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Everything posted by Donewith

  1. Thanks for the link! The Social Fund or Community Care Grant, will probably come in handy.. Unfortunately the social fund offers loans, and I've got loans so I know how difficulties it is to pay back. (When health declines loans go up!) In the end it all comes out of my disability payment... At least it's an interest free loan, I suppose. Community Care Grant might be something worth looking into. I'll have a closer look at it. Thank you!
  2. Thanks for your reply. The disability liaison officer from Housing confirmed that neither Housing nor Adult Social Care (Social Services) will be assisting with the move. The social services forwarded me a list of removal companies they have on their database so I could contact them for quotes. I find it a bit strange as well that they don't really provide any moving support for disabled people for whom its actually more difficult to pack and sort things. From experience I know that our council automatically denies help even if it is available. I was thinking that maybe there is help they provide, I just don't know about it and they are denying it. I'll try and search for some charities.. Any more tips are always welcome. Thank you. And have a lovely day!
  3. Hi, I am being rehoused by my Council from my current unadapted property into a new disability adapted property as the current property is unsuitable for my disability and adaptations cannot be made. However, my council - neither Housing nor Adult Social Care - help disabled people with the move. It's very difficult for me to pack (lift, reach things, etc.), and there is the financial difficulty as well.. I was wondering if anyone else had a similar experience and could share tips how they resolved it. How do other disabled people move into an adapted property? Or do they just abandon the property if they cannot move? Surely there must be a way, so I need all the advice and help I can get. Thanks!
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