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Everything posted by Iqbal007

  1. Only the lampost at bottom of the road had a suspension and the timeplate pole
  2. Even if you rarely use your car ? Theres actually 2 lamposts with timeplatees and one timeplate pole by itself. https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@51.543344,-0.144228,3a,75y,63.3h,80.14t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s3H2nJks78hS8wMfPmabALw!2e0
  3. There are 3 poles, on the far end that pole doesn't have a suspension sign? Could they also let me off at discretion? as I genuinely don't drive, sometimes even once a week and I do have a permit.
  4. thanks.....any way to sort out the upload thing. Also spoke to a parking attendant, seemed quite apologetic and told me to write to the council and they at their discretion may take the pcn back.
  5. Hi, New to this forum and seems like you guys know your stuff. So whats happened is that I have been given a PCN on code: 21. The car we own is rarely used accept on weekly shopping or for prayers, so car gets used abut twice a week. I have the local car permit, however the bay was suspended and I have been given a ticket. This is in camden by the way. [ATTACH=CONFIG]52504[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]52503[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=CONFIG]52505[/ATTACH] Can anyone help? Also the PCN was given at 8:24, the restriction was apparently from 8:00am onwards despite the normal times for the bay is 8:30am onwards. Plus so far no one is using the bays at all.
  6. Get your money back, you have the right to as the user above has stated, he falsely advertised that the car was hpi clear and sold a write off with out telling the seller.
  7. Well you can as long as you advertise it properly and give all the invoices including for the recent repair
  8. I hear stuff like this, if you are gonna hire a car, take pics of it before hand
  9. Im quite surpised, pc building isn't hard at all, at least you got your refund and replacement ?
  10. They rip you off, its pretty standard there............happened to a relative of mine, he paid for things he didn't need and doesn't know how to use such as online storage, etc
  11. I think you have a case to argue against them, but seriously £200 for just the screen is an incredible amount. But definitely complain higher up and even advertise the issue through social media e.g. twitter to gain some attention
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