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Everything posted by Louhi

  1. Has anyone had recent dealings with a company called Big Green Book? I paid for a directory listing last year on the basis that the fee would be repaid if I had no appropriate enquiries - the only 'enquiry' I received was a really strange phone call from someone at BGB saying he was phoning on behalf of a company who wanted to bring me their business. When I asked for the name of the company or a contact there, he became rather vague. I asked for an email to clarify the situation but, of course, it never materialised. And when I tried to contact BGB to find out what was going on no-one replied to me. A year on and needless to say they are not repaying my money and as no paperwork has ever materialised there is not much chance of seeing it again. What I am doing is reporting it to Action Fraud. A couple of colleagues in the same field (counselling) have come forward with similar stories. I would be interested to hear from anyone else who has had dealings with this company.
  2. I had problems with Big Green Book also - they promised my fee would be repaid if I had no appropriate enquiries - the only 'enquiry' I received was a really strange phone call from someone at BGB saying he was phoning on behalf of a company who wanted to bring me their business. When I asked for the name of the company or a contact there, he became rather vague. I asked for an email to clarify the situation but, of course, it never materialised. And when I tried to contact BGB to find out what was going on no-one replied to me. Needless to say they are not repaying my money and as I have no paperwork there is not much chance of seeing it again. What I am doing is reporting it to Action Fraud. I don't expect they'll be able to help me in any way but hope that bringing BGB to their attention might help prevent others having similar difficuoties and go some way to stopping BGB. I would urge anyone else who has had trouble with them to do the same.
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