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Everything posted by kwackers

  1. Jesus, you'll be getting your big brothers onto each other next.
  2. I don't understand that? So different councils allowed the EA to charge different van fees?
  3. You surely had a levy fee if you did one? Why the difference in van fees?
  4. Ok. After I posted that one I realised that we were talking about self employment, so no salary. So before April, for CT, the fees were 24.50 for 1 visit, a further 18.00 for the second. How much of that was yours? If the case progressed, you could then add levy fees, removal fees and so forth. Not sure what your actual fees were as it was a bit of a mixed bag with different companies. What was a typical breakdown of your fees?
  5. Ok, is that on top of your salary? Am I right to assume that if the debtor pays at the compliance stage, you personally don't see anything as you actually haven't got involved yet?
  6. Talking Sense, I'm asking this as I really don't know the answer, but say you collected fully on a debt at the first visit, coming away with the amount owed plus £310 in fees. How much of that does the EA actually get and how does it compare with pre-April figures? I'm not being snide or anything, I genuinely want to know what the figures are.
  7. And I would say that EAs becoming more aggressive could have the knock on effect of the debtor making more complaints, taking more advice, putting up more barriers and doing all they can to avoid paying the EA.
  8. Talk sense, are you saying that these new regulations will just push the 'well behaved' EAs to more aggressive enforcement, or even illegal or borderline illegal enforcement? And of course, that would imply that the already aggressive ones will become even more aggressive.
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