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Everything posted by sunshineyday9

  1. Hi thanks again, no I haven't shall I SAR them then ?
  2. Sorry-eventually I'll get sorted-actually this was same time I stopped making full payments and went to Payplan to arrange small payments to each CCard including Barclays,
  3. Hi and thanks for your reply and help-I opened my payplan with them in August 2012. I CCA'd them in Jan 2014 , after no correct CCA received I sent a letter saying it was in dispute and I was ceasing any payments.
  4. Hello-I opened it -date of application with signature in December 2000. Shall I copy and paste-I can do that-I think ?
  5. Hi BC sent default in April 2015 but only for small amount of £16.44 due -it says, also this is the small barclaycard debt of £1108-00 they haven't done this to the larger one which owes £4800(previously egg) -just adding % even though they admit to not having signed/correct CCA -they have now sent letter being very nice saying they understand my current financial situation etc and please fill in the expendicture form attached, I am confused as they have stopped calling 7 times a day now and admit to not having the correct CCA last year, do I just ignore them, they haven't sold either debt on as yet ?
  6. Hi Bazooka-are these correctly uploaded now ??
  7. I hope these are now correct files-
  8. Now I can't find how to upload again-help !!!!!!
  9. ahh Thanks my goodness you are so helpful xx have done it now so will upload shortly-I hope
  10. ooooooo took me so long to do that -how do I convert or should I scan it again please-not too good on this
  11. Hi-at last I have the scanner and here are first of them-Amex-CCA they sent and new letter from NCO-do I ignore it or reply please
  12. Hi I will tomorrow when I can use a scanner-thanks for your help xx
  13. No they have gone really quiet which is a bit unerving as waiting to see what they do next but peace is nice-think they are plotting my sentence Thanks for advice I will keep everything and make notes xx
  14. Hello-I was making payments through DMP but quite high payments-then I heard about CCA etc and stopped once I didn't receive correct CCA-I will post them tomorrow when I get access to a scanner .....xx sorry hadn't finished answering-I am seriously in financial difficulty-was made redundant 3 months ago and since can't find a job-68 is an age that seems to put employers off-but I still keep tryingx
  15. Thanks shall I just sit quiet or do the SAR do you think ?? xx
  16. meaning ??? Yep thanks for that I will do I just be quiet then until I hear (if) anything from them ?
  17. Just thinking-why did I stop paying well I don't have a job-can't get one yet am trying-am 68 years old and live on state pension so even £1 month will be just acceptable forever?
  18. Sorry-what does or why have you speklt your name for me -I can't see where I wrote it-did I ?says you're not going to help me ? Well I stopped payment since they didn't send a CCA it was an application form,I will scan it later at sisters scanner . Account was opened 1994.I will SAR these over weekend see what happens. Many thanks
  19. Thanks will do that now today-am sure there are lots of penalties on this
  20. oooo I don't know-shall I SAR them or leave them quietly forgetting me-hopefully-un fortunately didn't keep statements Thanks for help x
  21. These guys were calling me 17 times a day on mobile or landline and really aggressive. Debt owed was £1900 they added huge % and penalties so now £3100. Opened Sept 1996. I foolishly sent cheque for £1 with CCA which I am 99% sure they copied my signature to a Credit agreement,where theyactually spelt my name wrong so I know I didn't sign it. They sent my account to Drydensfairfax who wrote several letters threatening court action etc but have gone very quiet since Feb this year-waiting for next move. I replied to Drydens saying they had not returned a CCA and was therefore unenforceable, heard nothing since. No statements,no calls nothing-eery- I CCA'd them in Jan 2014-they sent several attemptsat reconstrued CCA type A3 blank credit agreements-which had nothing,no details on them....their % was 26.5% . Stupid me to have got in this mess but I had quite a nice business then a creditor liquidated owing me huge monies and I lost everything-tried to survive for a while using CCards to support myself and pay debts with each of them -made it worse.hey ho such is life.All ok have my health,my family and it's summer at last
  22. Hello-this is my big one-£6574-in dispute since January 2012-my name is mispelt on all paperwork they send although it's correct on the application form they have sent as a CCA dated August 1994. They have sent normal loads of papers re construed etc no details on. Saying they are not required to produce a copy with primary cardholders signature on,said they won't be entering any more correspondence re the CCA but remind me they can start collection activities and report me to credit agencies They are not charging % on this balance and haven't heard anything since Jan 2014. Shall I just sit tight ? Many thanks for your help-I am sure I have more than paid for this debt with huge % over the years so don't feel too bad
  23. Hello-I have a Nat West credit card details below, this was opened September 2007-Balance £3268. I stopped paying after equesting my CCA which they didn't have and sent me lots of re construed papers minus any details,signatures,nothing just terms and conditions. This was on a DMP and the % is still frozen and I haven't heard anything from them just monthly statements,haven't heard anything since Jan 2012 when I wrote saying I was stopping payments re no CCA returned, then nothing-which is quite scary that they will suddenly appear at my window or something? What shall I do next please?
  24. Barclaycard in dispute since May 2014-I stopped payments previously with DMP. I requested the CCA in Jan 14-received hold letter then sent receonstrued terms and conditions absolutely nothing on it about me. Returned terms and conditions saying this is ok,quite legal. Balance £4,814. Issued default 23rd April 2015. 2015-now adding interest and late penalty £12 each month. Phone calls to mobile and landline 6/7 per day which I ignore . Do I just sit tight for next 6 years ? I am wondering what they will do next as they state they are aware it can't be taken to court-ie they say will take any action apart from enforcement. 2nd barclaycard exactly as above dates etc but balance is £994 plus adding % plus £12 late payment-same terms and conditions-same dates. Help required please-
  25. wow thanks so much -what's cashcowed ? -I will sit in the morning and do them all separately -thank you so much for your answers, amazing to share this with someone as no one knows I have these debts -even manage to pretend to myself at times.x
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