i ain't [problem]ming the system. I pay as much tax as the next working man and never claimed a dime from the government ever. My ex also was working full time before she decided to become a full time parent (She also has never claimed any handouts before). She has not requested i pay child support as she knows I'm in a very difficult financial situation. So get off your high horse before judging others. Thank you for all the other helpful replies.
  2. no what i mean is i will buy my daughter necessities such as milk powder and stuff, she never ask for it. i do for my little one. I never give cash to my ex and she never ask.
  3. Thank you Thats a point regarding the Tenancy agreement, i will check that today. If there is nothing on the agreement regarding visitors i assume that i can stay for a couple of nights without affecting my ex's benefit's? The main thing is i'm not staying as a couple, i am only staying so i can spend the weekend with my daughter. Its more convienient like that. If there is a visitor clause in the agreement, will that affect her benefit's? or just her tenancy? Regarding the rent, i do realise that, however when i take money out of my account, i pay it into my old mans account on the same day. This shows a bit of consistancy hopefully. The telephone landline and internet is under my name as well as bank accounts, credit cards, driving licence, car and all my belongings (which is a lot)! I'm sure this is enough evidence that i live at my parents. Thank You in Advance
  4. Thats what she wants to do now, but its not ideal. I need to spend the weekend with my daughter as its the only time i have. She is the only thing that keeps me going, and i dont want to see her less.
  5. My ex has recently got a temporary studio flat from the council with a view to getting her on the council property list. She is not currently working (FT mum) as we have a baby of 9 months. So naturally she is recieving the usual benefits (housing, IS, and whatever she is eligible for ect...) We broke up on good terms and she allowed me to stay weekends at her previous address (her mums) so i can spend time with my daughter as she lives quite far. At that time she wasn't receiving benefits. Now she is not letting me stay at her temporary place in fear that the council and the benefit agency will claim that we are living as a couple. I dont contribute to any of her bills or pay for any child care (officially) or have anything that links me to her address. I live at my parents and pay rent as well as the phone bill and internet. All my bank accounts are registered at my parents, my driving licence and car are all registered at my parents where i actually live for 5 days a week. If i stay 2 nights a week (on the sofa no doubt!) should she have anything to worry about. I have done some googleling and it seems that if i can prove that i'm not living there. That we should have nothing to worry about. She also claims the Landlord (who works for the council) said she is not suppose to have visitors, i believe that is false as i'm sure that is against human rights!
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