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Everything posted by Executive-PA

  1. Good Afternoon All I have been trying to reach the pitmantrainingaudio.com website to practice my shorthand and have been unable to. I was advised that this would be open to me as it did not require login credentials. I was discouraged by my centre manager at Holborn from buying the shorthand extensions and was told to do the reinforced audio from Pitmantrainingaudio.com Pitmantrainingaudio.com has not been working since 30.11.2016 and I was advised that it had gone on to pitman campus the same platform I was discouraged by the centre from using. I was informed I would have to pay £50 for 2 weeks of service double what they charge their other students! So it’s like I’m being forced to make payments I can’t afford! Other issues I have had with them recently are listed below: • Writing me emails to confirm I had a distinction only to confirm "they made a mistake" it was just a pass • Writing sarcastic educational reference letters in hope to deter potential employers from offering me employment • Trying to charge me more money per month than they do their other students. For the same distance learning although I only have ONE module left to complete! I asked if I could purchase one week for £25 as I had worked hard and did not really need anymore than a week anyway. I was then told "although we appreciate your circumstances we are not prepared to accommodate you on this occasion". Im surprised that for a student that study two qualifications with Pitman they would try to discourage me in my goal of achieving a better education. especially being so close to getting them all completed once and for all. I have spoken to the Skills Funding Agency, Department for Education and the Educational Ombudsmen all were very sympathetic but have assured me to raise the complaint Via Pitman Headquarters which I have done. Unfortunately I dont have much faith that they will come to any form of a sensible agreement with me so I am getting all my paperwork ready for the next steps of action has anyone any suggestions where I can practice some shorthand outline audios without the aid of pitman I need to set the Exam by the 10.12.2016?
  2. Hi All, Thanks a lot for all your support I thought I should just let you know I received a call from pitman today and the have agreed to honour the original agreement. I'm so pleased as I really want to continue with my studies thanks for all your help and advice citizenB your a star!!
  3. thanks my dear I did email there head office last night stating that I'm lodging an official complaint. I have to call the CAB today I called the NCS yesterday for advise so hopefully the will put me in touch with the educational ombudsmen of that centre.
  4. Thanks for that I didnt realise that there were others...I need to ask you guys something do you think its worth me CC ing the Finance controller and Tutors at Pitman whilst emailing the Head Office? its just they are threating to put my studies on freeze and im afraid i'll be left playing catchup on limited time I just want everyone made aware of whats going on so there is no contradictions or anything
  5. I was given a 24+ Learning Loan of £1417 I just assumed that they were taking the payments from there I was shocked they were contacting me to say they hadnt taken any payments. I just fail to understand why they have waited so long and then tried to blame me as to why their accounts department is so slack with student money. I said to them that i would pay the amount that i had originally agreed and signed it was actually them that forwarded the contract to me but they say due to the circumstances they want to disregard the original contract and up the payments. Which sadly I cant do as I can only afford the amount per month that I signed and agreed for in fact they still had all the banking paperwork I signed and sent me an emailed copy yesterday.
  6. Hi All, I was wondering if someone would be able to help me in this situation. I am having issues with the Pitman Training Course that I’m currently enrolled on. I enrolled on my Advanced ECDL/Executive PA Course in September 2014. So you can Imagine how shocked I was when in February 2015 the Pitman finance department in Croydon contacted me to say my account was in default. They stated that it had been so for 6 WHOLE MONTHS! When asked why they had not contacted me earlier to bring the matter to my attention. The response I recieved was “we had a backlog…we were poorly and unwell” etc. I felt very angry and upset as a result of this I left the centre and went home. I kept trying to call the accounts department as I thought of some suggestions on how I can resolve the account and continue my studies but it goes straight to Voicemail, I have left emails, called the office and when asking Head Quarters about the next procedures they simply distanced themselves from the situation going on to state Pitman Accounts in Croydon were a separate company and just advised me to keep trying. I emailed Patricia Porter at Croydon and had left my details, but no attempt whatsoever had been made to contact me. After attempting to call Pitman again today I was placed on hold to wait for someone in the accounts department. I was then informed “Sorry they’re all in meetings”. Then very coincidently the financial controller Patricia Porter at the Pitman Croydon Centre messages me less than a minute after the call with the one line email response below: “Dear Alesha I am away from the office today. Regards Patricia Porter” Immediately I messaged Patricia back and asked “Who can I speak to regarding my account in your absence?” I received no response at all. Exactly how do you treat a student with an attitude like that? I’m so disappointed by this lack professionalism and can’t believe I have to resort to an online post to try and reach out for advice. It is so off putting when you have an organisation with an attitude of “We won’t accept or return your calls when there is a problem…But we will be glad to accept your money anytime!” I have made every effort to reach out to them to no avail and I would really like to get further advice on what I can do about this situation as I find the accounts department in the Pitman Croydon very uncooperative,unreasonable and utterly irresponsible! Regards, Alesha
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