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  1. Hello everyone, I appreciate all responses. A couple of months ago I travelled one stop from an unmanned station to Guildford station. I was stopped by revenue protection officers and have now received a letter from South West Trains prosecution department informing me they are considering whether legal proceedings are appropriate. I have 14 days to respond and wish to try to settle out of court. They questions I was hoping you could answer are as follows: 1) Under what circumstances would they decide to not summon me to court now it has reached this stage? 2) If they summon me to court do I still have the ability to negotiate an out of court settlement or does this have to be done before they summon me? 3) What information should be included in my response to them to try and achieve an out of court settlement? And how do you recommend the letter is written? 4) When I provided my ID to him I unknowingly gave my old drivers licence with an incorrect address. As I heard him read it out loud on the phone as he was checking its validity I then corrected him and gave him my current address. Does this count as providing false details under the law? Many thanks in advance
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