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Everything posted by Eliwallach

  1. My Mother had completed a ppi claim and stated that my Father had passed away. She received a letter shortly afterwards confirming the application was successful and she would receive a cheque in the post which she did. Unfortunately it was made out in both my Mothers and Fathers name. When she called the bank she was asked to send my Fathers death certificate as proof which she did she received a letter back saying they had received it and she would hear from the bank within 28 days. The 28 days had come and gone she phoned only to be told they wouldn't be sending a cheque as needed more evidence such as a will or a letter of authority (??). My mother is nearly 70 and this has stressed her out a bit as it is quite a substantial claim. Can anyone give me some advice on how best to pursue this? My Mother has felt like givin up as she doesn't know what to do which is probably exactly what the bank wants.
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