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Everything posted by JD12

  1. JD12

    Unauthorised Charge

    Great, il try that, thanks for the information , BIG help
  2. JD12

    Unauthorised Charge

    Yeah, they said they had no records of it, they did not see any transaction go through on that date through their banking system. And I just called my bank asking for the verification code ID that authorised this, and just told the company, hopefully they find something. But I can't imagine someone else having access to it that's what's bothering me right now mostly, card is like 5 months new only used it online like 7 times, no spyware on my computer, and iv been with this gaming company for like 2 years. Is it possible for me to ask my bank, to investigate the case to call the company up etc. despite me being unable to dispute it?
  3. JD12

    Unauthorised Charge

    And i just noticed I posted in the wrong place, Haha, sorry about that, i had a look around read some of the essential posts rules etc. but did not see the "New then please read this":roll: . Well was not really sure where to put it, sorry if it's in the wrong place >..
  4. Hello I in bit of a pickle. I have been recently buying some credit from a gaming company through the use of debit card online about.. . 6 times now and my last transaction was on the 8th of July. Now, everything was fine and dandy UNTIL the 10th of July, I was charged £9.99 out of no where by the gaming company which I never authorised. Now, this was very unexpected, if I did not notice this in time, I could have been billed £30 or more, by my bank due to insufficient amount of money in my account after the charge (gym membership payment every month, £14.99 every 20th of each month, £2.05p was left after the the unauthorised charge) but luckly I checked my transaction and was able to deposit enough money. I contacted the company (through emailing/tickets) about this and they said that: " Your last transaction was on the 8th of July, we have not received any payment from then". I showed them the screenshot of the charge from my statement and explained to them (2 replies in 1 month ) "If my last transaction was on the 8th of july... WHY WAS I CHARGED £9.99 on the 10th of JULY?". =Now they said that they had no record of the transaction. ..not a trace from their system on their side so they told me to cancel and ask for refund from bank (santander) I called, they said that I was unable to "dispute" the charge due to the fact that: A: It was an Unathorised Charge B: It could not have been fraud and the lack of information they had etc. So in summary.. I'm kinda stuck here... could anyone give me some advise on what to do next or tips? I thought it was fraud but... my card is like 5 months new...and this is the first time it has happened...and its just £9.99, and I'm smart to make sure my account and card is safe from people... and iv only used it Online like 8-9 times. 2 was Amazon rest was gaming company. Of course I should not waver the chances of fraud but I do highly doubt it.
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