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  1. 2001, and no it was to pay off some other smaller loans (windows and a car finance company's). It was North Rock.
  2. And there lies an issue, as it was so long ago - I only have the CA (original found), but there is no account info appart from some stuff just as account is sold on. Should I just presume the 21% of the 48 payments and go from there (since its front loaded)?
  3. Thanks again. Think the PPI was the £943.50 value - mistake on sheet shown by the silly arrow I think... What figure should i use do you think ? I was trying to do the PPI&interest charged as the 943.50 x (1.085)^4 Going from the link help section /forum/showthread.php?318646-PPI-Single-Premium-Your-questions-answered&p=3543245&viewfull=1#post3543245 This is what is confusing the crap out of me, since there are obvious errors on the CA do I just go with the stated 8.5% (even though it must be also wrong) ? [edit] After thinking about it a little more, i think I am best to stick with the figures set in the box of 1050.58 as you said. So I make that £1468.76 as total charged for the PPI, then inputting it into the spreadsheet to date comes out at £3013.95 (£1545.19 interest) Look right ? tyvm for your help
  4. Ok, thanks Dx ! however, I am still confused by that single payment and the interest calc in my situation according to my CCA im supposed to have paid 8.5% interest on the value of poss £943.50 for the 4years ? or do i just use the 8% for £943.50 from the 2001 date until now ? Also /showthread.php?318646-PPI-Single-Premium-Your-questions-answered&p=3543245&viewfull=1#post3543245 1st section will apply to me, but i have never had a 'default notice' as such, only a letter/date that the debt was sold on
  5. Hi All, I had a loan with the Rock in 2001 In 2006 this was sold onto another firm (just over 4k left), it did go through a period of default and reduced payments. Trying to figure out this bloody document, please take a look as I can't seem to get the figures to add up on the sheet to work the interest for the PPI claim. It states 8.5% APR over 4years, but for the life of me I can't get it to work out - it seems a complete mess? Once I figure out the correct figures, do i apply this APR to the PPI amount for the 4years, then 8% up until now ? Thanks all
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