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Talk sense

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Everything posted by Talk sense

  1. Lmao The name does lend itself open to abuse. I'm surprised it's took this long in fairness haha
  2. And no. Only 1 enforcement fee is chargeable after April 6th And certainly on one visit new or old regs.
  3. But in cases over £1500 a further 7.5% of the debt is also added. So in your case £310 + 7.5% (of remaining debt over £1500) Hope this answers your question
  4. PS: I would be interested in your comments regarding the Police & Bailiff Roadside Operations. Pls send me those notes and I will have a look and hopefully help give a good opinion.
  5. Yes that's true. Removal of goods for me a thing of the past. And not necessary! I'd really class that as vulnerable. You'd have to be an idiot to enforce some cases. I hate the whole word enforce. To me it gives a poor view of what I believe we are to be used for. The nature of the job has changed so much. I really think we had it right when we used levy bailiffs. But now the industry has done away with them and only use "enforcement" agents? I think it should have swung the other way.
  6. We have seen an increase in debtors even with the compliance stage being longer in process. Certain creditors still wish to use the bailiff that won't change. If anything I would say by only having the one fee over numerous debts encourages debtors to take as long as they like in paying bills
  7. Just watched 20 mins of that. I've never seen it before. I will say this too start. A bully and a nasty piece of work. I'd have his certificate. If that was my home he'd leave alright in a police van or a box. A utter disgrace and embarrassment. The fees atrocious even if legal. His manner and behaviour disgusting. 1. I never collect rta in the past because of the extreme fees which I didn't believe in. 2. If that was me making the visit I wouldn't of clamped a taxi. 3. On the word "cancer" I'd of left. So what do learn from this video and experience? 1.not all bailiffs are pieces of muck 2.the fees needed addressing (have been) 3. Maybe put a camera on all agents 4.why had this got so far? There's a lack of responsibility across the board here. But to then complement a difficult situation with an overgrown idiot, theif ,bully is even worse. I truly am disgusted and feel a great sense of anger now I've seen this. I hope he's been sacked and had his license removed. However I get the point that for bailiffs to be in court it's taken bad behaviour which shouldn't occur at all. But we ain't all like him. And if I was with him I'd of dragged him out the house myself. Believe me! Maybe difficult after seeing that
  8. No one is saying pay them for every single job. Pay the bailiff if he collects some money. I would suggest that 90% of the people I speak to make me an offer of payment. They ain't all not wanting to pay. So when someone phones me and says "I've received your letter mate, you want £2000 now but I don't have it. I can pay you £200 Friday and £100 per month" I can say" ok mate this seems fair" (depending on circumstance) "give me a call Friday and we can get that done" Now if I could do that everybody is happy in what can be a terrible situation fraught with all kinds of problems. Debtor pays money I collect and am paid Bailiff company are doing a job Cnl gets paid. I don't see a problem really. It ain't rocket science. I don't think people who don't pay should be let off. But I don't believe bailiffs should be used to inflict more hardship and misery. There is a balance to be had so let's have it.
  9. But you still see the "bailiff" as being the problem. And it is "not" the bailiff who is responsible for the collection and payments made to the bailiff. County court bailiffs are how they are because of the different payment structure, fee structure. Which allows them to be how they are. There's no reason why the private bailiff can't work a similar practice. None at all. The bailiff is not the problem it's the bloody system that's screwed. Bailiffs are left working writhing a rubbish corrupt system when dealing with these debts. If you take nothing else from my posts please just understand this point. Bailiffs are the making of a corruption and greed by owners of private firms. Sort them out and how they allow the bailiff to work and be paid, and you sort out the bailiff. Trying to pull individual bailiffs from the industry will take years. Go to the route of the problem. At the top.
  10. No problem. And thanks I guess if a politician tried to convince me he was any different it would take me a period if time. To judge that person on there own merits. I get it
  11. I've been in many a meeting a have my point of view. They either chose not to understand or they're too thick to get it. Money mad the lot of them
  12. Sorry???? I don't understand this Bailiffs are crew But are paid less to become management. This is why good bailiffs don't ever become bailiff managers. And therefore normally speaking the voice of the bailiff on the street is misunderstood between bailiff and owner as the go between manager struggles to comprehend both views or certainly that of the agent.
  13. Lol She's long gone. But bailiffs and bailiff companies are 2 different things. It's like the puppet and puppeteer.
  14. I agree 150% with what you've said. I really do. And I understand why you write this. I appreciate why you and others take this view. But really....... Climbing fences, going through windows and feet in doorways. I know of that going on. And that's rediculous. I can honestly say in over 10 yrs I have never once used such methods. And I'm not a bailiff who's struggled to earn a living. So don't see why others have done it. Idiots And should be struck off like a doctor who abuses their position. But surely put a camera on me and all bailiffs. Legal requirement wear a camera. Job solved. Offer a more fair playing field with wages. Which opens up a greater fairness to the debtor. Job solved. Easy
  15. Sorry. I wasn't saying police would assist in gaining entry. But they're there to help assist in other ways. They're not there only to prevent breach of peace. I think the whole idea of a bailiff is a nonsense in truth. The principle I agree with but the practices are a shambles. Put it this way. I don't know of any current serving bailiff who was present to Help with the new reform. It was owners and councils. A joke
  16. If their were a bailiff union we would all walk. We hate the regs and the industry as much as debtors. Truth. But we all need to try and support our families. I'd walk tomorrow if I had another job to go to, which would pay my bills. But there's not. The majority of bailiffs have no qualification or trade. Bailiff companies know this. Bailiff companies say. "If your not happy leave" To what??? They're no stupid. They'd all have a bloody heart attack if we all did walk. I think that would be better for everyone. Maybe then they'd all get the message. Bailiffs arnt the problem here. I understand and agree that some bailiffs in the PAST have brought a lot of this on themselves. But this is the here and now.
  17. I agree. But think the facility to remove still applies in cases that warrant it only. This is 2014 and in a recession but the has to get pay in full?? That was the only point I really wanted to make. While people still use bailiffs. For me it's about using them fairly and correctly. Changing name is a nonsense. Reputation can be changed but only if bailiff companies and councils start being realistic. Bailiff companies don't offer reasonable or any pay on part payment collection, why: •the bailiff has already called and added the fee. •the bailiff has to enforce to earn a living. Do bailiff companies want to use bailiffs at all? Or I'd it only due to the requirement of legislation with States the fees can only be added by a certified bailiff. If was the case and the fee could be added by mail being posted, bailiff companies would just use call centres. Why would the bailiff company make collection easy for the EA? When on no collection the debtor 5 days later calls the office and makes a payment anyway. Then the bailiff company pocket the full £310 when in truth all they've done is send a letter. The bailiff has has had all the cost and done the majority of the work. We as bailiffs would really love the opportunity to help debtors as much as possible by taking less money and offering affordable arrangement. However truth is we don't earn money for doing that because of how the companies pay. They now all pay less than before. That's without president. But unfortunately people/debtors/Customers are being charged more and sooner. The only people this new regulation has benefitted is the fat cat owners of bailiff companies.
  18. A fantastic post and really appreciated as normally the bailiff would carry the flack and have a misplaced complaint made against them for noore than knocking on a door.
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