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Everything posted by john432

  1. No point the system is over a year old now. The Ombudsman mailed me in July and said it would take 3 months to look at my case which meant that it was still in warranty however it took them 7 months to give a decision!!!! And now another third party Ombudsman is looking at my request to review the case which I was informed could take some time!! Are they a waste of time- what say you? Thanks
  2. Yes they are and the bank insist it could go back to the manufacture to be repaired so they've declined my section 75 request and the Ombudsman agree's with them!
  3. It's true, I tried to cut'n paste the PDF file reply but it didn't work!!!
  4. Ombudsman has rejected my claim because I didn't send the system off to the manufacturer as Santander gave me the option. What next say you ?
  5. After reading the'Ombudsman' drop down message on here looks like I'll be turned down. If so can I still apply to the Small Claims Court where I might stand a better chance of Success ???
  6. Update Complained to Ombudsman end of July 13/8 mail confirmong they'll get back to me in four weeks 17/8 mail now saying back to me in twelve weeks, so a long drawn out process I think with probably no refund at the end, Santander alleged that section 75 didn't apply in my case when I asked for a re-fund so I'm now going to bin my CCTV system and just start again with another make Thanks
  7. Update Received a letter today confirming they've looked at my case again and their decision is unchanged and asked me to contact the cctv maker for a repair. So letter to Ombudsman? any templates/examples for doing this please? Thanks
  8. Hi Thanks for the reply They know Maplin have folded So they're fobbing me off as I suspected yes? I'd have thought their liability was to re-fund me Should I report their actions to the Ombudsman? because it seems to me their actions are appalling Thanks again
  9. Update Santander gave me a call today and told me they will arrange for the unit to be collected for a repair by the manufacturer, however they called back and renaged on that later and told me to send it off for repair (rather have a refund no confidence in this product now!!) I thought Santander were jointly liable along with the supplier to reimburse me for the faulty items, it seems to me I'm being fobbed off with a repair yes/no? Thanks
  10. My new bank closed it as they do now if you're starting with a new bank. Zero ballance on the c/card Cctv cost £350 Thanks
  11. Hi I purchased a cctv from Maplin about 8 months ago using my Santander c/card, I closed the account about 6 weeks ago and now the cctv system is broken, Maplin have liquidated of course so I ask.... Can I still claim a refund on my old card? Thanks
  12. Shawbrook confirmed by email they only received one payment and not two. Edit-- just checked and still only one payment received on the 19th April and none since
  13. Got a new email last night stating they are going to reclaim the overpayment from my Shawbrook acc!!!!!!! and if that fails there is nothing else they can do! God knows how many times I've told them the above is not applicable (see my posts), must be people from another planet at customer service in India! They
  14. Thanks for the great advice, new format letter posted today Will keep updated
  15. As requested? ..................................................................................................................... On the 19/04 I drew £58.90 from my account to another acc in my name with Shawbrook, the site was running VERY slow and when I pressed send nothing happened so I pressed send again and a message then came up not to press the send button again which I didn’t and the amount was sent. When I looked at my account two amounts of £58.90 had gone out and not one! The Shawbrook confirmed in writing that they only received one £58.90. I put all this information via the message system on the site, but all I receive back is comments from people that cannot remember what I’ve posted. Example 1/ being called another name and my proper name in the same sentence. 2/ Informing me that they will not pay the £150 compensation that I’ve requested-- I’VE NEVER ASKED FOR COMPANSATION OF ANY KIND I just want my £85.90 back!!! 3/They have said they will try and recover the money from the Shawbrook—despite me telling them numerous times that the money never went in to the Shawbrook and is still with Barclays but it's not in my account.
  16. I did indeed point out your points in 3 emails but they now ignoring me!!! There is no doubt the cash is still in their system. I cannot believe how bad they are at remembering what I've posted. In one sentence they used my correct first name then called me something totally different!!! After my first mail to them they replied telling me that they couldn't pay me £150 compensation, I replied pointing out their error that I'd never asked for compensation!!! I do wonder if the fact they're looking rather incompetent is the reason for ignoring me!! Looks to me like I'm dealing with 8 year olds from India Will post a complaint draft tonight when I'm free Thanks
  17. Hi slick The payment was to myself, 2 payments out of currant acc but only one sent to Building Soc!! Build Soc sent me an email conforming they only received ONE amount of £58.90 and not 2 So the other payment is still with Barclays somewhere, I think the problem with their site not working properly the second payment was not actioned after it was shown as sent? Thanks
  18. On the 19/04 I transfered the above amount from my barclays currant acc to a building Soc in my name. The site was running VERY slow and I pressed send but nothing happened so I pressed again and then a message came on screen not to press again. I then found out that 2 withdrawels had been made instead of 1. I contacted my Build Soc who confirmed they only received 1 payment, so I mailed Barclays who are just fobbing me off and saying to contact the payee (who is me) despite telling them numerous times that I was the payee etc they still fob me off saying they cannot do anything alse! The £58.90 is obviously swirling around in their system because of their SLOW site that malfunctioned Please, please can anyone help it feels like I'm on a roundabout and cannot get off!!!! Thanks
  19. It was ebay that instructed paypal to collect the wrong amount from my Santander credit card, ebay automatically deduct selling fee's and don't check if the item has been paid for
  20. I advertised an item on ebay but the winning bidder changed his mind and wouldn't collect I had to re list it at the same time I complained to ebay about the situation and got a reply back, so they knew the situation I was in. I re-listed and sold it and got paid, however when my statement came it showed they'd debited my Santander credit card for the first time the item was sold but not paid for/collected I contacted ebay but they said I was out of the time scale for a refund and to claim on my credit card which I did. I put in a section 75 claim with Santander CC and they rejected it. Help what can I do as I thought I was covered using my CC.
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