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Everything posted by mbatenze1

  1. Okay sorry 4 the mistake made b'se just joined the site may you help show how to start my own blog b'se still not yet familiar with this helpful site. Cheers, Mb
  2. Hello to everyone out there, I have been out of UK since June 2006 and came bank in December 2012 but recently discovered that Barclays issued two loans 2006 in August while abroad to someone I don't know and but was written off eventually. I went ballistic about this this week when visited my local building society. Lowell Telephone provider ltd £48, with a/c start date 24/11/2008 and default of date 2009 and Arrow Global ltd has placed £421 on my a/c start date 18/12/2006 respectively but all this has made me very furious and gone ballistic all this week and now no longer having sleepless nights. I contacted Barclays and told me that the loans were written off long time ago but on my credit score still showing and gave me a print out .For Lowell telephone provider during those years never made any contract with any company in fact was unemployed at the time, and the time of the a/c open was out of UK already and for Arrow Global ltd also a/c default and opening was still out of UK. Historically, I once lost my bag on one of the local buses in Manchester around 2004 which had all my bank cards, travel pass, wallet and ID cards because was from my job interview from one of the local employment agency and also was in shared accommodation and had a computer in the common room . This helped us all to the basic needs to the net like socialisation, job search. and job application used to fill them there also. I suspect that this is one of the places the fraudster a gained access to my details All the above honestly and truthfully I have been not aware of it at all not until now. My passport shows all the used issued visas used at the time and please, please please, please ............. need any help how I should go to clear my name. God bless you all, Thx M. B
  3. Exactly, it happened to me and now strangling really but have written to both creditors and one bank ( Barclays ) though written off but still showing as default. I defiantly need more help guys since been out of UK since 2006 came back in 2012 but this has affected my credit file.
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