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  1. Sorry, also forgot to ask: In the mediation, should I mention their lack of supporting documentation? Or is this giving my plan away too much, should it proceed to Court? Thanks.
  2. Thanks Andy. My monthly income is such that they may struggle even to get £5/month. I'm certainly not borrowing from a friend unless it is in my interest to do so. Can anyone indicate what sort of figures they may find acceptable, percentage wise?
  3. Any help would be appreciated on this. I meant mediation, of course. My concern is that if no agreement is reached in mediation, that a court date is set and they miraculously discover all of the documents a week beforehand. Also, am I correct on my previous post that even if no Judgement is made that the debt still just sits there on my credit file? I've searched the forum but can't find anything giving me a clue about whet if any offer I should make in mediation Thanks.
  4. Yes, this is their response to the Section 78 request. Now, there is an arbitration appointment booked. Any input on how I should proceed would be appreciated. As I see it, if this proceeds to Court, they will most likely not get a judgement, but on the other hand my credit file will still show this as a defaulted debt. If this is the case, I have a friend who would loan me the money if it was an advantageous figure. Should I go for this, and if so, what are they likely to accept?
  5. Okay. Current state of play. I have agreed to mediation and have a slot scheduled for later this month. Here's what I have received from MKDP (attached). My questions: 1. Sharklays are saying the balance is now due. How can this be due to them if the debt has been reassigned? My credit file show Sharklays as "Settled". 2. Still no sign a documentation regarding the reassignment. Is this good, bad or will it most likely follow jus before a Court date? 3. What does this mean my best course of action is regarding the mediation? What sort of offer has a chance of being accepted, should I chose to make one? Thanks as always for the help.
  6. Okay, here's the first batch. I'll put my questions at the end.
  7. Also forgot to ask. It says to serve copies to all parties. Do I send a copy to MKDP?
  8. I have now received N149A and N180 from the Court. A few questions. I believe that it is advisable to agree to mediation. Is this so? By agreeing to mediation, am I acknowledging the debt? I assume that it is appropriate for the small claims track so I should tick Yes for that. Still no sign on an agreement/T&Cs or response to my CPR request. Thanks again.
  9. Defence filed as per earlier post #1. Acknowledged by Court. Any other input re posts #2 and #18? Thanks all.
  10. Here is my CCA request: [REMOVED] please do not post templates in the open forum - dx
  11. Hi DX That's all they sent me. Do I write to them asking for the agreement as per my CCA request? Or does this constitute their failure to comply? Their letter: MKDP LLC v Yourself Claim Number: XXXXXXXXX We write with reference to the matter above. Please find enclosed a copy of the signed application form relating to this outstanding balance which confirms you are liable for the outstanding amount. If you wish to discuss this matter further please contact our legal department on 0800 XXX XXXX. Please be advised, should this matter proceed to trial and you are unsuccessful you may be liable for our costs. I really don't appreciate their attempt at a threatening tone.
  12. Okay, I've had the a copy of the original agreement back via MKDP. It is my signature on the form but the other printed details are unreadable, a nd the were no full T&Cs sent. Agreement from early 80s. I have scanned it and was just redacting it when I noticed there have been changes made to the address not in my handwriting. Therefore, the form as completed by me has been altered. It was never went back for me to correct because it has been done in someone else's handwriting. Should I still carry on redacting and post the form, or does this change the complexion of things.
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