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Posts posted by ITPR

  1. Hi, my wife had one momentarily lapse in concentration which resulted in her scraping the side of one tyre causing damage to the tyre. no other items were hit and no damage to anything other than the tyre.


    The background to this one episode is that my wife a nurse, had  been working 4 12 hour shifts in a row during a stressful covid period in the place of work. people were becoming ill,  wife who also tested positive the day after the accident.


    Someone witnessed my wife scraping the curb , when she hit the curb she broke abruptly, she then turned off the car and opened the windows to get fresh air. someone approached the car and asked if she was ok as the car stopped suddenly. She said she was fine and just needed some fresh air. 


    After this i believe the person who approached the car reported the accident to the police.  a few hours after she got in she got a visit from the police she told them what happened and they said they just wanted to check and make sure she was ok. This occurred over 14 months ago. 


    around 2 months after the accident the DVLA wrote and asked for her license to be sent back as they had a report that she had this accident. she has driven over 30 years with out any accident at all.


    When the time arose, 6 months after the accident, she reapplied for a new license . she had already sent in a note from the doctor stating he had checked her over and he could find no evidence of anything that would affect her driving ability. The medical team wrote back to my wife saying they needed info from the doctor to enable them to make an assessment.


    September 2022 my wife contacted the DVLA asking if they had any update only to be told they was still waiting for the doctor reports.


    Again in October she contacted them to be told they have the info but it is with an assessor and that they couldn't tell her how long it will take.


    Can anything be done to speed up this process as this has had an impact on her mental health adding more and more stress, it has meant she has had to change the work she does due to having to travel long distance. I find it extremely concerning that they can do this to someone who had one moment where something happened yet they allow people with  ongoing medical conditions to drive as not to impact on their independence.


     any advice on what route we could take would be appreciated.


    My wife stated on the last call in January 2023 she wanted to make a formal complaint only to be told they cant do anything as its with an assessor and if she wants to complain do it via the gov site.


  2. unfortunately they are not here at the moment but as far as i know the original job was for a deputy manager position


    the interviewer contacted her around 5 days after the interview said although she was extremely knowledgeable and easily qualified for the job she didn't know enough about the ethos of the company. But the had another position for a nurse, she told the interviewer that that was not what she wanted to do and told them she would have to decline their offer.


    for 2 to 3 days the manager contacted her via email / text saying that if the position was for 4 day shifts a week would she reconsider. all these 'offers were in text and emails. She agreed to see the manager who seemed to rush her into signing a contract which she believed to be exactly what was offered via messages.


    The paperwork she signed just stated it was a contract for 48 hours with no mention of days or nights. She made clear from the start she didn't want nights, and as the messages before stated they would offer her 4 day shifts a week she saw no reason to question it.


    the previous manager did not even send her a job offer letter (just the messages) it all seemed to be rushed as to just get someone to fill a position.


    Now they are telling her there are only the night shifts available yet out of the next 8 weeks on a rota they gave her after her training they had her on 4 day shifts every other week. It seems they have offered her one thing, changed it after the training and now yet again they are wanting to change it just to have her working night shifts as they are struggling to employ anyone to work them.


    She has shown the regional manager what was offered but all the regional did was apologize but claimed they had nothing else to offer her.

  3. I am asking on behalf of a friend regarding a problem they are facing.


    She was working in a job on days but it was quite a distance to travel so she sought employment elsewhere for similar hours but more local.


    whilst still employed she was interviewed for a job position by a different company but only 5 minutes from their home.


    The job she originally went for was not offered but they was given the option of a different position on days with the view on progressing to the position she first went for.


    they asked my her how much notice they needed to give, she told them a week, She was told she would then be able to start after the weeks notice.


    She had messages stating the new job offered was for days with the possibility for progression within the company.


    She was told part of the job meant she would be working every other weekend, she gave them a list of booked holidays and was told that would be fine.


    Upon her notice ending she went to the new job to and was given a rota containing 4 days and 4 nights alternating and she was on shift every weekend for the 8 week rota.


    Also none of here requested holidays were given.


    She questioned this but was asked to continue with training and speak to the manager in a few days after training.


    When she went in to see the manager she instead was greeted by the regional manager who was acting manager as the manager had been removed from her position!


    The regional manager stated that they only have night shifts available and that this is the only position available (even though they had my friend on 4 days every other week on a rota)


    My friend has therefore put her notice in at the request of the new employer, left her old job, was offered a position which after starting found isn't available.


    Is there anything she can do, it looks like the only 2 options available is leave the company with no job or just accept what the employer has told her that she has to work nights.


    She would not have left her old job and taken up the new position if it was stated nights were only available.


    Since starting her new job she has found that a couple of new staff members went for the same position she originally went for. They to was told they were unsuccessful but they had a different position available!


    It seems that the company are using the job description to lure people in with the promise of a high paid job, then offering them something different just to try and fill other rolls!


    any advice would be greatly recieved


    thank you.


  4. The car is in my name as i am the the one registered disabled and the blue badge is in my name also


    been trying to get the details for the hospital estates manager by contacting stepping hill hospital. I have been told they don't know who the hospital estates manager is as the previous one has just left!!!!


    I explained i wanted to contact them regarding the managing of the estate including carparks, i was told it isn't the estates manager i need to contact but another bloke who is head of security and car parking and he deals with gemini!


    i told them i didn't want to speak to him, it is the hospital estates manager i needed phone number and email address for but all the woman on the end of the phone kept saying was it is the security bloke i need to speak to!


    not very helpful staff at the hospital help desk line

  5. 1 The date of infringement? 17th December 2019

    2 Have you yet appealed to the parking company yet? [Y/N?] No only received ticket yesterday

    3 Did the NTK mention Schedule 4 of the Protection of Freedoms Act 2012 (PoFA) [Y/N?] N/A at this moment in time

    4 If you appealed after receiving the NTK, N/A at this moment in time

    5 Who is the parking company? Gemini Parking Solution

    6. where exactly [Carpark name and town] did you park? Stepping Hill Hospital Carpark, Stockport, Cheshire.

  6. had to visit hospital for an appointment yesterday, my wife is the driver of the vehicle as i am unable to drive.


    The entrance that we needed to enter the hospital has a car park right outside but at the time of the day all the parking spaces were full. i have a blue badge due to being registered disabled,


    my wife drove around the car park a couple of times to check for a space becoming available but was unable to find one. as to lessen the walking distance and make sure we got into the hospital on time my wife had to park the car at the rear of the car park, unfortunately at the time she had no alternative but to park on yellow line,


    but when she parked up she made sure the car was not near any other vehicle and that there was plenty of space for any vehicle to drive past. the blue badge was put in the window and we left the car for no longer than 20 minutes.


    when got back to the car the ticket had been placed under the wiper of the car. not sure what i can do as i noticed when it was opened that it stated obstructive parking and i felt where it was parked it was causing no obstruction.


    i have been told by one person to complain to PALS as my first port of call regarding the issuing the ticket but i'm not really sure what to say or do next.


    also not sure what kind of things to put in a letter when challenging the notice.


    any help would be greatly appreciated.


    thank you


  7. My wife set up Odeon Cinema limitless memberships around 9 months ago.

    At the time my wife was working full-time earning quite a good wage so there was no problems paying the £17.99 per month each to enable us to go out now and again and have a bit of time to ourselves.


    unfortunately my wife has, over the last 6-7 months, had a number of problems including blood clot on the lung and problems with her kidneys and a number of other serious problems which caused her to lose her job.


    At the moment our only income is universal credit which has over halved our monthly income and we are struggling quite badly at the moment trying to live each month. Each month we owe out way more than we have coming in.


    Since being on universal credit and getting the payment on the 8th of each month by the time the odeon was due (nearing the end of the month) there are no funds in the bank to pay on the 'due' date which has away meant a charge was added to the amount by £9.99 for an administration fee.

    then a week or so later they try to take out the membership again with the admin charge added, as the funds are still not there yet another admin charge is added.


    when this first started happening we simply paid the membership and charges each month. paying £37.64.

    This caused us more debt each month and over the last couple of months the amount up to over £65 as we have not had any money to pay it off.


    My wife contacted harlands via email explaining about her health and how we was struggling financially.

    She told them the effects this was having on her health and asked if they would they be willing to remove all the charges and change the payment date to the 8th so there was definitely funds in the bank.


    She asked harlands if they wouldn't remove the charges then would they accept a small amount each month to clear what was claimed to be owed.

    after she sent the email a week later they sent a email claiming they had been trying to contact her but she had ignored their attempts and they stated they would be adding more charges in the future.


    My wife replied back stating she had already contacted them and resent her email.

    Today she got a reply saying tough... could anyone advise or help with this situation.


    The email received is below.



    Many thanks for your email.

    We do regret to inform you in accordance with the Terms and Conditions of your agreement with Odeon Cinemas we are unable to remove the administration charge that you are disputing.

    One of the Terms of this agreement, which you have agreed to be bound by, is that "if you fail to pay any monies due under this agreement or if any Direct Debit is returned unpaid or any cheque is returned unpaid or if any other form of payment is not honoured for whatever reason, you shall pay us on demand fee of £9.99, which we require to cover our costs of seeking to pursue such payment from you.".

    We have attempted to correspond with you regarding this matter to ensure that no further charges are applied, this would have allowed you opportunity to rectify the matter and to obtain minimal financial inconvenience to yourself. However further charges will be applied if the requests for payment are not adhered to.

    The payment in question has been returned unpaid by your bank due to insufficient funds with the banking instruction 'refer to payer' the instalment remains uncollected within your agreement and will be pursued for accordingly.

    May we confirm, £25.00 is the amount deemed by our directors as representative of our costs in dealing with the administration involved with a missed or returned payment.

    When we submit for a payment by Direct Debit which is then returned, we are also charged by the bank. The charge also covers the costs we incur to reapply for the payment and the sending of letters to members. The administration charge has been incurred due to the extra work involved to resubmit the payments, the accounting time it takes to process the return and reverse the transaction, the cost of sending a letter and assigning to the database.

    Please note to make a payment of your current outstanding balance of £65.95 you are required to contact our offices on the helpline number listed below.

    We do advise if the arrears within your account remain to be outstanding, we will proceed with the default procedure on the 5th October 2019 within your account with the risk of further charges being applied and ultimately with further action being taken against you.

    Please be advised a charge has been applied to your account, it is non-negotiable and not up for dispute and therefore any further correspondence regarding the matter will not alter the outcome, as per the above.

    We hope this has provided clarification on why the charge in question has been incurred.

    Unfortunately, due to data protection we are unable to confirm any details on OH account, we note he will be required to contact us in order to leave permission or discuss the account.

    For all Enquiries Call Harlands : 01444 449044
    Quote Reference : ********
    Our telephone lines are open 8am to 8pm, Monday to Friday and 9am to 12pm on Saturday.

    Yours sincerely,
    Some Dude...

    Harlands Group



  8. i am writing on behalf of my wife.


    she was employed as a manager for just over 6 months, her employer phoned her up just under a week ago and told her they was terminating her contract as of immediate effect. This was done without any probation meetings and no meetings prior to raise any concerns. I don't want to go into much detail as at the moment she has just started by raising this problem with ACAS. The employer has since claimed via a letter a fictitious probation meeting took place AFTER the dismissal via phone call! This was probably done by them to distract from they acted unprofessional and possibly against employment law.


    She had disclosed all her health problems at the original job interview and recently was found to have some other problems arise during her employment. She has had time off because of her disclosed health problems but these have been for hospital appointments and she was told to put them in as sometimes sick and sometimes annual leave.


    Just before the phone call terminating her employment she had informed her Line manager she was going to the GP as she has been under a significant amount of stress with her job, within 10 minutes of notifying the line manage she received the call from the owner of the company terminating her contract.


    The doctor who assesses her gave her a fit for work note stated work related stress.


    i would like to point out that they are not going down the health route for sacking as that would be discrimination and they was made aware of that by my wife about 5 months into her employment after they was complaining about time off for appointments.


    She told her employers she was going to acas as she felt she had not been treated fairly to which the owner said they have a lot of businesses and have a lot of solicitors that they can seek advice from if she chooses to go down that route.


    anyway i went off course a little but i felt i needed to share a little info as a lead up to my question.


    As she has already seeking advice from acas under the new data protection rules would/should she make a SAR request to see exactly what info they have or wait until it goes to tribunal?


    is there a template for an SAR request with the new rules listed and also what can she ask for... also is it possible to ask for any emails, possible taped phone conversations although my wife was never told of any phone conversations that were being recorded, texts, correspondants etc which my wifes name is included in.



    any info would be greatly appreciated


    thank you

  9. thank you for the reply, the letter has been compiled and sent off regarding the VT


    now if possible could someone please help with letter that can be applied for reclaiming penalty charges, and also one for claiming back the mis-sold gap/mpp protection... this was added to the cost of the car as it was stated if my wife did not include the cover she would not get finance for the car.


    as of today total penalty charges are £484.00... £554.35 inc 8% interest

    gap/mpp totals £1,114.54... £1,300.66 inc 8% interest


    i have looked at PPI reclaim letters but these do not seem relevant for claiming the 2 charges i am seeking to get back. could someone please point me in the right direction or help me slightly re-jiggle any available letter templates and then i can add all the personal details later.


    any help is greatly appreciated.

  10. just a update and hoping for a little more help.


    we have held off on claiming charges and extras that was added to original purchase. this was due to a number of problems we come up against over the last few months that took up most of out time and had to take priority over a number of other things.


    we contacted advantage after visiting the CAB, we explained we was in extreme financial hardship but as my wife was still working and needed a car we asked to make reduced payments of £50. Advantage agreed to this and agreed to freeze all charges etc to help reduce the balance.


    since then my wife had to leave her job due to problems caused by pressures/stress of work and things happening with health, family etc...


    we decided at present we cannot afford to run the car and have therefore decided to VT the agreement, our income has reduced even more than before and at present our only income is ESA on a joint decision.


    my wife has written to advantage asking about a VT and this was there response...


    Please read the full contents of this email carefully.


    Further to your recent enquiry regarding the voluntary termination of your above numbered agreement, please find below important information outlining the required arrangements.


    Upon termination of the above agreement you will need to pay:


    1. The outstanding arrears on your account (applicable if already paid 50% of the total amount payable) = £2577.23

    2. At least one half of the total amount payable as stated on your Hire Purchase Agreement. This sum takes into account payments you have already paid, any deposit you paid at the start of the agreement and any arrears not shown in (1) above = £0

    3. Any outstanding collection charges = £479


    The total you will need to pay under this section is £3056.23


    If you purchased any insurance products, other than GAP insurance, at the same time as your motor finance and they have not already expired, they will be cancelled upon termination and a pro-rata refund will be applied to your account.


    In the case of GAP insurance the policy will be cancelled upon the termination of the agreement and a pro-rata refund will be applied, which will mean that no further sums will be payable (other than arrears) in respect of the policy.


    Any other outstanding sums (e.g. payments for expired policies and/or any overdue installments) will remain payable under the terms of your insurance agreement.


    In order to settle the insurance element of your agreement and claim any rebate to which you are entitled, you need to pay the amount set out below. This will also ensure that you have no further liability under the insurance element of the contract.


    The amount required to do this is £638.37

    Less Rebate £78.29


    Total amount payable under this section £560.08



    Condition of Goods


    The goods must be returned in a condition commensurate with their age and mileage, both mechanically and cosmetically. Should the goods not be in this condition when returned you will be required to pay to us the amount required to return the goods to such condition. This amount will be in addition to any sums detailed above (please refer to the terms and conditions of your Hire Purchase Agreement).


    Our definition of good repair and condition is that the vehicle must:


    Require minimal refurbishment to be ready for resale

    Have a current MOT certificate or require little or no work for the issue of a new certificate

    Be free from mechanical or body damage

    Be in its original paintwork, trim and specification (as at the time of purchase)


    If you are in any doubt as to the condition of the vehicle, you may choose to obtain an independant report from an organisation such as the RAC or AA to confirm the above.


    The goods must be returned to us within 21 days of this email to complete the Voluntary Termination.


    In order to obtain details of our nearest agent to you please contact us on 01472 586360.


    Alternatively, we can arrange for the goods to be collected from your address. An upfront fee of £80.00 will be payable for this.


    We look forward to hearing from you.


    Yours sincerely,

    Advantage Finance Ltd.


    just wondering if anyone can help about what we can do about them asking for a fee for collection...


    because we couldn't afford the payments and running we had to cancel the road tax and SORN it, it still has MOT.


    we are now also going to send off the penalty charges sheet to try and claim them back... also the extras that was added to the cost of the car after being told by the guy selling the car 'if you don't agree to them you won't get the finance to buy the car'


    is there a template letter to reclaim the charges that can be used to claim back both types of extras as i am not very good at writing such letters.


    thanks to anyone that can help

  11. thanks for the help


    just to clarify, this was sheets i filled in before i read your last replies.


    for the first 7 payments made payments of £260.93 pm, £40.66 is the amount of charges


    all other payments of £280... £43.68 goes in the amount of charges.


    On the statint sheet can i simply place all charges after the extras (GAP+MPP) as i have already filled in both. Or would it be better if i did it by date, merging both.


    once these sheets are complete do i send them to Advantage to ask for the figures to be removed from my debt, then if they say no do i make a complaint to the company, followed by a complaint to FOS if there is still no joy?


    all your help is greatly appreciated


  12. thank you for your time


    i have scanned the front of the agreement containing all the figures.


    regarding the charges and interest, what would their interest rate be to add in the cisheet ...


    it says that they can add interest rate on the arrears at 8% p/a


    also regarding the charge for the alleged home visit of £60, i may have missed something somewhere but i couldn't find any mention of that amount in the charges breakdown.


  13. i have tried to look up help regarding the reclaiming but as i am a novice i am slightly lost...


    Advantage was aware of periods where my wife was off work due to serious operations which meant not as much money was coming into the house and we was getting more and more into debt, yet they put her in a position where she believed she had to may more per month when she returned to work to catch up with lowered payments when sick... this added more to our financial problems and on top of that they add ridiculous charges for being behind on our payments!


    would it be possible in simple terms as to what steps need to be taken now to try reclaim the charges (and the extras that my wife was told she had to take out or else finance wouldn't be accepted) if these are also reclaimable.


    also do these amounts get taken off the actual amount owed.


    thanks again for your time

  14. i have added a statement of all payments and charges...


    altogether here is what my wife has been charged from the statement received.


    1 x £60 = £60 (this was for a 'home visit' that never happened!)

    29 x £12 = £348

    9 x £7.50 = £67.50

    1 x £5.00

    1 x £1.50 = £1.50

    4 x £0.50 = £2.00


    £484 Charges


    When the original finance was taken out the forms were filled in at the garage but my wife was rushed along because it was late in the day. My wife was told that on top of the actual cost of the car plus interest other 'extras' had to be added and agreed to or the finance would not be accepted. The two extras she was told had to be included was GAP finance protetion (GAP) and mechanical breakdown insurance (MPP).


    These 2 extras added cost as follows




    GAP product price £449.00

    Finance interest £314.30

    Total payable £763.30

    Monthly Payment £15.90




    Mechanical Breakdown Insurance price £699.00

    Finance interest £489.30

    Total payable £1188.30

    Monthly Payment £24.76


    Total of 'extras' £1951.60


    Just on a side note the amount that was actually for the car is below.


    total cost of car was £6278.00

    advanced payment - part exchange £200

    advanced payment - cash £50


    Amount of credit £6028.00 (total amount payable inc. interest £10997.96)

    Mail - Fwd_ Account Statement.pdf

  15. to cut a long story short(ish)...


    my wife got a car on finance a few years ago from advantage finance.

    the value of the car was £6,000 ... the amount payable back was £12k


    my wife at the time was in a well paid job and was able to afford monthly repayments of £260,

    a year or so after the original start of the agreement my wife started to suffer from various health conditions which involved having a number of major surgical operations that meant she had to take time off work.

    During these times she had to ask for reduced payments, after much persuasion advantage agreed reduced payments for a few months each time.


    when my wife went back to work advantage told her that she needed to pay extra each month to reduce the arrears.

    She agreed to pay £280 every 4 weeks.

    this amount was quite considerable and on top of petrol, car tax, insurance, mot and repairs it became quite expensive running the car.


    recently our financial situation has become extremely bad, causing health problems for myself and my wife.


    in total my wife has already paid over £8,000+ towards the car,

    but we have also noticed that advantage have added an awful lot of charges onto her account each month..

    . one constant one is for being behind with payments!!!!

    many other ridiculous costs have been added as well.

    advantage have also claimed my wife is now over £2,000 in arrears!!!!


    my wife explained her situation to advantage who refused to put the account on hold at first but after 3 letters all explaining her situation they finally agreed.

    their constant pressure and threats are not helping with our situation,

    just adding more stress and adding to our debt problems.


    because our situation got that bad we visited a debt advisor due to the amount being paid on the car

    our money coming in was far less than what is being paid out.



    as the CAB was quite rushed we didn't get much info about the car except that we should ask about payments, charges and other costs they have added.



    now the thing is we previously asked in november 2016 for all the info the had and sent the request with the £10 and got the info on a disc.

    that was over 8 months ago.


    the CAB didn't discuss many options what we could do with the car except give it back to advantage.

    my wife was advised to first send a letter requesting all financial transactions,

    if they didn't respond within a time frame complain to them,

    after that if we still was not happy to then go to FOS.


    the thing is we do not want to be to really be paying another £10 for another sar request.

    is there a way that we can request all payments, penalty charges and added payment insurance etc from advantage without any cost to ourselves and if so could anyone point me in the direction of a template letter as i am not very good when composing formal letters.


    at the moment we are in a no win situation...my wife needs a car for work, if she doesn't have a car she can't get to work


    any advice would be greatly received


    thank you for your time.

  16. 8 weeks from day of complaint i received their response whilst waiting i have still been receiving the emails, letters and phone calls threatening action.


    i sent them a financial statement showing i owed a whole lot more out than i had coming yet that didn't seem to make any difference




    We are in receipt of your complaint dated xx/xx/2017 where you allege that QuickQuid irresponsibly lent to you. Specifically, you mention:


    • The loans provided by QuickQuid were unaffordable


    • You were dependent on short term lending


    • You experienced financial hardship


    I’ve investigated your complaint and would like to bring your attention to the following points:




    In your complaint you allege that QuickQuid did not perform a credit check or affordability assessment. We have reviewed your file and can confirm that, in line with our internal process, at the time of each application, we conducted our standard credit assessment, which included pulling your credit report. As part of our assessment, we analyse your current financial commitments, insolvency records, delinquency records, County Court judgements, credit enquiries and other credit accounts currently open.

    Lenders are required to make an assessment that is proportionate to the type and amount of the loan as well as the associated costs and risk to the borrower. It would not be proportionate for a lender which provides small loans, which are unsecured and which do not require a guarantor, to conduct the same assessment as a bank which provides high loan amounts which are secured by your home or vehicle. Your loans were unsecured. We did not provide a guarantor loan where you would have needed to have had someone else share the responsibility of repayment .


    At the time you first applied for a loan with us, the regulator was the Office of Fair Trading (OFT). The OFT published guidance on irresponsible lending which stated that as a general principle, the checks done may well be less for a small sum or short-term loan. The OFT also explicitly stated that it would “normally consider it appropriate for a relatively high level of scrutiny to be undertaken in the case of secured credit”; however, the OFT made no such statement for unsecured credit such as the credit we provided you.

    Your credit report is not the only thing we analyse when we make a lending decision. We also look at the information you provide us in your application, as well as your loan history with us when we decide to approve or decline your loan application.

    This information is all input into our internal credit model which is run to obtain your credit model score. If your credit model score does not meet the minimum approval threshold score then we will decline your loan application.


    Looking at your record, I see that your credit model score was never under the minimum approval threshold for any of the loans for which you were approved. For instance, on xx/xx/2016 you had a credit model score of 0.5012 when the minimum approval score was -0.25. Your credit model score is substantially higher the minimum approval score which shows that our affordability assessments properly ran per our internal policy.


    It is in our mutual interest to have a well-designed affordability model. As a responsible lender, we provide customers such as yourself with access to credit and take upon ourselves the risk of default. While we will not reject a customer simply because there is a late payment on a credit file, we will critically assess the details of your credit file to provide you with a reasonable and affordable loan.


    The investigation of your complaint also considered all relevant information contained in your application. It was noted your monthly income was stated as £xxxx per month. I compared your income to the average monthly repayment for each loan you took with us. From this I can see that the income you made during each loan with us was always more than enough to cover the amount you had to repay us for each loan and thus I cannot agree with you that your loans were unaffordable.




    You are claiming that you were dependent on loans. Yet if you were dependent on taking out one loan to repay the other then you would have taken out numerous loans, for equal or increasing loan amounts, and with very little time between paying off one loan and taking out the other. When I reviewed your loan history I see that you held a total of 1 payday loan which given the low number does not exhibit financial dependency.




    Finally, in your complaint you state that at some point during your loan history with us you underwent severe financial detriment. To better assist you during that time our collections team ask to speak with you over the phone. Doing so would have allowed us to adequately and quickly assist you with an affordable repayment arrangement.


    Any communication over the phone would have been followed up with via email. Including any agreed arrangements or account updates and/or adjustments.


    Unfortunately, QuickQuid did not have the opportunity to speak with you and complete a financial statement. Had you completed the financial statement, we would have put your account in “hardship” status. And, proactively frozen additional fees and interest while we worked with you to find an affordable repayment option.




    Therefore it is for the above reasons we cannot agree that QuickQuid irresponsibly lent to you.


    obviously credit scores don't make any difference to this company... just checked mine on noddle and it seems my rating is 456 which is nearer to very poor than to poor.

  17. I wrote a letter of complaint stating irresponsible lending and put in the fact they didn't check properly that i was able to pay the debt back, they also didn't check my credit rating, or if they did they didn't take into my terrible credit rating. I also included other info including the constant emails and phone calls plus their refusal to help me get it sorted by the use of email.


    QQ was supposed to be dealing with the complaint, but after i put in the complaint to QQ I still kept getting emails and phone calls. I then wrote to them again telling them that i wanted to add to my original complaint saying that they were still contacting me and also threatening to pass on my debt to someone else whilst the complaint was being looked into.


    QQ then responded with a email simply stating 'Thank you for contacting the Final resolution Department,We apologize you have experienced. Please be advised that while we are reviewing your complaint, that does not cease the Collections activity of any current loan.. '


    In the letter i received today from ARC it states they have wrote to me previously... this is incorrect... this is the first time ARC have ever contacted me. there is no mention of them working on behalf of QQ, therefore i am guessing QQ may have passed it to ARC, they may have even sold it to them whilst my complaint is in the process of being looked at.


    If a debt is in question or there is a complaint being addressed can a company still pass on a debt or sell it on?

  18. August last year i was struggling for money, stupidly i applied for a payday loan from QQ at the time of taking this out my credit rating was appalling.


    i made the first payment but after that found myself struggling to continue making the payments due to several factors.


    the loan was for about £400 but since then it has gone up to £700+ .


    i emailed them a number of times asking to consider writing of the debt and gave them the reasons why including low income, loss of benefits / job, stress of debts, bad credit score etc.


    I also pointed out that the constant phone calls and emails every couple of days could be perceived as harassment.


    with all the calls and emails i kept receiving i decided to send them a income / outcome sheet showing there was no way i could afford any type of repayment offer at present and asked yet again if they could put a hold on any action, but was constantly told if i didn't phone them they couldn't sort it out and they would proceed in trying to collect the money.


    in every email they sent i was told if i didn't offer pay the amount or offer a repayment plan by phone my account would be sold on


    i told them i would prefer to only correspond via email yet they continued to phone (even after i asked them to stop doing that) and emails still kept coming saying i hadn't made any offer of repayment or tried to contact them (even though i kept explaining my situation in emails!)


    at the start of January this year i wrote a complaint, that they acknowledged,

    i explained all my problems and also that if they had done the correct checks i would not have been granted any loan.



    I also requested the once again that they stop any action unfortunately their reply was they don't stop any action even when dealing with a complaint.


    today i get a letter from Arc Europe threatening county court action within 14 days of their letter if i do not pay the amount in full or make a proposal to pay off the debt.


    could someone please give me any advice as what to do now


    thank you

  19. thanks for the reply... maybe they need to be a little more helpful when dealing with such benefits (maybe let people know a week or so before they completely stop the money)


    i am unable to contact them until their usual opening times which is monday... if i call them to tell them i would like a Mandatory Reconsideration can i also tell them i would like to do it via a letter so i can outline some of my problems or should i wait until i have to take it further. im guessing not many decisions are overturned at the MR stage.


    also when i phone them can i request certain info that was submitted by the assessor ?


    just wish i could find info that would enable me to get through the MR and possible Tribunal phase as i would prefer to go into it with some knowledge . i have found a site that offers this but they are asking for a membership fee and i do not know how helpful it would really be... plus with not much money it is not really an option at the moment.

  20. seems these guys like to kick you when you are down... and right next to christmas as well!!!


    i started claiming ESA at the start of june 2016 this was mainly due to problems with my back and feet. both these are constant and i am subscribed 3 different types of pain relief taken on a daily basis to try to relieve it.


    anyway i had waited for over 5 months for an assessment... they only pushed it along because i visited my local job center to ask why it was taking so long... as you only get put into a different bracket after the assessment i had only been getting the standard amount of money each week.


    today i noticed a payment for £10.45 for ESA!!! had no idea what it was for... then i get a letter in the post saying due to the assessment i am able to work and as of the 7th december my money has stopped...


    whilst on ESA in september i tore ligaments in my ankle caused by balance problems... i was unable to walk for a week or so. now i have to use a crutch, then i found i had a DVT a week after the fall possibly caused by the trauma to the ankle.


    as well as the pain killers I see a physio for my back problems and have steroid injections in my feet for the pain.


    my wife lost her job and started claiming JSA in november. so at the moment we do not have a lot of income.


    all this aside i was wondering if anyone could give me some advice... the assessment took ages and now they say i am able to work they will not pay me the money that was supposed to be back paid from the 13th/14th week after making the claim upto the assessment date. the least i was expecting was to be put in the work-related activity group and to get a couple of hundred quid back pay just before christmas


    i got sick notes as was asked, also had to go to A+E a number of times due to serious falls. i have been feeling low for some time now and this could be the nail on the coffin adding severe depression into the mix.


    i read that i can ask them to take a look at it again... there is no time frame for them to do this so i could be waiting 6 months again without any money. After they have looked at it and still said they are still not paying it i then have to appeal it and even more wait.


    JSA is listed as an option but if i claimed that it would be saying i am fit for work and that is not the case, that is why i applied for ESA in the first place.


    sorry if i rambled on a bit...


    any help would be welcome

  21. thanks for the reply,


    i emailed the court explaining the situation... got a conformation email saying they should respond between 5-10 days


    i emailed lucas credit services as the letter from cohen states payment and correspondence should be with them... waiting for a reply


    i just managed to get through to the court.

    .. they wouldn't speak to me regarding my sons problems,



    i did give them a brief bit of info about why i had called,

    the only thing they could tell me was that there seems to be a 2-3 week backlog regarding letters to the court.



    they just advised me to contact the claimant direct.

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