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  1. My last reply didn't post by looks of things! Thank you Helena with the £150 it will take 20ish months to pay back the debt is there a longer term? I did ask about the smart metre and was just told to call sales! In all honesty I cannot see how a 2 bed massionette can use £72 electricity a month but I guess cos my son wants TV on a lot it's that! I am at just a loss at what to do I must admit
  2. Dx100uk I set up the debt management before being told I needed to pay £150 a month, I was expecting a prepayment metre and estimated I would pay £80 a month
  3. Hi I really need advise!!! A year and a half ago I was advised to leave my job due to health reasons, and I did so. .. I fell back on payments with eon.. .. I buried my head in the sand even when I found a new job I only made a few payments as I wasn't paid much I didn't talk to eon much avoided a lot of calls etc Now I had to sort it I had a letter turn up someone had been round to collect the money and if I didn't do something they would force entry to put a prepayment metre in.. .. So I called up... . Turns out they couldn't install one as was above 6foot.. . So I have to pay on a prepayment card, I use £72 electric a month and to pay my debt of £1600 approx I will have to pay £150 a month (that includes my £72 of electric I averagly use) I just know I can't afford it (will have to cut my already budgeted food shop) but I was scared and didn't know what to say to them on the phone! I'm at such a loss at what to do... . My husband's wages go on mortgage, council tax etc so he has nothing spare we don't qualify for benefits (only child tax) Please can someone help me Also I am with a debt management company for all my other debts and they said I only had £40 to spare each month to give them to pay off my other debts I'm in such a mess and don't know what to do :'-(
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