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  1. First of all hi all! I'm kinda a n00b here and apologies if this is in the wrong section.So, I am hoping for a bit of advice. ....a few years ago lots happened [financial, job, personal] and to cut a long story short, I ended up with just shy of 20k wiorth of debt in the space of.. not very long indeed. I hid my head in the sand for a couple of months and then decided that I wanted to sort things out and made my own arrangements with some DCA's after *bank* decided that it no longer wanted to continue with my payments plans. It was a bit of a surprise but what can i say. Anyway, three years on and payday debt paid and two credit cards paid off and I am left with 4 debts across two DCA's which are paid on time, regularly. I even managed to up payments.Go me!For the first time I can now handle money better and make proper decisions. I have a new account with no overdraft, no credit card and like it just fine.So, now I would like to get a mortgage with my partner.Things are stable and it is affordable. It works out cheaper than renting and I am not getting younger.. lol.I recieved a credit report and spoke to an advisor... my credit rating is fair [which I was overjoyed about] but the defaults with *bank* are there. There is no record of my on-time payments showing. For all intents and purposes it looks like I have sacked it off.Now, I am trying to be responsible for my behaviour and pay back what i owe but... Am i to be stuck with this default for 6 years?I added a note of correction which i plan to do with each of the big guys... experian, equifax [any others i should consider} but is there anythign I can do?As I understand it, the debt itself has been bought by the DCA and should be.. clear?Any advice, first hand or theoretical [but legally backed, obv] would be much appreciated.I had some advice about avoiding the DCA's but whilst not paying back sounds nice, it's a no for me. I made the debt and i gotta suffer a bit paying it back.As an aside... all of the debts are with the same *bank*. I had an overdraft then within the space of 3 months they gave me a 10k loan, upped my overdraft 3,000, upped my credit card and then gave me a secondary loan for 3k.Now, my past had been chequered with debt problems and just before all of the lending, I had paid everythign off with redunacy... surely someone should have seen this as a great big red light? Why on earth was I allowed to borrow so much so soon!?Anyway!Thank you all
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