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Everything posted by katie2401

  1. Hi all Sorry if this is in the wrong place. I have submitted a complaint for irresponsible lending for the above. They are requesting bank statements and wage slips from the time the loan was issued (almost 14 months and still open now). I feel fairly uncomfortable providing these. Would I be within my rights to decline and ask them to look into the internal affordability tests that they carried out? I'm not sure how to proceed as I've not encountered this with any other complaints. Thank you
  2. I've just searched my inbox and can't find any trace of it unfortunately. Never mind - was just a thought that I had but if that's the normal process then that's fine. Thanks for your help
  3. Hi all I'm after a bit of advice if possible. I recently entered into a self managed DMP. I borrowed £1000 in June and made the first three payments with no issues. I have since set up an agreement to pay £7. Am I right in thinking that the interest was front loaded? My balance is somewhere in the region of £1900 to repay. Would it be fair to ask them to only calculate interest to the day I asked them to stop interest and charges? Or am I completely wrong about this? Thank you for you time.
  4. PDUK taken to the ombudsman! Fingers crossed for a better result than MRL!
  5. UPDATE: Had an email from the adjudicator saying my complaint is now in a queue to be looked at by the ombudsman. Also (stragely at the same time) received an email from PaydayUK stating that they basically haven't had chance to look at my complaint and suggesting that I now cotntact the Ombudsman. Should I give them more time or simply escalate?
  6. Thanks very much for this and I appreciate you taking the time to help me. I was in exactly that position, I wanted to maintain my credit file and therefore was stuck in a cycle of borrowing from Peter to pay Paul. This went on for almost 18 moths before I sought excellent advice from this forum and tried to remedy my initial mistake of taking that first ever loan. I'm still paying back some loans now and my credit file is shot. I've currently got a complaint in ith PaydayUK as well and the eight weeks is up today. They did however refund me £33 interest from a previous loan but I believe that this was seperate from my complaint.I've still got MyJar, 247money, wonga and others to begin the complaint process with. I do have a complaint in with wonga at present but that was to reflect the way they treated me when I explained my situation rather than to seek redress. It's not so much the refunds that I'm after (although it will obviously help) but rather that entries be removed from my credit file.I'm not going to give up now I've made the decision to escalate, I think I felt that the adjudicator was swaying towards the side of the lender rather than being impartial and on that basis decisied not to let it lie. If the ombusdman decides in favour of the lender then so be it, at least I'll know I've tried. Good luck with the rest of your complaints, I'll keep you posted on mine. I should hopefully hear something today from the adjudicator.I've not heard of the other website but I'll have a quick look now
  7. Hi, yes I have asked that this be escalated and the adjudicator has placed pressure on Mr L to allow me to receive the info that it originally declined. Should hear something back today hopefully.
  8. Does anyone have any advice as to whether proceed in taking this further or whether it's not worth it? Thank you.
  9. Thank you for your responses. Should I bother responding or just take it as a defeat? I do understand some of his reasoning but I don't agree that they should have let me reloan.
  10. I have an account with Check My file. I had a default registered on there from a credit card, although this was from 2011. There is no mention in the findings of the rollovers or anything. I sent a copy of my CRA to the ombudsman. Think I might just have to accept defeat with this one. Although my credit score may have been good at the time, this was because I was maintaining my loans by borrowing from other companies etc.
  11. Funny you should ask, I've just had the following email: Thanks for your patience whilst I’ve been in touch with Mr Lender. Unfortunately, there’s only certain evidence its allowed for me to send over to you. The only documents its willing for me to send to you is a copy of your final response letter and copies of the credit agreements for the loans. I’m aware that you would’ve already seen this information, but please let me know if you’d like me to send over copies. I also asked if it could send copies of the following documents which I considered when reaching my opinion on your complaint: - A copy of the application form you filled in when applying for your loans - A copy of the information it saw when carrying out credit checks - Dialog notes for your complaint Mr Lender hasn’t given me permission to send you the above evidence. Its reason for this is because the information is from its internal system. As it is business sensitive information, Mr Lender is unwilling for it to be disclosed. What I can do is offer you a summary of how the above information led to me coming to my opinion. As mentioned in my opinion letter, I was provided with a copy of an online application form you filled in. The application form showed that you filled in your income as £1750. Your disposable income was filled in as £1270. The form also indicated that you hadn’t filled in any other loans. Based on you what you recorded as your disposable income, and that you didn’t make Mr Lender aware of any other loans, I can’t see its made an error in accepting your loan application. I also looked at the information Mr Lender saw when carrying out credit checks. From this information, it saw that you’d settled previous accounts in the past. It saw that you had a high credit score. It also noticed you had no account defaults within the last three years, and no evidence of IVA’s, CCJ’s or bankruptcies. The information that Mr Lender saw wouldn’t have caused any reason for it to be concerned when assessing your loan applications. I assessed its dialog notes for your complaint. I also looked at the emails you forwarded me. You’d informed Mr Lender that you were in financial difficulty on 15 July 2014. It offered you a reasonable repayment plan the following day. When you missed a payment on 5 September 2014, you informed Mr Lender that this was due to a change in your employment. Whilst I accept that Mr Lender could have dealt with this situation better in responding to your emails, Mr Lender did credit your account on 13 September 2014 for the interest and charges received throughout the period of time in question. Hopefully this helps clear up what information I used to form my opinion, and why it did so. Apologies for any repetition of the information I sent you in my opinion letter. If you have any further queries, please let me know by 18 January 2016. If I don’t I hear from you by then, we might not be able to look into your complaint again. Hope to hear from you soon.
  12. I have requested the information and evidence so will see if I can pick anything apart when (if) he sends it to me. I'm not getting my hopes up, seems like the decision is already made.
  13. 21/3/14: borrowed £133 (approved for £150 but faster payment charge). 15/4/14: £52.50 roll over. 8/5/14: £40.36 - rollover 8/5/14: £150 paid in full. 21/5/14: borrowed £400 - received £383 17/6/14: £120 rollover Payment plan: 18/7: £32.50 25/7: £32.50 7/8: £32.50 15/8: £32.50 21/8: £32.50 28/8: £32.50 12/9: £30 17/9: £10 18/9: £30 25/9: £30 2/10: £35 10/10: £30 17/10: £29.17 27/10: £30 27/10: £20 30/10: £11 Thanks very much
  14. This is my draft response to the ajudicator, hope it sounds ok.
  15. Thank you for your response and for taking the time to look at my complaint. However I do not feel satisfied with the outcome for the following reasons: · I do not feel that the information that I provided actively reflected the nature of my financial position at the time. I do not feel that it is possible to provide an accurate picture of affordability without looking at information such as bank statements. This information was not requested. · Had my credit file been explored fully, it would have been noted that between both of my current bank accounts, I was at the time almost £5000 overdrawn. · It would have also been noted that I had four open credit cards and that despite these being up to date, acquiring further credit would not have helped the situation. · After receiving my first loan, I rolled this over twice. In total paying £267.20 for a sum of £150 borrowed. · After rolling over twice and then settling in full; I do not feel that it was responsible to further led to myself the sum of £400, when I have clearly struggled to pay the sum in full for a much smaller amount. · Although I was agreed to borrow £400 I only received £383 as there was a fee for a faster payment, which I know to be free. · Although I was offered a discount when I completed a payment plan, this reflected the charges received when I had missed a weekly payment. In fact, according to my calculations and taking into account the roll over that I paid, I have in fact repaid £570.17. Therefore interest and charges were not removed to successfully reflect the financial hardship that I was experiencing at the time.
  16. Both I think, although as previously stated, this wasn't true. However although I have submitted 6 months prior bank accounts, he has not picked up that this income was not as stated.
  17. When I first loaned with them, one bank acc was £2576 OD with a limit of £2650. Another bank account was £1893 OD with a limit of £1900.
  18. Even just going off the first loan I've worked out that I paid £317 for a £150 loan. Yes I would have thought so but I'll try and check now
  19. 1st one was March 2014. For £150, I rolled over on 14/04 for £52.50. I had loans with P2P, wonga and PDUK prior. I then rolled over again 2/05 and paid £59.50. I then settled in full on the 5th May. I reloaned on 21/5 for £400. I rolled this over on 6/6/14 and paid £120. I then owed £520 and set up a repayment plan. To be honest I'd forgotten about the first roll overs until I just looked. That might be an indicator that I was struggling? My bank account at the time was £3000 over drawn. Even if all the PDLs weren't showing on my credit file, I'm guessing at least half of them would be.
  20. Thank you. I will try again and see what they say. Suppose it doesn't cost anything to try and take it further. I'll keep you updated.
  21. Thanks Neil I just don't know where to go really. He said if I didn't agree then to let him know and he'll look at any new evidence. I don't have any new evidence though, I sent him everything I have.
  22. appreciate you’ve said Mr Lender didn’t carry out thorough affordability checks. You feel it should’ve noticed you’d received 12 short term loans in a very short period of time. However, in the section of the online application titled ‘other loans’, nothing was filled in. If you were experiencing financial difficulty at the time, it would’ve been your responsibility to inform Mr Lender. Based on the information you provided it with, and the information it saw when carrying out credit checks, I can’t see that Mr Lender has lent to you irresponsibly. I understand you feel Mr Lender caused you further financial hardship. I’ve looked at the emails you forwarded to me. You informed Mr Lender on 15 July 2014 that you were experiencing financial difficulty. The following day, Mr Lender offered you a repayment plan of £32.50 per week. I think this was a fair and reasonable response to your financial situation. I also noticed you missed a payment on 5 September 2014. You’d informed Mr Lender that this was due to a change in your employment, meaning you were unable to make weekly payments. Your account was then placed back to Overdue Status on 9 September 2014. Your repayment plan was cancelled and your account was no longer frozen. Interest then began to accumulate on your outstanding loan. You then requested a new repayment plan on 11 September 2014, and for interest and charges to be removed. From the list of transactions Mr Lender has sent me, I can see that a new repayment plan was set up. I can also see that the interest and charges you received were then credited to your account as a discount on 13 November 2014. Your loan was paid off in full on this date. I therefore won’t be asking Mr Lender to refund you interest and charges. Based on the information you filled in on the applications forms, and what Mr Lender saw when it carried out credit checks, I can’t see that you have been irresponsibly lent to. I also don’t see it as reasonable to offer you compensation as I feel Mr Lender has acted fairly and reasonably in assisting you to pay off your loans.
  23. First part of response: I’ve looked at the information you provided Mr Lender with when applying for your loans. The application form indicates to me that you filled in your monthly income as £1750. Based on what you’d filled in as your monthly expenditure, your disposable income was recorded as £1270. I also noticed that you hadn’t noted any other loans. Mr Lender also provided with me with the information it saw when it carried out credit checks. Mr Lender made a decision to accept your loan applications based on several factors. From looking at your credit file, it noticed that you’d settled previous accounts in a satisfactory manner. It saw that you had a high credit score. It also noticed you had no account defaults within the last three years, as well as no evidence of IVA’s, CCJ’s or bankruptcies.
  24. I had an initial loan that I paid pack, then another loan that I rolled over, then paid back and reloaned for a much higher amount. I then had to enter into a repayment plan. I don't know what to say to be honest, I feel a bit dejected and because I told them my income was X, just to get the loan, that's why they lent to me. The response is that basically it should have been my responsibility to tell them about my other loans.
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