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Everything posted by plong979

  1. Cheers again dx. Yeah read up on them on the forums and they are just door knockers. I'll ignore and save postage money. Thanks you.
  2. Back again. Received letters from crapquest about taking over my loans again and now they have sent a letter saying they are going to instruct resolvecall to make a home visit. The debt is SB now so should I just send crapquest the SB letter?
  3. Dryden has replied say the account is closed with them and any future correspondence should be sent to erudio.
  4. Just seeen this post and you mention to send the PAP and SB letter so do I have you use the PAP reply form as well? When I asked you just said send the letter
  5. SB letter posted. Will update when/if I hear back. I take it as I used their ref code in relation to the PAP thats I don't need to send a pap form as well. Thanks again for the help. It is very much appreciated.
  6. ok no return of pap form. just to confirm as i sent a letter as i was over the threshold 2 years ago asking for payment das i was keeping to the terms of the loan. this doesn't coutn? regarding the SB letter, the one in the post 1 or the pdf in post 2 or doesn't it matter?
  7. well my last deferment was May 2013 so it's SB'd if nothing i've done inbetween counts against the clock. so just to confirm, tick Box D on the PAP form and attach the SB letter? (one in the post or pdf version as they are slightly different so unsure if it matters)
  8. so they finally replied to my PAP a couple of months ago with the usual on hold and it's been a while but i've got another one of those PAP letters from dryden. just in time for the festive period. just wondering what to do this time, same defence as the previous times or change to statue barred?
  9. Been following other threads and sort of expecting a claim letter any day now so getting my notes together. But just wondering if my would be SB now? Last deferment date was May 2013 as Erudio refused evidence for my 2014 application or am I in it for the long haul?
  10. Is there a time limit for them to acknowledge my dispute? Letter was delivered on the 16th so it’s been longer than the previous times.
  11. Sorry not scanned up last letter but scanner on my printer has decided to give up and I don’t have access to a private scanner in work. I also had another PAP letter, same reference num so I’ll get my same reply off this week
  12. So I’ve had a reply to the last PAP form but this time it’s not the standard reply but it mentions my dealing with the FOS and how the FOS agreed with Erudio and how I didn’t sign their DAF but provided the SLC form. The interesting thing is the Erudio letters don’t have there letter headers on, just blank. Ill scan it up over the weekend, but I’m just wondering what is going to happen with regards to the PAP.
  13. Round 3...another PAP letter, same ref number. I’ll sort out my reply over weekend. I do have 1 question. Just wondering what I should I do about the deferment this year. Last year I asked for payment details as I was finally over the threshold but they ignored it. Shall I write off again as I’m still over asking for details or just leave it now as it’s got to this stage?
  14. Here are the scanned SLC forms, sorry fort the delay. I've also included the first page of the dryden response to the PAP form for reference. SLCScannedRetracted.pdf
  15. Yeah same Erudio ref. I’ll get it all posted off this weekend. I’ll scan up the docs in work and upload them tomorrow or fri latest. Thanks again.
  16. Ok. I’ll sort out the same reply as last time. I take it, just the PAP form, no need for the CCA again? Finally just to confirm, you want me to scan what I got back off Dryden and Erudio and upload as one pdf?
  17. So I got my CCA request off Erudio and Dryden sent the forums requested in the PAP. I noticed 2 of my SLC loan forms haven’t been signed by SLC staff member, does that matter? Anyway, I’ve just received another PAP from Dryden. Do I do the same again?
  18. Dryden wrote back saying account is on temp hold while they contact eruodo with details of my query. they’ll inform me of the outcome once they get a response of erudio.
  19. PAP and CCA posted. Will report back if/when I hear anything. Thanks again for the help and advice.
  20. thank you again for your help, i really do appreciate it (donated). one last question before i get the PAP and CCA send out by the weekend. for the CCA do i delete or keep the blue section?
  21. i'm following it but i got confused with other posts also doing the PAP but not following Post 4. you also said explain a bit so it my attached sheet fine then? or shall i just do it word for word. So I basically doing Post 4 word for word then, so I do need to send a CCA so please say that instead of "it won't hurt", I am not very good at this. i am trying and i really do appreicate the help, i'm just a bit rubbish at it all i am also getting confused by the CCA, I am putting s77 but further down it's got s77(4), do i need the (4)? (i suspect yes)
  22. yeah i'm not doing H as you said. you did say in a previous post that "cca wont hurt no", so do I need to do a CCA like in post 4 or not? or do i just put this in I... I also require you to supply the following.. a copy of the Default Notice A copy of the Notice of Assignment A complete set of statements detailing exactly how the debt has accrued detailing: I. All Transactions. II. any additional charges, be them by the original creditor or you Erudio (or is it drydens?) the debt purchaser or any predecessor DCA. III. details of all contractual interest added by whom and on what date. IV. List of ALL Payments made toward the Agreement or do I put something else? or do I just tick I and leave it blank? i am trying my bnest i;ve got alot of drama going on in my life at thje moment so trying to keep on top of everything. sorry that im slow on the uptake.
  23. i read it, sorry if i don't understand it correctly. so just leave it at Box D then and remove the last sentance? Box D I dispute the debt: I have attempted to defer every year I’ve been eligible but Erudio refused to acknowledge my deferment even though I provided the same evidence which Student Loans Company accepted without incident for over 10 years. This year is the first year (2018) which I have been over the threshold and I requested payment details in line with the terms and conditions of the loans which I took out with the Student Loans Company, Erudio ignored my request to send me payment details.
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