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Everything posted by Javert

  1. So for clarity then - clemo1972 bully tactics are clearly just that - smoke screen to stop people posting the facts. If they had nothing to hide then they would have no need to resort to these tactics. If you have posted previously and still have an outstanding issue that has not been resolved, please post any questions you continue to have. This site is designed to offer you advice and assistance in seeking a solution to your problem. You post a question and the team of informed advisors will try to suggest ways you can resolve your dispute / claim and the best course of action open to you. If anyone else has been following this and wishes to also ask questions, now is a good time to do it. Good luck
  2. Well looking at the photo on the front of the papers, there is one similarity - they both have blonde hair.. I fail to see any other relevance to the quote
  3. Apologies, I was away for the weekend so had no chance to post.. I came back today to find that the owner of one of the two agencies was on the front page of two Kent regional papers for the wrong reasons this weekend. Anyone want to update me on where we are with all this now - seems to have gone a little quiet..!!
  4. Seems a shame you can't state the details here but I guess thats your prerogative - just leaves people to assume the comments about the deposits may well be true. Oh and I note you still got the dig or veiled threat in about the police again despite "not wanting to sink to the same level".. nice Hope the record day continues and that they know their deposits are safe..!!
  5. @clemo1972 - It seems apparent from your posts that you are the afore mentioned JC and hopefully you are resolving some of these concerns listed on this forum. I think you'll find that with Social media leading the way in many spheres these days that any business which doesn't perform or resolve disputes in a time frame anticipated by its customers leaves itself open to comment of sites such as this. Some of your earlier posts may have been edited and are a little confusing to read given that you refer to Davidgb and also David BJ which may or may not be the same person. Did you also respond in the same way to the posts on here from 2013 by billybobynumeroduo who seemed to have exactly the same problem? Forgetting any personal factors which may be included in some of the historical posts I was wondering if you are in a position to allay peoples fears and to provide an explanation of what happens to the deposits taken to ensure both the tenant and the land lord are protected now and in future. What schemes do you use and where is the money?
  6. @paddockwoodlandlord - I am no expert here but surely the move now is for you to get the deposit paid directly to you by M&W and then you have to take out a contract with MyDeposits? The scheme is only an insurance scheme protecting the Tenant and you are still liable for the deposit so you need to make sure it is under your control and not with an agent. If they were to go bust you would lose that money and while your tenant would claim against the scheme (if covered) the scheme would come after you (not MW) for restitution. @raydetinu - is that correct please? Assuming what I have written is correct, the Landlord needs to be in control and not relying on the agent and must make sure that the money is safe or potentially face the consequences.
  7. she definitely has at least one active VAT registration I think on M&W Property Consultants (if someone would like to confirm) VAT number GB161513731. Not sure what this means if she is trading in other names though? thought anyone..!! I've seen one or two detailed explanations of what she has done to people but would be good to collate them all together for anyone who is reading this and I can see that there are more than 15 non registered members looking at it so please feel free to get involved and register to post your comments too. There are so many people hopefully looking at this now that someone surely must fully investigate this and all the other "issues" involved here. According to an earlier post I read here someone is suggesting that there might have been other historical court cases so if anyone is familiar with this it would be good to get the details recorded also as it will surely provide additional impetus to get action taken. The old adage no smoke without fire and it would appear the smoke is getting thicker by the day
  8. I understand that at least one of their registered companies is registered for VAT and it seems to still be valid so they should have been charging, and passing the VAT onto HMRC and also providing any relevant VAT refunds.
  9. If you suspect a VAT fraud If you suspect that a firm is avoiding paying VAT, or charging VAT when they aren't VAT registered, you can report them to HMRC by calling the free Customs Hotline. You don't have to give your name or any personal details.
  10. Relevant parts on the HMRC link above : VAT on bills and receipts Most retail prices on bills and receipts include VAT - it is not shown separately. However, some may also show the VAT element as a separate line. This doesn't mean you're being charged extra - it just shows how much tax is included in the price. Non-retail invoices from VAT-registered suppliers - for example from builders, or painters and decorators who are VAT registered - must show a separate amount for VAT. They must also show the nine-digit VAT Registration Number of the business. How to check if a VAT number is valid You can check whether a UK VAT number is valid by following the link below: Check a UK VAT registration number
  11. Check on their website as they should display the VAT number I think. I can't see how they can charge VAT on the deposit as this isn't income - her charge may incur VAT if she is registered? Check these out for information: accountingweb.co.uk/anyanswers/it-possible-find-out-if-company-vat-registered hmrc.gov.uk/vat/sectors/consumers/basics.htm
  12. there are actually three companies listed M&W SALES AND LETTINGS LLP, M&W SALES AND LETTINGS (ST LEONARDS) LTD, & M&W PROPERTY CONSULTANTS LTD but only two websites I have seen which I list on my previous post
  13. Just feeding in further info re: website. Paddock Wood office = mandwresidentiallettings.co.uk St Leonards office = mandwsalesandlettings.co.uk JC is based (see Team) in St Leonards and is still a director of Paddock Wood according to Companies House listing. LS is based in Paddock Wood. Both look similar on the websites but seem to have different listings/registered details at Companies House. There were two agencies originally but the St Leonards one has recently been renamed and registered M&W Sales and Lettings.
  14. if you do call Action Fraud - please get and post the reference number so all cases can be linked together.
  15. With reference to the reported owner and questions of membership / association - Apparently she may have passed an exam a few years back but is not a registered member of the Association so any claims to that effect would be false
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