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  1. Thank you unclebulgaria67 I want to be reasonable with regard costs but at the same time feel that I should claim as the use of SD's are being abused and used as a bully tactic which has already worked against some people here. The problem is I have spent so many hours that if I charged £18/hour the cost would be exorbitant. I had been thinking £12.50/hour and limiting the hours to 20 but wasn't sure if the court may think I was being greedy. There is also the fact that not being legally minded I spent time researching what would be required although the majority of my time was spent finding, printing, scanning, and collating evidence.
  2. Thank you citizen I am sure that the opposition cannot suggest to the court that a hearing is cancelled and I feel that a solicitor doing so is overstepping the mark. This particular solicitor appears to make a habit of manipulating people as another lessee on site has just had her SD set aside and said solicitor wrote to her telling her she had to contact the court cancelling her hearing because his client was withdrawing the SD. She refused and got approximately £800 costs awarded
  3. Hi All Can someone please advise me on how I can calculate costs on defending a Statutory Demand, the defence has been carried out totally by myself. Also can I claim compensation. I was issued with a SD although both the solicitor for the other side and his clients were fully aware that I have been in dispute with them for 12 months. Following my application to Set Aside I have now received notification that the opposition have withdrawn the SD and that I should contact the court and have the hearing removed. In fact their solicitor has written to the court telling them the hearing should be removed. Although I am pleased that the SD has been withdrawn I was happy to go to court against my landlord as I feel the issue of SD's with full knowledge of dispute can only be viewed as abuse of the legal system and bullying. I have informed the court I wish the hearing to go ahead as I will be seeking costs for the time I have spent preparing everything for my defence. Following receipt of the SD I ended up being taken to hospital by ambulance and was diagnosed as having an angina attack, following 8 days in hospital I then had the stress of getting all the evidence together and deliver the application for set aside to the court in time. Thanks in anticipation Paul
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