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  1. Just wanted to provide an update that after writing a letter to the fcc prosecution department and talking to the prosecutions manager I have been able to settle out of court and just pay them a fee, I also just wanted to say thanks to everyone on here for providing the help and assistance that you did!
  2. So in the letter is all I need to do explain what happened with the rpi, apologise and ask them to settle out of court? If they don't want to settle out of court can I still get a criminal record from a byelaw offence because I'm worried it would affect me visiting family in America aswell if it does!
  3. Do you think there's a good chance of settling out of court as they're prosecuting under byelaw 18 instead of section 5! And does prosecution under bye law 18 lead to a criminal record or not?
  4. I have an update and was hoping for some more help! I have received a letter from the prosecution department but first of all they have for my name wrong I don't know if this affects anything, secondly they have no stated under what law or by-law they intend to prosecute under and lastly it says my offence is entering a train for the purpose of travelling without a ticket entitling travel when I was stopped trying to leave the station not trying to get on a train, what should I do now?
  5. And with regards to realising I had the wrong ticket should I stick with my same story of seeing the penalty fare notices and lying because I panicked? Also if they do encounter a lot of 18+ on child's tickets do they investigate all cases and proceed with them all? I just can't afford to get a criminal record and will do anything to avoid one
  6. So even though they may ask me for version of events I should leave out that it was the first time? What should I say as to what the reason I purchased the child ticket if I shouldn't mention that I thought I could as I'm a student?
  7. Thanks for your help! As my story seems to not ring as wholly truthful even though it is how could I reword it or phrase it better then?
  8. Thank you for this! Do you think they may let me settle it out of court if I do this and actively seek to resolve the matter, I can't afford to get a criminal record it would ruin my life and it is causing me a lot of distress
  9. Now you're starting to scare me! What would you advise is the best course of action to take? I don't want to leave the country now!
  10. My concern is though is if they contact me whilst I am on holiday and miss the time limit they place on me to reply with my version of events and therefore not being able to settle out of court possibly. What reasons do they have to possibly not contact me about the situation?
  11. Surely if I change my story that would make things worse as I would be lying! It honestly is the first time, I don't live very close to the train station and have no reason to take the train as my parents drive me wherever I need to go! I definitely did go to the ticket office, in hindsight I should of asked the staff their about my ticket when I saw the sign but again when I saw the sign I became really anxious and panicked in my head. I would literally do anything to keep this out of court, on research I've seen people settle out of court by paying the admin fee which is around £110 the £20 penalty fare and the full correct adult fare of the journey taken
  12. It happened earlier this week! 6-8 weeks is exactly when I am meant to be out of the country, if I called up in about 2 weeks explaining that I'm worried I will be out of the country when the letter arrives do you think they'll allow me to settle the matter early?
  13. This was a first offence as I don't travel by train ever really due to where I live, is it likely I will be able to get them to settle out of court as it would affect my current job, any future job application and applying for university! I am more than willing to pay the admin fees the penalty fee and the cost of the correct adult ticket which I would have done at the time if I was told I need an adult ticket! My main concern is that I am out of the country for two weeks soon and I am afraid that the letter will come while I am away and therefore miss my chance to put my side of the story across, I don't know whether it is worth calling the prosecution department in two weeks if I have not received a letter as I would like to try and resolve the issue before I go abroad. The whole situation is causing me a lot of stress, I've not been sleeping well at night, had a loss of appetite and am constantly crying and anxious about everything
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