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Everything posted by slick__

  1. No remedies suggested by the company - they said wait for the item to be shipped - and that the purchase is non refundable...
  2. Hi there guys I hope you can help I ordered an item, worth around £7500 via barclays sepa bank transfer from a company is Sweden. The company is legitimate and not a [problem] - however they failed to send the item after around 5 months. They are not cooperative in refunding either. I heard from a friend that there is a way to obtain a cancellation/refund/chargeback from Barclays (or any other bank) if an item is not shipped & the company is legitimate despite having done a bank transfer... can anyone tell me if they would do this or share their experience or guide me as the best way to approach this situation, im going to try to pop in on friday and see what they say. I have the online order number and full details for the company (the company staff in Sweden are actually fluent in English !) Thanks you guys...
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