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  1. sorry i dont feel i am being silly i just dont feel comfortable naming names all over the internet... there was a mis type in the sentence you have copied the word dal should have said deal...... it was for a foreign exchange deal that i actually didnt make yet the company insists i did, and as i refused to pay for the transaction they have to sell the currency back or something at a different rate and said i was liable for the difference debt.... i am not really asking for help re defending myself as such it was more the point that i knew nothing about it and wondered if it was true that it would cost me money whichever way i try and turn as an innocent party??
  2. id rather not name names on a public site as you never know whos reading... and my question was more general re the serving of papers.. . it obviously wasnt sent to an incorrect address as this letter has arrived but i just dont see how they can find me guilty without hearing my side and why i should have to pay such a large amount to tell them that it must have got lost in post?? its more than the disputed amount??
  3. it was very long winded . a financial institution said i made a dal that i didnt and i had to pay the difference in a reversal.. . they did write to me but i refused to be bullied by them and told them so,... . but i never heard anything fro the courts or had any official papers served on me??? i thought they had to prove papers had been served..ie recorded delivery??? as i dont see how its fair that they demand 235.00 or i have to pay 155.00 to say i didnt recieve anything?? i cant win i lose money whichever way i turn??
  4. hi... very new to this and hoping someone can help... . i have received a letter today from money claims online saying judgement has been made against me for 235.00 and i must pay!!.... this is the first i know of any kind of official proceedings... . i was aware that a company had threatened to take me to court for 130.00 that i disputed owing them but i never heard any more.. well i callled and was told as i had not responded jugement had been made in their favour and i now had to pay 235.00 to them!! .. i said i knew nothing and they said a letter had been sent.. . i live very rurally and its not unusual for mail to not arrive so my argument is how if not sent recorded can this be the case. .. i was told i could get it set aside on a n244 form but it would cost me 155.00!!! help they have me over a barrel here they said that the rules are as long as they posted it its classed as served ?? is that right? any advice greatly appreciated thankyou
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