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  1. Today (sat 14th Sept) i received 2 letters... One from Bryan Carter Solicitors dated the 10th September saying that i have failed to make payments on an account and that i will receive a claim form in the next 48 hours from the court! The second letter, the claim form from the court dated the 10th September as well!!!! To my knowledge this is the first letter i have had from this company and it has shocked me considerably. Claiment: Lowel Portfolio Ltd Date Of Issue : 10 September 2014 Claim: The claimants claim is for the sum of 8320 being for monies due from the defendant to the claimant under an agreement regulated by the consumer credit act 1974 between the defendant and welcome finance under account reference 1****** and assigned to the claimant on 05/09/2012 notice has been given to the defendant The defendant failed to maintain contractual repayment under the terms of the agreement and a default notice has been served which has not been complied with The claim includes statutory interest pursuant to s.69 of the county act 1984 at a rate of 8% per annum (a daily rate of 1.82) from the date of the assignment of the agreement to date but limited to a maximum of one year amounting to 78.39 The total amount of the claim including court fees, solicitor's cost comes to 8906 The original loan was for car finance. I am uncertain of the actual date the original finance was started as all the original paperwork was destroyed in a fire some years ago (but i believe it was around 2003) In 2005 after making regular payments i started struggling with making the full payments and contacted welcome finance numerous times explaining how i was struggling to make the original payments and asked if i could make reduced payments until my financial situation improved. They constantly refused my offers even after being sent financial statements showing my difficulties, at the time i was owing out more than i had coming in and they said they would only accept £50 per month which at the time i could not make. They were always extremely aggressive when trying to contact them via phone when calling them to try and come to some arrangement. In 2006 i found my car had been removed from the car park at the rear of my property without any warning and nothing from welcome. Upon contacting welcome about the car being removed without any notification i was told the car was theirs and they had every right to take it and didn't have to inform me of them doing so According to the letter, i recieved today, the claim was passed on to this company which i had no knowledge of. Also to my knowledge i have not recieved any default notice from the original creditor or the company who sent me the letter today. I originally disputed the amount that was still owed after they had taken my car due to all the interest added and the fact they had taken the car and the debt seemed to increase! I am just wondering what i can do now as i am once again struggling financially. Any help in this situation would be great thank you for reading
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