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  1. Thanks for your response. I received a call from the council a few days ago and they're saying that, as I was sent a letter detailing the breakdown of the payments, I should have called them to say it was wrong. But how was I supposed to know? I will appeal further but I don't see it doing much good unfortunately, sigh. I love how they can make a mistake and it becomes yours for not pointing it out!
  2. Thanks for your reply. 1) 17th June 2014 2) 21st June 2014 3) 30th June 2014 For some reason there is a £71.50 overpayment dated 5th July 2014 on my account. Sigh.
  3. Update: I just got a letter from them. My appeal has been rejected. They have said they took into account my full income and the amount is still recoverable from me How does that make sense at all? They're saying they were aware of my full income, still made the decision to pay me but I am still accountable for the overpayment? It says income used was as follows: Your Student Grant of £110.90 per week Your Child Benefit of £20.50 per week (this is disregarded as part of your income) Your Child Tax Credit of £63.97 and your Maternity Allowance of £138.18 But they say they have not made an error. I am going to appeal to the tribunal, but need a little help in what to write. Thanks guys.
  4. Thank you! Is there anything in particular I need to do to prove my case or is this relatively straightforward? She took the document that states how much maternity bursary I'm getting with her and I'm sure she photocopied it..
  5. Hi all, Just wondering if I could grab some advice. I am a student nurse on maternity leave and also a single Mum. I receive a maternity bursary, maternity allowance, child tax credits and child benefit. I was advised to apply for Housing Benefit, so I went to the housing office and made an appointment. I brought all my financial information with me, and made the housing advisor fully aware that I was a student. She made the decision to not take my student maternity bursary into account as she wasn't sure if she was supposed to. They made a calculation that I should receive some housing benefit (most of my rent). Two weeks down the line I get a letter telling me I owe them £143 overpayment. I have submitted a letter of appeal, but just wanted some advise if possible please. I mean, if I wasn't entitled, that's fine but how is it fair that they make the wrong decision and I must pay for it down the line? I was 100% honest and open with them about my status and income! Thanks in advance x
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