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Everything posted by kaz70

  1. hi everyone i hope someone can help our car tax was renewed on jan 31st this year by the new direct debit scheme however due to financial problems we have decided to face upto we changed banks and of course yhe direct debit went unpaid. the problem we still have now is on dvla website car is shown as taxed til next feb there is no number to call and explain as all automated and no suitable option , also renewal notice is now invalid what do we do?? terrified of police stopping us as car is used every day for work any help would be great
  2. hi everyone many thanks for replying last time and my sincere apologies for not replying sooner terrible dramas here but thats another story!!! update - i have submitted an n245 i have done an i&e and offered £30 a month not much i know but all i can manage at present lady at court desk very helpful told my cai finance have 16 days to reply but no bailiff will call in meantime which is great news. so i guess i will just have to cross fingers in reply to earlier questions it is a county court bailiff from rhyl court who has been calling let you know more when i do thanks again
  3. hi i believe he is a county court baliff not sure if im allowed to print his name the letter through the post had a different mans name on i cant see those letters hceo anywhere
  4. yep dx a scribble it was !! also it was just put through letterbox with no envelope so anyone could have read it ( might sound daft but have family staying at mo ) also no mention on either letter of baliff fees or costs thank goodness this forum is here to keep us informed thank you all for your time replying still a bit unsure about filling form in correctly but i will take to court tomo and let you know how i get on in case it helps anyone else
  5. hello all sorry only just seen messages thank you so much well i wondered how they could seize goods they havnt even seen i know what you mean but i did read the letter properly ( several times !!) and it said . .you have failed to take action on this warrant arrangements have now been made to seize levied goods on/after 07.00 and 18.00 any costs involved including those for forcing an entry if nessasary will be added to the warrant . to update you i tried ringing baliff but no reply i txt him explained situation briefly and he told me to download form n245 and submit it with 50 fee and that he would need it within the week im goin to court first thing in the morn just unsure what to put i am happy to pay ( although bit peeved at all the costs but thats my fault) but it would be small instalments any advice welcome
  6. sorry i know you are all very busy but any advice would be so welcome just not sure if he will be back later or tomorrow thanks anyone who can help
  7. sorry meant to also add no date when he will return an i cant get to court til tomo to file n244 help please
  8. hi everyone well i sent a letter to halifax as advised i also emailed 1st credit to offer a payment proposal just got home an a letter from bailiff was on the mat it says as i have failed to take action they will be back between 7-6 to seize levied goods and can force entry if need be im really scared now i have emailed bailiff to explain i do not own anything in the house but can offer fifty pounds a month which my daughter can pay today for me any advice what todo next ? how can they seize levied goods no one has been in my home any help would be great thank you all
  9. thanks for advice it was originally a £900 overdraft with halifax which has been sold on and of course costs added ok i will take a form (n244? ) to court monday and hopefully sort this mess out before bailiff arrives i assume they wont call before monday
  10. sorry couldnt reply sooner wifi playing up in answer to dx100uk i dint know why i didnt get claim form im not trying to avoid paying just cant pay in full, as said earlier its a halifax debt they sold to cai finance they also go by name of 1st credit i think by the way no sign of bailiff as of yet but still wary
  11. no im at the same adress i know it is cai finance who have been to court i am trying to contact them
  12. have not had papers although post does go astray on out st at times but i would have filled them in yes it is off the county court business center
  13. thanks for replying the notice of warrant of control was dated 22nd jan but i was staying at my sons so only came home and opened it on Monday it says unless i pay amount due by feb 7 th the bailiff will call it is for £1700 was for an overdraft of orig £900 i could no longer work due to ill health an claim no benefits my partners car is on drive but is reg to him i dont drive any advice welcome just worried he will come today i have family here at minute
  14. hi everyone might sound a bit daft but.. . got a letter earlier in week ( a warrant of control!) to say i had to pay by feb 7th (today) or bailiff would come i have contacted company i owe and am awaiting email response prob be monday now am i right in thinking he will call today or will it be later if later i will hopefully have got agreement in place to pay company direct with installments thanks for any help
  15. thank you all for your kind messages if anyone is reading this who is awaiting eviction or about togo to court please please take the advice of the good people on here they really do know what you are going through an can help you i sincerly hope others in my position get the outcome they want i will be thinking of you as well as donating to the site i will be sticking around i may not have the expert knowledge of the other folk but i know how nice and uplifting it has been to have a few kind words ( an laughs!) especially late at night when awake worrying take care everyone i cant thank you enough xxx
  16. mike770 your comment was the first time i have laughed in a while thank you! just got out of court accord sent a local solicitor who to be fair was really balanced not pushy an said he would do his best went in shaking but within five mins judge who was lovely smiled at me an told me to relax he wasnt taking my home so its been suspended so long as payments made on time he even lowered them by £100 without me asking!!! cant believe it still bit worried in case baliffs turn up anyway b4 i get back but am guessing i would be ok - i hope thank you so much i couldnt have got through this without you all keeping me going big hugs to anyone else facing the same im on train back an the sun has come out !!!
  17. well on way to court not sure if its a bad sign but umbrella broke on way to station i am dripping wet my notes are soggy oh god i feel sick already wil be there too early but better than late !! can hardly speak so nervous wish me luck although the way the day has gone already...
  18. thank you everyone for your advice am terrified !! i am going to write a few things down ( thanks caro!) i think i will mention about paying less if possible, cant believe how scared i am last time passed in a blur and i didnt have to speak so dreading this .shall i make a payment before court or see if judge lowers amount first not sure feel sick now
  19. thank you caro i did go to bed early but am now back up have rung round but local cab office closed on a friday so i have to represent myself !! not very good at speaking up i feel really sick am dreading it thank you all for your support cant do any more now just hope i dont mess up tomo
  20. thank you Ell-enn you must be sick of my daft questions i will leave you in peace ! wil go to bed early an get to court for 9 just in case i can speak to someone keep me in your thoughts i will come back after court and let you all know if my nerves hold out !
  21. thank you for the advice i think im that convinced its going togo wrong i was too scared to offer less if we do lose the house can i ask if we can remain in it an put it up for sale really not our plan house is worth bout 120,000 we owe 52,000 finished in five years so not something we want todo but if its only option .. also would 10.30 eviction still stand or would they give us few days extra given that i wouldnt be home in time anyway sorry for stupid questions really scared an panicking more now i have to go in by myself
  22. just home from court got a hearing for 9.50 tomorrow so bit tight eviction is half ten, have togo on my own as hubby needs to work i asked at court but no legal advice availible tomo so scared its all down to me i will make decembers payment tomo before i attend court and we are still prepared to make £300 payments on top of mortgage to be honest would have asked for lower but too scared !! suppose all we can do now is wait just a thought but if judge decides we should lose our house can we ask to stay in for a few weeks an try and sell it ( we dont want too!!)any further advice gratefully received please wish me luck thanks
  23. well disaster yest laptop and printer packed in so had to try an remember stuff and write everything out by hand oh well hope it doesnt look too bad off now to court to try an get a hearing before eviction at 10 tomorrow petrified please cross your fingers for us wil post on way back
  24. thank you so much colin i will be back to let everyone know what happened
  25. sorry forgot to say husband gets paid morning of hearing so will make a payment before court hope that shows our willingness to pay
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