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Everything posted by budwiser123

  1. Hi there,many thanks for your reply,it seems it may be the only possible solution at the moment. In terms of not protecting data,the call centre response was hilarious, quote "its really quite small,companies get hacked all the time,your information wasnt compromised" like the call centre guy couldnt seem to grasp the seriousness of the data breach,well i suppose being thousands of miles away it doesnt matter does it?And,reading from a card obviously with the statutory we will not let you go without gaining money will do talktalks reputation no favours whatsoever!
  2. Hi all,im hoping theres some help around to help me solve our current situation with talktalk. Having had a recorded conversation with talktalk call centre today,and the situation not resolved im unsure what to do next. Unreliable broadband mobile sim network coverage unreliable and talktalks solution is to switch phone to 2g to try and get a signal,and that is their only answer! Unreliable tv on demand and streaming due to unreliable broadband. No email or letter to say the line rental was going up from october 1st. Not able to access billing in accounts section due to site being down,for reasons we are all aware of. Worryingly,the 3rd cyber attack this year,compromising accounts etc. Talktalk call centre response is basically,nothing i can do,they wont release me from contract free from penalties,nor will they release me from contract on 30 days notice of line rental increase. Any ideas please,or is it straight to the CEOs office??
  3. @ Oleg yes thats a fair point,i agree,im only going by Dalesfords post,im just very suspicious of CWD!!!
  4. Hope this helps if admin allow. http://www.sra.org.uk/debtrecovery/
  5. So, theres a twist in the tale , it seems CWD HAVE been assigned these debts which means they are a DCA not a solicitor in the sense of acting on behalf of their client... Therefore, they must supply proof of assignment and the date in which they acquired these debts on my understanding.. Along with all other genuine certified copies or originals of paperwork, dont settle for anything less.. Id be inclined to also inform the SRA of their tactics...
  6. absolutely spot on the mark steampowered. And,any expert evidence that the creditor wants to use in a Uk court, which they have to pay for, you have to agree to the expert being in court too,from my understanding. And lets face it, although an expert has to swear an oath, would you trust them not to be swayed in favour of a large fee paying bank relating to that banks countrys laws?I wouldnt!!!! A reminder also, i have stated this before, but, to assist solicitors in peoples defence, there is the foreign limitations act, and others, and, as the bank is a foreign company, if a court case arises, ask your solicitor to apply for an application for security costs, so by, the bank would have to put money upfront to cover any legal fees should they lose their case, would they want to do do that, i doubt it very much! One more thing i would argue for ,and that is a genuine approved certified copy of the cca agreement ,loan etc ,translated from arabic to english and checked via a judge and stamped from a UAE court, and original terms and conditions, as, we all know, banks change their terms and conditions a lot these days, whos to say now the UAE banks are cottoning on they might get money back somehow theyve updated their terms and conditions to cover a non exclusive jurisdiction, lets face it, UAE banks are a million years behind everybody else!!! Another issue id challenge is why have the UAE banks left it so long to start chasing people for debts, to gain as much money as possible???? Tracing people in the UK and elsewhere has been around for years, they have no valid arguments as to why theyve left it for years.. Dont ever give up the fight people, always get a solicitor if you can ,dont ignore letters, try and find a solicitor who understands jurisdiction and the processes if possible.
  7. Ally,stick with your solicitor,dont give up,fight the fight from these Amersham money grabbing leeches,read my comments on the other UAE post
  8. i agree totally with the admins comments ,first,the courts now take seriously issues of practice direction and pre action conduct, and,the courts would rather see the problems solved through mediation and agreements rather than take literally somebodys home from them, so,definately work out a suitable repayment plan, and if cwd dont like it ,let them argue it through the court system. Personally, i think CWD have no morals or common sense whatsoever and are pushing for as much as they can get for their clients in order to get their cut shame on them!!! I can bet my life on it that they dont even realise that the UAEs own labour laws still today make it impossible to pay a debt and still work and live in the UAE as their own labour laws still can make it an automatic ban from working, unless its a job that the govt approve of... CWD,making money out of other peoples misfortunes, i say name them and shame them all the way!!!! just for the record for any new people getting these letters etc from CWD, ,the reason the UAE banks wont sue you in the UAE is because of cost!! It costs a company upto the value of 30,000 AED to file a court case in the UAE and, can take upto a year to process and ,they cant take your stuff out of your home, and they cant break in, so thats why they do it in the UK... There is a protocol, that says there should be no advantages or disadvantages by either party suing or defending in a UK court, if you receive a threatening letter from these clowns ,get a good judgment solicitor, use the foreign limitations act ,and others, dont forget, as the UAE banks are a foreign company,make an application for security costs,and any court action will result in them having to pay money out upfront, and i doubt UAE banks want to spend money, but also, realise, court costs you may have to pay if you lose... On a not so much brighter note, the courts are happier to see a debt repaid ,the Uk courts apparently will be happy to see the original debt paid ,plus ten per cent ,plus of course you may pay court costs, so,in general,if your debt is way too high from CWD and they wont prove it, then i suspect if you agree to the original amount that you owe, you may have to pay that with ten percent on top.... i would say the CCA means nothing as its a UAE debt not under UK law,apart from the UK courts if they have the jurisdicion to sue you here,so the CCA letter wont stand as it wasnt signed in the uk, just a thought. and i agree with ALLY ,all of you guest CWD spies, your numbers up, we know and we are onto you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Could it have been that the said solicitors could have asked tracesmart to do a trace search?
  10. im still baffled as to how one solicitors has been given the task of collecting all these debts from lots of UAE banks, when surely UAE banks would have found a way of sorting these debts out years ago, considering the thousands of solicitors in the UK, why these solicitors???????????????, which makes me wonder if theyve acquired these debts thats all.
  11. i too had a similar note from equifax,stating tracesmart coylewhitedevine a miscellaneous company made an inquiry against your credit report,,so who should i make the SAR to? or would both be better,and i certainly didnt give them consent...
  12. Thanks for your reply,"maybe" these people have bought all these debts from UAE banks,and are chasing those with assets first.its all a bit bizarre it seems.
  13. Hi Wangdoodle,you still not heard anymore from these people after months and months??
  14. Hi all, i opened a new post myself v recently regarding these solicitors,, im waiting for all the relevant paperwork from these people. The alleged debt thay have sent me in the letter is for more than ten years ago and has increased by nearly 200 times the original amount..!!! Obviously each case is different, but it could be argued that these solicitors have more advantage by sueing people here in the Uk for their creditors,than in the UAE, ead my thread arabianbusiness.- you can run but you cant hide august 2010.. Whether the courts would consider that an unfair advantage to the creditors i cant say.
  15. just thought id add this, just as to show what a mockery certain countries seem to make of the UK justice system, and also my thought is that solicitors "may" in fact be a dca but wont admit it... .jsut wondering what the SRA would say about complaints about refusal of acknowledgement of assignment, as the SRA regulations say its about the public interest in the long term. http://www.arabianbusiness.com/you-can-run-but-you-can-t-hide-341599.html#.V41bOWb6ttQ and read the article from three quarters of the way down,standard chartered onwards... and the comments people have made below it
  16. Hi all,i thought id post a new thread so as to any people who are dealing with or have dealt with CWD on UAE debt could perhaps update us as to the outcomes to date. I am also awaiting paperwork from these solicitors. One thing id like to comment on,is that doesnt it seem a little strange to people that these solicitors are acting on behalf of all these different UAE banks,that they are refusing to supply proof of assignment from these banks,and also saying they are not DCA,s !. I wish we could get a judges opinion as to how all of a sudden,these solicitors are taking on all these cases from different banks,often using template letters to people to use as their claim,and very often these claims range from anything from one year to fourteen years old.. It seems very odd that UAE banks hadnt already found a way of issuing claims through the UK courts,or at the very least,not sold on the debts to DCA,s years ago... Any thought.opinions,or updates please.
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