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Jimmy Corkhill75

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  1. I used their form but made it very clear that they had no right to touch my credit score, any bs about promoting responsible lending is a red herring because they are a debt collector and if any of their actions affect my ability to obtain credit they will face a civil action as well as complaints etc.
  2. oh i also told them that they are not allowed to touch my credit file and if there is any footprint i would start a civil action against them.
  3. I told them to stop messing about, im not paying a penny and get it sorted or they would see me in court and they would be laughed out of court due to my legal right to defer. told them i know what they are doing in trying to convert genuine deferrers into payers and if they dont sort it i will utilise their complaints procedure and following that the ombudsman. Put it all in writing and got it sorted. Not even a direct debit on my account. been checking daily
  4. Ok, update. I thought long and hard and decided the only way to deal with them was to go in hard. I did just that and treated them with the contempt they deserve. The result is that my loan is now deferred, there is no direct debit on my account and there shouldn't be any footprint on my credit score. I will check the credit score in the next month or so.
  5. Iv already said I want to defer so it should be clear i'm earning under the threshold. Delays have occurred due to them not receiving my form or claiming they never received it. I was talking about whether I should pay them while the deferral process is going through so as to preserve my credit score and then look at claiming the money back. What i might do is go through the deferal process but back it up with the CCA request so i have it as a back up and it shows them i might cause them trouble if they try any funny stuff with me
  6. Surely its just delaying the inevitable. Erodio get the signed agreements from the original student loans company and then they enforce the debt.
  7. I have but the info seems to be all over the place. There is no clear step by step guide and what is expected to be achieved by sending off that CCA letter.
  8. I have deferred every year and age 39 so a good way off having it written off.
  9. History of the loan is that i took out three loans between 1997 and 2000. Never paid a penny back cos i have always been under the deferment threshold. Its now at a total of around £7000 I did indeed fall for the paper work. I filled it all in when i received it but they claim they never received it. They are sending me another deferment pack to fill in
  10. My only concern is over my credit score. I need this. So do i pay them while they are sorting out the deferral
  11. Really worried. I sent back deferral forms months ago and heard nothing back and forgot all about it. Yesterday received a letter to say i was 2 months in arrears and to make payment asap. I phoned and they said they had never received the forms. When i filled out the original forms months ago, i had to phone them to request another form as i messed up the original. They had a record of this request and sending this out to me. This surely at least indicates that i wanted to defer. The girl i spoke to said she would send out another form which would take ten days and i should send it back via email. I will also send it by snail mail. She said they would not be contacting credit reference agencies until i was 3 months in arrears so i have one more month. My fear though is that it will not be processed in time and i will be blacklisted. I have always had an excellent credit rating and i hate the idea of them trashing my credit score. What is the best way to proceed? Do i pay them until i get the loan deferred? All in all they seem to be a truly horrible company. Even their terms and conditions read in a very cocky and aggressive way
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