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Everything posted by Shaz1992

  1. i was thinking of that lol Just out of curiosity. when you say catch them out. what do you mean? catch them out on what? lol just want to know for if they ever call me again i told them that in all honesty this was years ago and i dont feel like i owe them any money so i wont be paying. and he gave me the whole expect to go to court and pay court fees etc
  2. they actually never sent me a letter, they just phoned my house number asking to speak to me. i called them back just a while ago and they guy basically gave me the details of the usual. pay or it goes to court and stuff. i was surprised too that they never sent me a letter about this
  3. Hey guys. this thread was years ago. first off let me just say that i never paid RLP lol unfortunately a couple days ago i got a call from County Collections Limited they basically told me that I owe the £237.49 that I never paid before before doing anything i wanted to ask all of you guys what I should do you guys saved me before and im grateful for this site and all you people an they actually do anything if i dont pay? thanks guys
  4. I know what u mean Sabre lol these repetitive questions must pee u off not my intention just this kinda thing has never happened to me before so I feel as though I need a lot of different peoples opinion so my apologies And I also want to thank all you guys from saving me from getting ****med as at first I was not sure on what to do, but after all help received from all you members I can ensure that unless this goes to court where I will defend myself and the decision is made to pay up then I don't see myself handing anything over to RLP Though I may be sending them a letter, could probably save some "wonga" and post it up here seeing as I know they may be keeping a close eye on this thread but... It's fine Thanks Again Every1
  5. Nah am not wavering, I just wanted to make sure no bailiff would be coming to my house unexpectedly But don't worry I ain't handing over one penny to RLP Thanks Again
  6. Thanks for all the replies I just wanted to ask: 1. One thing I didn't mention is that reading a lot on this forum I have noticed that RLP would usually send a letter out a couple days after the incident with the store, but in my specific case as the whole "theft" incident happened in January, why did they wait until June to send me the first letter? (Is this something I could use as a defence) 2. I just wanted to ask, out of the two which is more likely to happen either bailiffs would come to my house to seize my properties if I don't pay the fine or would have to go to court RLP just sent me the third letter, so: 1: how many more before they leave me alone, this is taking over my life. I can't even focus on my studies 2. In the letter it states "the information we hold may now be passed to the police or other crime initiatives in the interest of preventing and detecting crime and may be available to members of a closed user group for employment screening. Please note, employment screening may only be conducted by your prior consent" Firstly what does that mean and secondly what information do they have of me and where did they get it? TK Maxx? Do TK Maxx even know this is going on? Thanks for all help.
  7. OK, last set of questions I have, 1. Do you think it would be best to completely ignore RLP or should I send a one liner letter stating I am not liable for any of the costs (which is very common on this forum) I want to make clear that I don't have much problem paying for the jacket (as although unintentional it was my fault) but I did offer to pay for it at the time and they didn't accept it (so am also thinking what's the point because they didn't accept it first time I offered) 2. If I receive an N1 Claim Form, what would this mean? I have been summoned to court? I want to say that I really appreciate you guys taking the time out to help people with their problems Thanks Again
  8. Thanks for the quick reply SabreSheep I just have a couple more questions for you guys: 1. Am I right in saying it is unlikely this would go to court? 2. If it was to go to court then what is the worst that could happen? 3. Could anything of this end up on my credit check 4. Could any of this affect my employment chances in the future, I want to work in a bank? 5. Was the decision of firing me lawful as they could not provide evidence that the incident was deliberate ( though I was sacked for "DELIBERATE misuse of cash handling procedures" Thanks Again
  9. In reply to Rebel11 I just want to make clear that although the whole incident was unintentional due to my silly mistake I had let the customer leave with a £40 priced jacket which he did not pay for. So I am willing to pay for the price of the jacket since TK Maxx lost out on that money because of my mistake. In reply to your questions: I was working in TK Maxx for a time period of about 7 months YES they were accusing me of knowing the customer personally Thanks for the quick reply btw By the way "racket" LOL
  10. I worked for TK Maxx and was sacked due to an incident where a customer had come to my till with a jacket priced £39.99 and I had scanned the item and inputted into the system that the customer paid me when he did not (Honestly don't know, I was in a world of my own). Upon seeing a receipt come out of the register I become even more confused as I start to question why a receipt has come out and whether or not the customer had paid me for the jacket, but given the fact that the receipt had come out (I just take that as a sign that he must have paid me) along with the fact that my manager was standing right beside me the whole time on the next till telling me to hurry up (which made me even more nervous) I decide to let the customer on his way, and after a while I had forgotten about this whole incident. The next month I was sacked and questioned about this incident by the Loss Prevention Department and after seeing CCTV footage of the incident I accepted that CCTV footage does not lie but I definitely did not do it on purpose (I know it sounds weird, but CCTV doesn't show what is going on inside a persons head). The police were then called and after being sent off to the police station where after hours of staying in a cell I was then questioned again denied any purposeful wrongdoing, and at this point I was allowed to go home, a couple days later I got a letter stating that "No Further Action" is to be taken. After this I had forgotten about the whole incident and several months later I got a letter from the Retail Loss Prevention stating that I owe £237.49 for Cost of goods not recovered, Amount of time taken by personnel involved, Diverting client staff from normal duties 1 - WHAT IS MY BEST COURSE OF ACTION? IGNORE, PAY (LAST RESORT) 2 - SHOULD I REPLY DENYING LIABILITY (BUT COULD PAY FOR PRICE OF JACKET ONLY £39.99 3 - IS IT LIKELY TO GO TO COURT? 4 - COULD THEY ASK FOR MORE MONEY IN THE FUTURE? 5 - WHY WOULD I HAVE TO PAY FOR "DIVERTING CLIENT STAFF FROM NORMAL DUTIES" IT IS THEIR JOB RIGHT? Any Question For Me? Thanks Guys For Your Help P.S One more thing I would like to point out is that I was sacked for "Deliberate and serious misuse of cash handling procedures" yet they can not prove that the incident was "deliberate" plus the police proceeded with NFA with rationale behind the decision including No Means Rae So was the sacking lawful in the first place? (Keyword "DELIBERATE")
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